
Reincarnated in the DC Universe with (Anime) Harem System

When given that chance of a life time, Mer Ambrosius took the choice to reincarnate into a fictional world with a smile on his face. Only one problem though... he got reincarnated into DC, but luckily he has a system unluckily(?) its a Harem System. Join Mer on his journey to find a way to get the Fuck out of DC and hope on over the DXD. But one problem remains HOW exactly will he do it.

Kill_it_with_fire · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 3 | Zanpakutō

Clicking on the [Shinigami Starter Pack] a golden Screen appeared infront of me, on it read...

[Hi Albert,

This is God, with a capital G. I added this gift since you'd need something to help you adjust to your new world. It contains everything you'll need to be a decent Shinigami and survive in what ever world you end up in. Also if you want to find out which world your in just ask your system. I didn't name her so you do it, I'll even add it as a Main Mission.

P.S. I chose a name that would work in most of the worlds you could have ended up in.]


[New Main Mission Generated: [Name your System]]

[Items [Basics on Reiryoku][Basics of Zanjutsu] [Basics of Hakuda] [Basics of Hohō] [Basics of Kidou] have been added to [Storage]] 

[Item [Shinigami Attire] has been added to [Storage]]

[Item [Credit Card ($50,000 USD)] has been added to your [Storage]]

Reading through the note and the the items I had just received, my mouth began to water as I saw the books on handling Spiritual Power and fighting techniques as well as the $50,000 USD credit card.

Shaking my head I first asked the system about the burning question on my mind.

''Hey system, what world is this?''

[It is not a canon DC world, instead it's another earth. The one it's closest related to, that you would recognize, is Young Justice. Though their are many differences it is closely related to that world.]

''Wait so it's Young Justice! phew~ that's not to bad... Well except a few events. Wait Young Justice starts in 2010, what year is it now?''

[It is currently 2002 February 20, your birthday. The Justice League will form in about a year, in February of 2003, with the invasion of the Appellaxians.]

''Wait so the Justice League hasn't even formed yet?'' My eyes widened as I realized.

[Yes, the 7 heroes who founded the Justice league will team up to defeat the Appellaxians early 2003.]

''That barely gives me any time... But I could use this...''

I said as I mull over my plans and fall deep into my thoughts.

''It'll be tight but I think I can do it.''

I resolve myself as I decide my next course of action...

''I'll become a founding member!...hopefully.''

[Host, would you like to give me a name?] The system suddenly asked, and I was reminded about my new mission.

''Ok, lets do that first...hmm...'' I said as I began deliberating the name I'll give her, suddenly I recalled a name I really liked...

''Aroura.'' I said content with the name. 

[Updating system name to [Aroura]... Name initialized.]

[Thank you for the name host.]

''I'm glad you like it.'' I responded and a bell sounded in my ear.


[Main Mission: [Name Your System] completed]

[Distributing rewards...]

[Item [No-Face Mask] has been added to your [Storage]]

[Item [Scarf of Ass kicking (color changing)] has been added to your [Storage]]

Reading the notification, I finally decide to open the [Storage] and look at what I have.

''Aroura, open storage.''

[Understood opening storage...]

As she says that a panel blinks into existence in front of me.



[Zanpakutō: ???] [Basics on Reiryoku] [Basics of Zanjutsu] [Basics of Hakuda] [Basics of Hohō] [Basics of Kidou]] [Shinigami Attire] [Credit Card ($50,000 USD)] [No-Face Mask][Scarf of Ass Kicking (color changing)]


Looking through the storage I knew the [Basics of...] books where just guide books for learning the Shinigami fighting styles. The Credit Card was self explanatory but I was interested in the other items.

First I checked out my Zanpakutō...


Zanpakutō: ???

The strongest ice-type Zanpakutō, ??? has the ability to generate and control ice from the moisture in the air. Due to the soul of the user ??? has the potential to surpass it's canon counterpart

Zanpakutō Spirit (expand)

Shikai: (Locked)

Bankai: (Locked)


Noticing the Zanpakutō Spirit tab, I decided to be cautious and ask.

''Hey Aroura, will my Zanpakutō spirit try to kill me because I'm not Toshiro?''

[No. This version of Hyōrinmaru is a new born Zanpakutō Spirit and frankly it won't care either way since it is your Zanpakutō Spirit. Also it may very differently than it's canons equivalent due to being affected by your unique soul.]

