
Reincarnated in Tensura as a Red Slime

A man found himself on a sidewalk. Next to him, he saw a man that looked familiar to him. It was Satoru Mikami, the protagonist of That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime. Just when he was trying to figure out the situation, a man with a knife ran in their direction. 'Where am I? What's going on? Is that Satoru?' Follow the adventures of our MC and, his brother, Rimuru! --- A/N: Heyo! Author-san here. This is my second fan-fic. Let's hope that I complete this. --- *Random update schedule* *NO HAREM* *Male MC* *Word count will be 1000-5000* *I found the picture on Pinterest and did a little editing*

Fluffy_Star · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Dwargon / My Destined One?

(A/N: This is a super long chapter, your welcome:)


3rd POV

"So you're telling me that they simply disappeared into thin air?"

"Yup," I said smiling

'Those guys will mess with Rimuru's students in the future, I was just preventing that from happening.'

'''If you're going to lie, make it more believable!''' Everyone who was hearing this thought.

"Captain! We've got trouble! There's an Armorsauus in the mine!"

"What?! Where's the suppression force?"

"They're already on their way, but Garm and his brothers were deep in the mine gathering magic ores, and they were badly hurt!"

"Do we have potions?"

"Not enough, we've allotted most of them to war preparations."

"Ugh, those guys are like brothers to me! W-We can't waste time, start looking for potions!"


('Yes, yes, I know')

"Sir," Rimuru tapped Kaidou's back.

"Gather all you can, whatever it takes!"


"Huh?" Kaidou turned around and saw Rimuru, "How dare you leave your cell?!"

"Now, now, this isn't a time for that, is it? Look, you need that, don't you?" Pointing at the barrel of full potions.

"What's that?"

"Healing potions. The best around, you can drink it or apply it directly!"


"Why not give it a try?"

Kaidou opened the cell and lifted the barrel.

"Captain! You're going to believe that monster?!"

"We don't have time, let's go!"

"Yes, Captain Kaidou!"

"You'd better stay in your cell," Kaidou said leaving


"Thank you, sir!" Kaidou thundered as he stormed into the room, head bowed. The miners filed in behind him.

"You're the one with the potions? Thanks a ton!"

"My arm was pretty torn up. I didn't think I'd ever work again, even if I survived… Thank you!"


'''Say something!'''

"You're Welcome"

"All right," Kaidou said, "you're free to go. Sorry I kept you all in here for so long—I was beholden to keep you overnight, at least. Apologies!"

"Oh, no, no. It saved me one night's hotel cost, at least."

"Glad you see it that way. Here, let me make it up to you. I can introduce you to a talented blacksmith I know!"

"That would be perfect. Thank you!"

With that, Rimuru and Rikuzu were led to the blacksmith. Gobta was asleep, so they both left him hanging upside down.

"Brother! You in there?!" shouted Kaido who walked into a small shop.

"What is it, brother? I heard Garm and his brothers were badly injured, are they ok?"

"Kaijin, we're fine, thanks for worrying," said Garm who was in the back.

"Glad to hear that," Kaijin glanced at the slime brothers," So, who are the boy and the slime?"

"Their names are Rikuzu and Rimuru. They are the ones that helped us."

"Their potions were amazing!"


Hearing that Kaijin bowed.

"Thank you for having them."

"No problem."Rikuzu said.

"So," Kaijin said, rearing back a bit, "what brings you here today?"

"We're here to recruit some blacksmith to help teach our villagers on building houses and weapons."

"I see, but I'm sorry, I can't accept. You see, I got an impossible order from someone," he continued, tapping at his head, "I managed to pull an all-nighter to get an order for two hundred steel spears squared away…but I gotta come up with twenty longswords, too, and I only got one done. There's just no material!"

"Why don't you just say you can't fill the order?" Kaido asked.

"Fool! You think I didn't, at first? But that damned minister Vester told me, 'So you're saying the great Kaijin, renowned across the entire kingdom, can't even fill a simple order like this one? Is that it?' In front of the king himself, no less! Can you believe that damned idiot?!"

"What's the difference between lances and swords?" Rimuru asked.

"I need special ore for the longswords, magic ore. The spears are just simple steel spikes and that's not half of it. It takes a full day to complete even one of those swords. Even if I built an assembly line and streamlined everything I could, it'd still take me two weeks to make twenty. I have until the end of this week. First thing next week, I'm charged with delivering them to the king. It's a task for the kingdom, and every shop has been asked to do the same. If I can't, they could strip my artisan's license from me."

"Um, Kaijin-san?" Rikuzu asked.

"What is it?"

"Could you show me the longsword you made?"

"Sure" Kaijin handed the sword to Rikuzu.

