
Reincarnated in Tensura as a Red Slime

A man found himself on a sidewalk. Next to him, he saw a man that looked familiar to him. It was Satoru Mikami, the protagonist of That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime. Just when he was trying to figure out the situation, a man with a knife ran in their direction. 'Where am I? What's going on? Is that Satoru?' Follow the adventures of our MC and, his brother, Rimuru! --- A/N: Heyo! Author-san here. This is my second fan-fic. Let's hope that I complete this. --- *Random update schedule* *NO HAREM* *Male MC* *Word count will be 1000-5000* *I found the picture on Pinterest and did a little editing*

Fluffy_Star · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Calm Before the Storm

*3rd POV*

In an open field, you could hear the sound of swords clanging. Some kijins and hobgoblins have gathered to see the match between the two swordsmen. The fight was between a red-haired little boy and an old kijin. Ordinary people would think that the old sword master would easily defeat the boy, but it wasn't in this case.

The rules were simple, both of them were only allowed to use sword techniques, nothing else. The boy seems to have the advantage in this match, pushing back the old man. It was clear to see who was in the offense or defense. After a few minutes of fighting, the boy said.

"Let's finish this"

With that, the boy appeared in front of the old man, leaving an afterimage of himself. He slashed his sword down while his opponent tried to block it. The force of the slash was so overwhelming, the old man failed to block it and was knocked down. Before he could get up, his opponent's sword was already right beside his neck. The fight was over and the boy helped the old man up. The hobgoblins cheered for their master while the kijins' eyes widened to see their undefeated elder being easily defeated. By now, you would know who the swordsmen are.

"Hohoho, what beautiful swordsmanship, Rikuzu-sama," Hakuro said,

"Thanks, " Rikuzu replied while thinking, 'Damn, Records is such a cheat, I can't wait for it to evolve,'

He used Records to find multiple sword techniques and utilize them with the help of Solomon. Without it, he would've lost instantly. When he was about to leave, Shion carrying a blue slime walked in.


*MC's POV*

"Hey Rikuzu, whatcha doing"

"Oh, you're awake, I was just sparing with Hakuro."

"Did you win?"


While we were talking, Souei appeared in front of us.

"What is it Souei?" I asked.

"I bring a report, Rimuru-sama, Rikuzu-sama. I witnessed a group of lizardmen."

"Lizardmen? Not orcs?"

"Hai, because they make the marshlands their home, it seemed unnatural to see them near here, so l had to inform you at once. They seemed to be attempting negotiations with a nearby Goblin village. They may one day come here, as well."

"Good job Souei, continue keeping an eye on them," I said

"Hai" He disappeared

"Hey Rimuru, do you want to look around town? Things are developing quite fast"

"Sure, let's do that. It was pretty weird y'know, falling asleep in a village and waking up in a town."

"Hahaha, that's one way to put it"

Me and Rimuru were walking around in our human forms. We visited the construction sites, blacksmiths, and clothing areas. What worries me is that, when we arrived at Garm and his brothers' place, Shuna did not fight over Rimuru with Shion. She stuck with me more than Rimuru. Is it because I named her? Luckily, she did not proclaim herself as my secretary. I already have someone in mind. I followed Rimuru to the cafeteria and saw Benimaru, Hakuro, and Souei sitting around a rectangular table.

"Oh, hello, Rimuru-sama, Rikuzu-sama."Benimaru said

"Have you guys come to eat?" Hakuro asked

"Yeah. Shion said she cooked us a meal." Everyone, including me, flinched except for Shion and Rimuru. I did not know about this.

"In-Including me?" I asked, my voice was trembling

"Yup," Rimuru said and asked the rest, "Want to join me, guys?"

"Oh, I'm not really hungry.."

"Yes, we'll just have tea."