''Ok that's good anyways, why does it's name not show up?''

[That is due to you not having called it's name and you not having enough spiritual pressure to hear it's voice.]

''Oh that make sence, but luckily I know it's name... but first...''

I press the expand button just in case to make sure he doesn't want to kill me...


Zanpakutō Spirit: ???

Gender: Female

Spirit Type: ??? Dragon

Current State: New Born Spirit

[Wants to be of use to you.]


''Wait since when have you been a girl!?'' I say baffled as I stare at the sword.

I'm sure I remember him turning into a dude during one of those filler arcs. So what happened? Is this the power of anime logic?

[It was affected by your drastically different soul that is far from what a normal soul from [Bleach] would be like, causing a few changes to it. One of these changes is that it's gender has changed.]

''Ok I guess that makes sense.'' I nod dumbly as I'm still busy staring at the sword in my hand.

''Anyways I might as well as try it now. ''

Steadying my feet, I grasp the sword with both hands and take a breath, then I quitly whisper it's name.


Suddenly my vision darkens and I find my self in an infinite frozen waste land, the sky above far more vibrant than the white coated ground.

All kinds of colors and stars painted the sky, endless Aroura's stretching across the horizon and shooting stars bathed in the sky. Their where no clouds in sight just an endless cosmos above.

Staring at the sky I found myself entrap within it's beuty without my knowledge time flew by and I lost my self to the sky. Suddenly I felt a force pulling me back to myself and my eyes widened as I took a knee and drew heavy breaths. It felt as if I had reached nirvana but at the same time I couldn't understand it. For some reason I couldn't remember any of the details of the sky I had just witnessed, almost as if I wasn't allowed to remember it.

Turning my head to the side to look at the thing that had woken me up from that state, I saw a small white chinses dragon, barely the length of my arm. Seeing it caught my attention it cutely nestled into my arms, flabbergasted by it's antics I slowly stroked it head.

It's scales that looked sharp and cold like shards of opaque ice where oddly comfortable. It's little white wings on its body nestled inwards as if inviting me to pet it as the tiny dragon pushed it's head into my chest. Oddly it was cute.

''Where you lonely waiting for me?'' I asked in a soft voice, as if to confirm my question it nestled it's head deeper into me.

''I'm sorry for making you wait, Hyōrinmaru.'' I said and than it leaned back and wrapped itself around my neck loosely like a scarf with it's head beside mine.

I couldn't help my self from laughing at it's adorable actions and stroked it's head once again. Looking around I smiled and walked towards the horizon, with no destination in sight, as I did so the little dragon slowly fell asleep.

'Aroura, do you know why the sky is like that?' I asked in my head not wanting to disturb the literal sleeping dragon.

[It is due to God adjusting and fixing your soul. The sky represents the power of God, not something anyone should touch much less stare at.]

However with Aroura's words the dragon raised it's head and looked around confused.

My eyes widened at this, can it hear Aroura?

'Aroura, does she know about the system?'

[No, but it won't matter, it is loyal to you no matter what.]

Aroura said and the dragon hurriedly searched for the source of the sound. Not finding it, it unwrapped from my neck and stood protectively in front of me, suddenly the entire expanse was frozen solid as the little dragon roared.

Seeing things start to get out of hand, I quickly wrapped the dragon in my embrace and calmed it down.

''it's ok, that was Aroura, a friend.'' I whispered, as I stroked it trying to calm it.

Seemingly understanding my words it stared into my eyes and nodded lightly, then fell into my embrace and nestled against my chest.

Slightly confused I asked Aroura.

'Aroura why is it so attached to me, and why does it keep nestling against me?'

[For your first questions, Zanpakutō's are extremally protective and caring for their owners. Some Zanpakutōs even develop romantic attachment to their owners. For your second question, it is imprinting on you.]

With Aroura's explanation, the little dragon flinches but dose not react, seemingly trying to get used to hearing Aroura's voice.

'Imprinting like a child to a mother?' I asked slightly touched it saw me as family.

[No, imprinting like a mate.] Aroura said and if on que, Hyōrinmaru lightly bit into my arm.

''Ouch!?'' I yell as it's teeth sink into my arm, however I start feeling light headed and my vision begins to darken.


My body hits the floor as I lose conscious.