"Just give me a second."

"Huh?" Kaijin was confused.


[Analysis complete, create 19 longswords? Yes/No]

'I did not even ask yet'


'You-sigh, Yes'

After a few seconds, everyone saw magicules leaving Rikuzu's body, forming 19 sword-like shapes in the air in front of him. The magicules quickly materialized forming 19 longswords dropping onto the floor. All the dwarves' eyes widen in shock, and Rimuru just rolled his eyes.

"Here you go, 19 longswords."


"How did you do that?"

"Fufu, it's a secret."

"Hahaha, this is great. Thank you Rikuzu-danna"

"No problem"

"Let me go deliver these and let's celebrate." Kaijin quickly went out with the swords and delivered them to the king. Everyone in the shop kept on asking how he did it, but Rikuzu did not answer. After a while, the door slammed open showing an excited Kaijin.

"Rimuru-danna, Rikuzu-danna, how old are you guys?"

"Don't worry, although I may look young, I'm actually of legal age. Rimuru's age is probably over 40." As Rikuzu said that Rimuru felt an imaginary arrow struck his body.

'Ack, D-Did I look that old.' Rimuru thought back at his human self.

"Great! I want to invite you both to a bar to celebrate"

"It's ok, you don't have to"

Rimuru tried to decline.

"It's called Butterflies of the night" Garm added

"Seriously, you guy really don't have to."

"There are pretty elf ladies there y'know"

"Let's go!"

After that everyone except for Kaidou was in front of the bar. Kaijin opened the door and everyone walked in.

"""Welcome, sirs!"""

All the elf lolis, normal girls, and onee-sans greeted.

"Oooh, look at you, cutie!"

"Aww, I saw him first!!"

Immediately all the normal girls and lolis rushed over to Rimuru. They fought over him playfully. Rimuru was flying through heaven. The two white and one dark skin onee-sans walked to Rikuzu and started to pat him. Sometimes hugged him, squeezing his head between their breasts. Kaijin and the dwarves who saw this grinned and gave them some thumbs up.

"Ara~, are you sure you should be here?"

"Yea, you look quite young to be here."

"Don't worry, I may look like a child, but I'm older than you than you think and besides I'm actually a red slime, this is my human form."

Everyone except Rimuru was surprised.

"Huh, really?" Kaijin, who heard this, asked

"Yup," Rikuzu lifted his arm, it turned all slimy, and quickly reverted back to normal.

"What a surprise!" Kaijin and the others quickly accept the fact that he is also a slime.

After some flirting here and there they settled on the couches.

"When I saw you create those swords, it felt vexing, not gonna lie. In the future, I will make better swords, not even you can copy."

"Haha, that's the spirit. Refill, please"

"Slime-san, can you even taste?"

"I can't, but any drink is delicious if a pretty lady pours it for me."

"Ara~, what a flirt slime-san, here you go."

"Slime-san, do you want to try this?" The dark elf onee-san, who was moving her hands in a wavy motion, asked, "I am very good at it"

Rimuru became flustered.

"Uh, t-that's, m-ma'am, we mustn't-"

"She meant fortune telling, brother."

"O-Of course, I knew that!"

The elves giggled and the dwarves laughed.

"So, what are you fortune telling?" Rimuru tried to change the topic.

"How about you destined one?"

"Great idea"

The dark elf did some gesture and messed with Rimuru saying that she didn't see anything.

"Just kidding" She made some gestures again and an image appeared in the crystal ball. It was five kids running up to a dark-haired woman with three burned scars on her cheek. It was Shizue Izawa, the conqueror of flames.

"That is one pretty girl, you're turning red y'know"

"Eh? I don't change colors!"

"Slime-san cheating on us."

" How about my brother, who's his destined one?"

"Yea, I am also curious"

"Well, let's see" She did the same gestures and an image appeared in the crystal ball. It was an 18-year-old-looking girl. She has a thin figure, her bosoms and butt are not too big, but not too small either. It was just the right size. She has long-red wavy hair with bright crimson eyes. She somewhat resembles Rizuku but was older and more feminine.

'Is that who I think it is?'


'Solomon, is that you?'

[….unable to calculate, answer not found]

'Hmm, she's maybe the evolution of Solomon. A manas.'

"I think I know who she is"

"Who?!" Rimuru asked

"You'll know in the future"

"You brothers are quite lucky. Being destined with such beauties." Kaijin said

"Than-" when Rikuzu was about to thank him, a voice interrupted him.

"Should you really be wasting time in a place like this, Kaijin?"

"Minister Vesta" Kaijin replied, holding back his anger.

"Is this a good time to be playing around? I believe the deadline for those longswords is.."

