
Reincarnated in Tensura as a Red Slime

A man found himself on a sidewalk. Next to him, he saw a man that looked familiar to him. It was Satoru Mikami, the protagonist of That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime. Just when he was trying to figure out the situation, a man with a knife ran in their direction. 'Where am I? What's going on? Is that Satoru?' Follow the adventures of our MC and, his brother, Rimuru! --- A/N: Heyo! Author-san here. This is my second fan-fic. Let's hope that I complete this. --- *Random update schedule* *NO HAREM* *Male MC* *Word count will be 1000-5000* *I found the picture on Pinterest and did a little editing*

Fluffy_Star · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Orc Disaster

*MC's POV*

I had just finished my sword and was on my way to Rimuru. When I arrived, I saw everyone was ready to set off to the marshlands. Rimuru saw me and said.

"Oh, Rikuzu! You're just in time, I was about to call you." He was already mounted on top of Ranga waiting for me.

"Hey, Rimuru, I was forging my sword all night and just finished it this morning," I took my sword out of my demi-plane and show it to Rimuru," This is a Legend-class katana that I made, I named her "End", isn't she a beauty?"

Rimuru seemed to be analyzing it and he gave a jealous look. I was expecting that because my sword is much better than his.

"Your naming sense is terrible, but that's a good sword, could you perhaps make me one as well?" He looked a bit embarrassed to ask me that.

"Your naming sense is no better! And nope, Kaijin and Kurobe stayed up until the whole process was finished. They will make you a sword using what they learned from me. I am sure they can make a sword, as good as mine," I said.

"Fine" Rimuru sounded dejected.

"Raiga, come out! Let's go to the marshlands." I called out to Raiga.

"Hai" Raiga sounded excited about the upcoming battle.

Everyone, except for the sleeping Kaijin and Kurobe, said their farewells. We all rode on the wolves and headed to the Lizardmen tribe. We set up camps during the night and took breaks when the wolves were tired. As we were closing in on our destination, Souei used thought communication.

('Rikuzu-sama, Rimuru-sama, a moment?')

('What's up, Souei') Rimuru asked.

('I've come across two groups currently engaged in battle. One of them is a personal guard to the Lizardman chieftain. She appears to be fighting a high-ranking orc, there are also over 15 orcs surrounding her. What action shall I take?') He reported.

('Kill all the orcs, Souei') I ordered. Rimuru looked surprised by this statement.


"Do you really think he can kill them all?" Rimuru asked me.


After a while, we arrived at the bloody scene. There were orc corpses laying everywhere. We went to Souei who was supporting the chieftain's daughter on the ground.

"She is gravely injured," He said as Rimuru walked over and fed her a full potion. She tried to cough it off.

"Don't worry, it's a healing potion," As Rimuru said that, she drank the rest of the potion. Her wounds quickly healed and she got up, confused.

"M-My wound... I thought it was fatal," She looked at us, "Wh-Who are you?"

"I am Rimuru Tempest and this is my brother, Rikuzu Tempest." He pointed at me. When she heard that, she instantly prostrated herself.

"I must ask a favor of you! Please save my father, the Lizardman chieftain, and my idiot brother Gabiru!" She begged.

"You're Gabiru's sister?" Rimuru asked

"I am"

"What happened?"

"My brother led a rebellion and imprisoned the chieftain. I believe he intends to repel the Orc army on his own, but he has underestimated the Orc Lord. If we take no action, the Lizardmen will surely be exterminated. My father helped me escape during a lapse in the guard's attention. I am aware that this is a selfish request after we broke our promise to not interfere in this fight, but I beg of you, please...please!" Her voice was trembling. Shion suddenly stood in front of her and place a hand on her shoulder.

"Well said, indeed! That you recognize our lords' greatness means you have potential!" Shion was glowing, literally.

"H-Hey, Shion..." Rimuru tried to speak but was ignored.

"Come now, stand up. I'm certain the Lizardmen can be saved, just as you hoped!"

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Rimuru, who's seeing this, just sighed, "What choice do we have? We'll be fighting the Orc Lord, either way." He went ahead and made the alliance using the female lizardmen as a proxy.

"Souei, use your shadow movement go save the Chieftain," I said

"Hai" He instantly disappeared.

"The rest of us will continue our march!"



Right now, we are on a cliff in the marshlands. There, we could see everything that's going on down there. In all the chaos, thousands of orcs are surrounding Gabiru and his men. I turned around, facing my companions.