"I will go out and scout the surrounding area!" Souei disappeared with his body-doubles

"U-Um, brother,"


"I already planned to eat burgers, so I can't join you, sorry" I sat beside Hakuro and created a couple of burgers. I shared it with, Benimaru and Hakuro so they won't starve.

('Good call, Rikuzu-sama') Benimaru used thought communication

('Wise choice') Hakuro said

('Phew, that was close') I replied

"Sorry Shion, but I won't be eating your food today, as you can see I already have my own food. Rimuru can have the dish you made for me."

"Hai" Shion was a bit dejected, "I'll bring it out, then."

"Oh, sure"

After a while, she returned with two bowls of "food" on a tray.

"I've returned! Please, help yourself." She placed the food in front of him. Seeing the food, Rimuru glared at us and used thought communication.

('Oi, you guys! Why didn't you tell me and brother, you knew about this?!')

('Forgive me, Rimuru-sama')

('Consider this training.')

('Sorry man, try to survive this. If I eat that thing, I don't even think my poison nullification can save me')

When Benimaru and Hakuro heard this, they looked at me with envious eyes.

"Whew, I'm starved!" Gobta and Gobzo opened the door and entered.

"Please eat before it gets cold," Shion said giving Rimuru a spoon

"I-Itadakimasu" Rimuru grabbed the spoonful of whatever that was and suddenly closed his eyes, turning his whole body to the right with the spoon in front.

"Mrgh!" The spoon went straight into Gobta's mouth.

'Must be Great Sage' I thought

"Mrgh?" Rimuru opened his eyes and saw what he did. Gobta jumped with purple smoke coming out of his ears. His screams were muffled and fell over, rolling side to side. His skin turned purple with foam coming out his mouth. His trembling body slowed down and finally stopped.

"Oh, dear," Shion said



"Next time you make food to serve to someone else, get Benimaru's approval first." Hearing this Benimaru's face paled. I stood up and walked over to Gobta.


"Shh," I shushed Rimuru. I created a coffin and placed Gobta inside. With half of the lid open showing his face, I solemnly said.

"Today, an innocent Gobta sacrificed his life to save his master. Thank you for your service, we will never forget your bravery." Mine, Benimaru's, and Hakuro's heads were down as we stood in silence.


Me and Rimuru have nothing to do, so we are now listening to Kurobe and Kaijin's conversation about forging.

"Isn't forging interesting?" Kurobe asked us

"Yup, I will be coming here to forge my own sword this night," I said

""Really?"" Kaijin and Kurobe asked in unison

"I didn't know you can forge a sword?" Rimuru said

"Yup, I can" Actually, I can't, Solomon will be controlling my body. She said she knows how to forge a legend class sword, so I accepted.

"Is Rimuru-sama and Rikuzu-sama in here?," Rigurd entered the workshop.

"What's up, Rigurd?" Rimuru asked

"An envoy of the Lizardmen has arrived." He said while doing a side chest pose.

"Okay, let's go," I said. Rimuru jumped onto Rigurd's left shoulder while I was on the right. We walked out of the workshop and headed to the entrance of the town. Benimaru, Shion, and Hakuro followed us wanting to know why the lizardmen were here.

'It's time to meet an idiot'

We shortly arrived at the entrance and saw multiple lizardmen waiting for us. They started to hit their spears to the ground and moved to the side, making way for Gabiru to enter. He jumped out of his ride and landed in front of us, making a dramatic entrance.

"I am Gabiru of the Lizardmen, you will all serve under me. Consider this a great honor!" His companions reflected light off their shields and started to praise him. One of them said to us.

"Remember him well, this is the man who will be the next chieftain of the Lizardmen! Bow down!"


Shion began squeezing Rimuru and Rigurd stepped forward.

"Forgive me... You called yourself Gabir-" Before he could finish I stopped him. I jumped in front of Gabiru and turned into my human form. I glared at him and said.

"Who do you think you are to say that in front of us." Rimuru sweatdropped as he heard me say that.

Gabiru notice me and looked down.