"I just sent them in"

"Of you don't get them finished in time...What? You sent them in?!"

"Yep, all twenty of them."

"B-But that's..."

"Want to see the invoice?"

"A-Ahem, is that so? Well, well, finishing your work in the time limit is to be expected. Yes, it's only to be expected. But I'm more concerned with those!"

""Eh, us?"" Rimuru and Rikuzu said

"You shouldn't bring such a lowly monster and an underage boy into a high-brow establishment like this. Do you want to get arrested? It's making me feel ill. Hey! Boss! You guys allowing monsters and children in here these days?"

"N-no," an older female manager called out, "but it's just a harmless slime and the boy is actually of legal age, so…"

"Uhh? It's still a monster! Ain't it? You saying a slime's not a monster anymore?! And that is clearly a human child! Do you think I'm blind?"

"N-No sir. Why don't you calm down a bit. Here, help yourself, " The lady gave Vesta a drink.

"Hmph. This is what should be done to monsters." He said as he pour the drink over Rimuru, but before it hit the slime, a black vortex came out of nowhere, devoured the drink and disappear.

"What do you think you are doing to my brother?" Rikuzu who was sitting beside Rimuru glared menacingly at Vesta.

"W-What brother are you talking about, boy. It's clearly a slime. Do you know who I am?! How dare you talk to me like tha-"

"Yes, yes, I know who you are. You are the Minister Vesta, are you not~?" Rikuzu answered with an evil smile, making Vesta sweat.

"T-That's right. I-If you know who I am, you should be bowin-"

"SHUT UP" Everyone went quiet.

"You shitty bo-"Vesta was about to retort until he felt a huge pressure on his face. Everyone saw Rikuzu disappear from his place and reappear in front of Vesta. His fist was locked onto Vesta's face, knocking him out cold. He use just enough strength so that Vesta's head won't explode. Kaijin, who saw this, had a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Rimuru-danna, Rikuzu-danna, you were looking for someone to help you, right? Would I be good enough, maybe?"

"That's what I've been wanting to hear. It'll be great working with you, Kaijin!" Rimuru exclaimed

A few minutes later, the door opened.

"My brother, my brother," muttered Kaido, a few security officers behind him. "What did you do this time?"

"Hmph! That fool!" As four knights dragged Kaijin away, he shouted and pointed a wild finger at the minister. "He practically spat in the face of Rimuru-danna, my client! He should be lucky Rikuzu-danna knocked him out in one punch. I would have beaten up his whole body!"

"Brother," Kaido whispered with a sigh, "Either way, you're all coming with me!" He nodded to his men, then took me aside for a moment. "Just stay calm, all right? I promise we'll treat you well."

Before they left, though, Rimuru sidled up to the manager of the place and tossed five gold pieces into her hand. "There's some for your trouble in there, too!" he said to the surprised matron. "We'll be back!"

After that, they all were lead to the cell that Gobta was in.

"This is so mean, sir! I wanted to go with you!" Gobta who saw them whined

"Enough, you fool! I can't take any more of your blockheaded behavior! If you don't like it, summon your tempest wolf buddy and have him help you out!" Rikuzu shouted

<<Time Skip>>

In a court room, you could see a chained slime, a human boy, and four dwarves in handcuffs. Vesta was standing near them wearing bandages all over his body. After a while, a man full-body armor walked in.

"His Majesty Gazel Dwargo will now enter!" Everyone bowed. Gazel sat on the chair in the middle and scanned the room. Seeing Rikuzu not bowing, the knights pointed their weapons at him.

"Insolence! Bow before our king, boy!" A knight shouted. Rikuzu just glanced at the knight, wearing an innocent smile, but the aura around him slowly grew. No one in the room except the elf spy Henrietta, Gazel, and Rimuru saw this.

"Didn't you here me! I said bo-"

"Silence! All of you go back to your position and start the trial."

'Thank goodness the king stop them, I don't want to see a bloodbath in here' Rimuru thought.

"Y-Yes, we will now begin the trial! Silence, everyone!"

For the next hour, both sides presented their cases.

"So there Sir Vesta was," the lawyer continued, "sitting back at this club and enjoying an alcoholic beverage, when this gang pushed their way into the place and exposed him to dreadful violence! This is not the kind of behavior that should ever be forgiven!"

"Is that the truth?"

"It is, my liege! I heard it from the boy and Kaijin themselves, and I also have written testimony from the owners of the club. There can be no mistaking the course of events that night!"

The lawyer lied.

"My liege!" Vester exclaimed, egging him on. "You have heard it for yourself! I beg of you to deal with these miscreants harshly!" He flashed suspects a smile of supreme confidence.