"Raiga, Ranga, and the goblin riders go save that idiot Gabiru. The rest of you can rampage as much as you want. Although, I said you guys can rampage freely, don't kill too much, leave some for me too. Does everyone get that?"


"Then go!" They all rushed into battle. Me and Rimuru spread our wings and took off in the air. As we watch the battle from above, we can see giant black flame domes covering thousands of orcs, killing them instantly. This action repeated over and over again. Ranga and Raiga used their skill <Death Storm>. They summoned multiple tornados and lightning, wiping the whole floor with the orcs. Hakuro is slicing them up like slicing sashimi. Shion used her Hercules Edge to slash the orcs. She occasionally looked up at us waving her hands.

"Ugh, I told them to leave some for me!" Seeing this, I screamed in front of Rimuru.

"Hahaha, I think they want to show us what they're capable of." He replied.

"Then I think they should also see what their masters are capable of," I grinned evilly.

"You sure about this?" Rimuru asked in doubt.

"Yup, what's the worse that could happen."

Then I used thought combination.

('All Kijins, gather near Gobta, I don't want you guys getting hurt by what I'm about to do.')

('''Hai''') After they gathered together, they looked up at me in anticipation. I'm sure Milim will be really interested in this and the other three will be scared shitless. I scanned the area and found where there are many orcs. I checked to see if there is future Geld or the Orc Lord and they weren't there, so the coast is clear.

"Watch me Rimuru," As I said that, Rimuru backed off quite a bit.

'Solomon, regulate my magicules so that only around 50,000 orcs die.'


"Then let's start, <Dragonoid Transformation>!" I then grew two red horns on my forehead, a red dragon tail between my buttocks, red scales on my limbs, claws on my fingertips, and my hair spiked up like Gilgamesh. (A/N: sorry I did not find a good Pic, so you guys imagine it) I can feel my power has been amplified and was ready to fire at any moment. Rimuru and all the subordinates just gawked at the scene. Seeing that, my grin grew wider. As I was about to use my skill, magicules rapidly began to gather around. The air around me glowed purple and blue.

"<Dragon Breath Cannon>!" With a loud boom, I shot out a massive purple beam at the orcs below me. Every orc that made contact with it died instantly and the rubbles that blew to the sides killed all the surrounding orcs. Unexpectedly, the beam continued and headed straight into the forest. It finally stopped after one mile in the forest. In front of me, there was a line of glowing lava that continued for miles. I just hope Treyni won't ask me for compensation.

'Solomon, didn't you regulate my magicules?!' I questioned.

[Failure in calculation]

[Cause of failure....lack of experience in.....using new skill]

'...Don't put the blame on me! Sigh, did you just want to see the destructiveness of this skill?'

[...may-error...unable to understand.]

'Fine, but this is the last time you're doing it ok?'


'What a troublesome partner'

'Anyways, give me the death count'

[69,052 orcs died and 497 trees died]

'I think I should go plant some trees, later'

I deactivated my dragonoid form and turn to Rimuru.

"Ahahaha, d-didn't see that coming." I scratch the back of my neck.

"What's the worse that could happen my ASS! Look what you did! You destroyed this whole area, it even continued into the forest!" Rimuru yelled at me.

"Come on, Rimuru, don't be so angry. I will fix it later." I then tried to change the subject,"Oh look, there is the Orc Lord. It's your turn to fight." I pointed at the Orc Lord

"Hey, don't chan-" As Rimuru was about to retort, something dashed between us and landed in front of the Orc Lord. As the smoke dispersed, I could see the idiot wearing a plague doctor mask.

"How dare you ruin the great Gelmud-sama's plans?! If not for you, a new Demon Lord who would have done my bidding was about to be born!" Gelmud yelled. It seems that he just ignored what I just did. Maybe he is just blind.

"Oh! It's Gelmud-sama!" Gabiru exclaimed, "What brings you here, could it be you've come to help us?"

"You useless idiot!"

"""Huh?""" Gabiru and his companions were confused

"Just become a meal for the Orc Lord already! A useless fool like you will never be more than a nuisance! So be eaten by the Orc Lord and become his streng-" Just as he was about to finish his villain speech, I landed in front of him, creating a small crater.

"Just shut up already," I lazily said

"W-Who do you think you are t-to talk to the great Gelmud-sama like that! I am a superior maji-ack" I appeared in front of him and lifted him up by his throat. He tried to free himself from my grip but ultimately failed.