"Who are you, little boy? Where is the master of this place?"

"You are speaking to him right now," I said

"Huh? A weakling is their master? Impossible!"

"So see me as weak?"

"Didn't you hear me? You don't even have a shred of aura. You're clearly weak. I'm not here for you, I've heard that there are those among you who have tamed Direwolves. Bring them to me." I couldn't take it anymore and turned into my Tempest-Star Wolf form.

"You were a direwolf? What a transformation. Your beautiful fur, your keen eyes, you truly have a majestic presence." He began to praise me. I unleashed my aura and used menace on him.

"Get out of my," I saw him collapse, "sight?" he couldn't even handle my pressure.

I turn back into my human form and looked at his companions.

"Take him back to wherever you came from."

They immediately carried him while saying.

"W-Well be back!"

"Indeed. This is not over!"

"""W-We'll remember this!""" They ran away.


Right now, we are in a meeting room discussing about the orcs. All the executives are sitting around a big rectangular table with me and Rimuru sitting in the middle.

"I saw 200,000 orcs, the main army is moving north along the river. Based on the movements of this army and a detached force, expect they will regroup in the marshlands east of here, "Souei reported

"In the Lizardmen's territory, you mean?"Rigurd asked

"Two hundred thousand, huh? That's such a huge number it's hard to even imagine it." Rimuru said

"But it's still manageable," I said carefreely

"Rikuzu, why are you treating this as if it was no big deal?"

"Because it is no big deal, just me alone can take care of it." Everyone's eyes widen

"Aren't you underestimating them a bit too much?" Rimuru said

"Nope, remember I told you that I could destroy a kingdom?"


"I really want to test a ridiculously overpowered skill that I acquired not too long ago, on the orcs."

"I already have a bad feeling about this, anywho do you know what are the orcs after? I don't think they are just following the commands of that Demon Lord Clayman."

"You are right on that part."

"Do you know something about that?"

"Yup, there is an Orc Lord" Everyone, except for me and Rimuru, gasped in shock.

"An Orc Lord, what's that?"

When I was about to answer Souei reacted to something.

"What is it Souei?" Rimuru asked

"One of the body doubles I had scouting the area has made an encounter. They request an audience with you." Souei said

"Let her in, Souei," I said

"Hai" Then the middle of the table glowed green. A flower grew and vines appeared. They wrapped around each other making a cocoon and from the cocoon, Treyni appeared.

"Rulers of monsters, and all those who are loyal to them, forgive me for this unannounced visit. I am Treyni, a Dryad. It is a pleasure to meet you both."

"I'm Rimuru Tempest. Um, Treyni-san."

"It's nice to see you again, Treyni-san"

"Yes it is, Rikuzu-sama" Everyone was in disbelief to hear her call me with sama.

"Could you please get off the table?" I asked

"Oh, my apologies" She got off the table and sat on an empty chair.

"Apologies forgiven." I said. Rimuru turned to me with widened eyes.

"How did you know her?" As he said that, everyone became curious.

"Oh, I caught her spying on us ever since we left that cave," I said, "I confronted her when you were healing the wounds of the goblins the direwolves caused."

"So that's why you left that day," Rimuru said

"Pretty much," I turned to Treyni, "So, Treyni"


"Did you come because of the Orc Lord?"

"Yes, and I have come to request a favor."

"Go on"

"Could the Rulers of Monsters, Rimuru Tempest-sama and Rikuzu Tempest-sama, defeat the Ord Lord?" She stood up and slightly bowed

"Sure, we were just talking about how to deal with them." I accepted

"Thank you" She sat down and started to eat a bowl of potato chips. Everyone also sat down, ready to continue the meeting.

"Wait, wait, what is this Orc Lord?" Rimuru asked

"It's like an orc that is high and drunk at the same time. It's also more powerful." I replied

"O-Oh, does it have any skills that we should be aware of?"

"It has a unique skill called Starved" I said.