The king remained motionless, eyes closed. In his place, one of the guards beside him spoke.

"Order! I will now give the verdict! Rikuzu and Kaijin, the masterminds behind this crime, is sentenced to twenty years of labor in the mines. His accomplices are sentenced to ten years of labor in the mines. With that, this court is hereby—" Rikuzu was about to attack.

"Wait," a deep, quiet voice interrupted.

The king opened his eyes and looked at Kaijin.

"It has been a while, Kaijin. Do you remain in good health?"

"…Yes, my liege!" came the instant reply. Presumably he had the right to speak now. "It gladdens me that you remain so as well!"

"Yes. Now, do you and your friends"—looking at Garm and his brothers—"have any desire to return to us?"

The audience in the royal court murmured among themselves. It must have been an unusual development. Vester immediately blanched. The traitorous representative, meanwhile, had developed a deathly pallor.

"I beg your forgiveness, my liege, but I have already found two masters to serve! I have made my vow, and it has become my treasure. A treasure so fine that, indeed, not even the direct order of my liege could make me part with it!"

This clearly angered the audience. The guards were staring daggers into Kaijin's forehead, but he stood strong—chest puffed out, the picture of dignity.

The king, seeing this, closed his eyes again. "I…see."

Silence ruled for another moment.

"I have made my decision. Listen well to my sentence! Kaijin and his friends are hereby exiled from the kingdom. After midnight tonight, when the new day comes, they are officially no longer welcome in my lands. That is all. Begone at once!" Opening his eyes, the king made his proclamation in a loud voice.

When everyone left the court room Gazel and Vesta were the only ones left.

"Now, Vesta. Do you have anything you wish to say?"

"A-A thousand pardons, my liege, but this is all a misunderstanding! It simply must be a mistake!"

Vester's voice was a nervous warble as he pleaded his case. The king regarded him coldly, betraying none of his emotions.

"A misunderstanding? If it is, then it has cost me one of my most faithful servants."

"How can you say such a thing, my liege?! You call what he offered to you 'faithfulness'? Why, he is simply a man off the street-"

"Vesta, I see you are mistaken. Kaijin left my corps on his own volition. When I speak of a faithful servant I have lost…I refer to you."

The minister's heart raced. 'I need to find an excuse' But his mind was blank. The words refused to come to his lips. His thoughts were slow to form. 'What did he just say? He referred to me?'

"Let me ask you once again, Vesta. Do you have anything you wish to say?"

Fear, pure fear, dominated Vesta's head. The king had asked him a question. He needed to reply. But all his speech had abandoned him.

"I… My liege, I am afraid…I…"

"I had great expectations for you, Vesta. I have been waiting for so long. Even during the magic-armor affair, I waited for you to finally speak the truth. And now I find that, yet again…"

The expression Gazel showed Vester could almost be described as one of kindness. The king's words pierced through the minister like the sharpest of swords.

"Look at these."

The king pointed out two items one of his attendants had produced. Vesta, eyes hollow, looked at them. One was a sphere filled with a liquid that he had never seen before; the other was a single longsword.

"Do you know what these are?"

The liquid remained a mystery to Vester, but the longsword he remembered. Kaijin had brought it in.

"You may explain to him," the king ordered his attendant. The following speech took a fairly long time for Vester to fully understand. Vester's face twisted in shock know what they are.

"Both of these wonders were brought about by that boy and slime," the king said. "And thanks to your behavior, we have lost our connection to such a creatures. Do you have anything you wish to say?"

Now Vester realized the full extent of his king's rage. There was truly nothing he could say.

"I… I do not, my liege."

Tears began welling in his eyes.

"I…see. In that case… Vesta! I hereby forbid you from entering the palace. Do not let me see you before me again. I shall leave you with this: I have tired of you!"

Hearing his words, Vesta stood up and bowed deeply to his lord. Then he left, setting off to pay his penance for his foolishness.

As he did, a guard ran forward and arrested the representative serving as Vester's accomplice.

The king watched them out of the corner of his eye. "My dark agent!" he shouted with some urgency. "Track the movements of that boy and slime ! And be careful of the boy, no, the demon. Don't get caught by him. "

"By my life, my liege!" the dark agent said before disappearing.

'Who was that slime? It is unthinkable that such a monster has been released and that red hair demon in the guise of a little boy. I tried to read his mind and it failed. It was not an error, my unique skill Tyrant worked perfectly, but something unbelievable happened. Tyrant was blocked. In my whole life, I've never encounter something like that. I can feel that he rivals me in power, but my instincts are telling my to not provoke him. Thank goodness I stopped those foolish knights. Sigh, what a true beast.'

To be continued-

(3,413 words)