"A superior what? You are nothing but an insect in my eyes" I coldly said.


"Shut up," I looked right into his eyes. Acting as if I was surprised, I said, "Hoh? It seems that I was right."

Rimuru landed beside me and asked, "What were you right about?"

"It seems that he really is the mastermind behind this."

"Who, Gelmud?"

"Nope, that Clayshit guy is watching us through this idiot right now ." I answered and decided to give Clayman a message, "Kufufu, I know that you are seeing this, Clayman~ and I hope you listen well. Try to mess with this forest again and I'll kill you, that's all."

"What are you going to do with Gelmud?" Rimuru asked

"I will feed him to the Orc Lord," Hearing my answer, Rimuru looked disgusted, "Oh don't be like that, the Orc Lord will become a demon lord seed if he eats Gelmud."

"Are you sure about that?" Rimuru asked ignoring the panicking Gelmud.

"Of course, believe in me" I turned to the Orc Lord, "Hey big guy!" He turned his attention to me.

"Here, eat this idiot" I snapped Gelmud's neck and threw it to the Orc Lord. He immediately bent down and started eating his own master. After he consumed Gelmud, a massive ominous aura, poured out of him. Black smoke, swirled around him and disappeared, indicating that he finished evolving. Everyone, except me, tensed up and was ready to fight this menace. The Orc Lord, now Orc Disaster, stood up.

"Roarrr, I am the Orc Disaster! I am the one who will devour all in this world! My name is Geld, Geld the Demon Lord!" He declared

"Go get him, Brother!" I cheered him and stood next to Benimaru.

"Rikuzu-sama, are you sure about this?" Benimaru asked

"Yup, I am. Although, Rimuru a weaker physically, his advantage come from his skills. The Orc Disaster will be defeated, let us all just watch the show from the sidelines," I answered. I saw Rimuru's eyes turned robotically red, ready to fight. On the side of the enemy, Geld's aura turned into four snake-like shapes.

"Devour all! Chaos Eater!" The Orc Disaster sent the snakes to Rimuru. Rimuru, or should I say, Great Sage, nimbly evaded all the attacks and appeared in front of his enemy. Using his sword, coated with black flames, he cut off his enemy's arm. He then proceeded to cut the oversized butcher knife, startling the Orc Disaster.

Trying to remove the black flames, Geld ripped off what was left of his arm. A disgusting green aura poured out of him and he quickly regenerated his arm. Suddenly, pink glowing orbs appeared on each of his hands. He launched the death march dance skill to Rimuru.

"This time, I will eat you!" He said

When Rimuru was using predator on the projectiles, the Orc Disaster appeared behind, grabbing him.

"Hahaha, I'm going to devour you right now!"

Rimuru's eyes turned bright orange and a Flare Circle appeared beneath them. A large flaming pillar engulfed them both, but the enemy was still fine.

"It appears fire has no effect on me," Geld said

"Is that right? You might have been happier burning to death. I've acknowledged you as an enemy. Now I'll take you on for real." Rimuru said.

"Hahaha, laughable! Does that mean you weren't serious before now? There is nothing more you can do! Just accept that I'm going to eat you!" Green smoke began pouring out of his hand.

"Before you can eat me, I'm going to eat you. You see, I'm a slime," Rimuru turn all slimy and started to consume Geld, "You're not the only one who can eat things! Will you eat me first, or will I eat you first? The one who completely consumes the other wins!"

Their eating battle began. Geld used his corrosion on Rimuru, but Rimuru quickly regenerated. It took a while for Rimuru's slime body to completely cover Geld. As the Orc Disaster was finally predated, the slime turn back into his human form.

"Told you so," I turned to Benimaru. He just sheepishly chuckled at my comment. Everyone then cheered at Rimuru's victory. While that was happening, I appeared in front of the son of the Orc Disaster. He was startled by my appearance, so I calmed him down.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"Huh?" He looked confused.

"We will be having a meeting in the Lizardmen Chieftain's throne room. You, as the son of the Orc Disaster, will be required to attend. You will be representing the orcs and can also bring some of your companions, got that?" I said


To be continued-

(2,388 words)


A/N: Hello readers, I just want to inform you that new chapters will be updated between 3-10 days. I spent the first week of my school holiday writing this fanfic, and will now focus more on my studies. I really need to review my AP courses, so I hope you all understand. Byeee🥲

P.S: Put some reviews in there. 😉