"Yup, it has the ability to influence everyone that serves under him. Like brainwashing, they would eat everything that comes in their path, including their own comrades. Just like your Predator skill, they could also gain the strength and skills of whoever they eat. They would feel constant, insatiable hunger. The orcs would have no other purpose than to keep eating and gain power." I answered

"I see, so how are we going to deal with them?" As Rimuru said that, all eyes turned to me.

"W-What are you looking at me for?"

"You're the strongest among us, so you will plan how to deal with this." I can see Rimuru pushing all his problems on me.

"F-Fine, "I said, "The people that are going to battle are me, Rimuru, Benimaru, Shion, Hakuro, Souei, Ranga, Raiga, Rigur, Gobta, and some more goblin riders. Rimuru will be fighting the Orc Lord-"

"E-Eh? Why am I the one fighting the Orc Lord?" Rimuru protested

"The Orc Lord is close to becoming the Orc Disaster." Everyone, except for me and Rimuru, flinched hearing this.

"What's that?" Rimuru asked

I wonder why Rimuru is so clueless sometimes. He even has the all-knowing Great Sage but still doesn't know the important stuff.

"It's like injecting steroids into the Orc Lord. It's a demon lord seed rank being. You will obtain it if you devour him. You remember why you need it, right? So, wait till the Orc Lord evolves into an Orc Disaster and defeat him. If you can't then I will step in."

"Fine, I will fight the Orc Lord" Rimuru gave in

"Good, the goblin riders will be rescuing any lizardmen that are in danger. Me, Raiga, Ranga, and the kijins will be massacring the orcs. Is everyone ok with that?"


"I feel like we should consider an alliance with the Lizardmen, but given the guy they had representing them, I'd really like to talk to someone who'll actually listen," Rimuru said

"That's a great idea, we should tell them to not interfere in this fight. They would only hold us back." I said

"W-Well, that's not what I'm talking about, but that also works"

"Rimuru-sama" Souei stood up, " Would you mind if I speak personally with the chieftain of the Lizardmen?"

"Souei, you can do that?" Rimuru asked


"Then you go do that, "Rimuru said, "This meeting is over"

"Great, Imma go make my weapon." I disappeared from my seat and appeared inside the blacksmith's workshop. What I didn't know was that Kaijin and Kurobe, hearing me, immediately ran out of the meeting room and headed straight to their workshop.

'Solomon, it's your turn"

[Auti-mode has been activated.]

My eyes turned red and my body began to move. I can see Solomon starting to create orichalcum using demon steel and gold. She used the immense magicules stored in the demi-plane to make the alloy. While we were about to finish making the orichalcum, Kaijin and Kurobe burst into the workshop. (A/N: I don't know if orichalcum really needs that much magicules, but let's just go with that.)


Solomon turned my head towards them. Seeing my red eyes, they both were creeped out. I took control of my mouth and talked to them.

"Don't be creeped out by my eyes, I'm using a skill. Sit somewhere and watch the show. I am making orichalcum right now" Hearing what I said, their eyes widened, and quickly sat on a nearby chair watching me as if I was an educational documentary. After the orichalcum was made, Solomon proceeded to make the sword. Since I was a slime, I did not feel sleepy, so the forging continued until the sun was up. Kaijin and Kurobe, surprisingly, did not sleep. They must've really wanted to watch me finish it. Solomon finished it and I took control of my body.

"Finally, I'm done!" As I said that the two blacksmiths collapsed and fell asleep. My sword looks like a katana with purple glowing veins on the blade. The Scabbard was all black with some purple metal design wrapped around it.

(Katana pic: https://pin.it/kSht6kw ) (Scabbard pic(replace the gold with purple): https://pin.it/6DTMKDc )

I won't be really using a sword during the battle, but it's good to prepare if a powerful being like a true demon lord interferes.

"Let's go brag to Rimuru about this."

To be continued-

(2,802 words)