
Reincarnated in Smallville PAUSADO

Eu não possuo nenhum direito sobre os personagens da DC, essa fanfic só tenho direito sobre meu personagem principal e alguns outros que irei criar para a minha história, e não possuo qualquer direito da capa peguei da internet se o criador da imagem quiser que eu tire, só falar nos comentarios. Depois de ler muitos Fanfics, finalmente senti vergonha e vim escrever o meu, e como meu 1º, espero que comentem como devo melhorar as cenas, porque sou literalmente um escritor principiante, e a minha língua natural é o português não sabe inglês por isso desculpem-me. Agora a sinopse: "Eu estava no meu quarto a dormir tranquilamente, quando ouso o meu telefone a começar a tocar, pego nele e apercebo-me que é o despertador, levanto-me e ligo o meu caderno, e começo já a programar, estou actualmente a trabalhar em casa (escritório em casa), devido à pandemia que está a acontecer no mundo, consequentemente também levou o Brasil, sou estagiária numa empresa como desenvolvedora Junior. Comecei recentemente cerca de 5 meses nela, terminei rapidamente os casos que me foram impostos para resolver, foi ridiculamente fácil, mas no final, depois de terminar, não tenho nada para fazer, terminei todos os projectos desse período que os professores universitários já me deram a nota e passei o período que agora vou para o 6º (actualmente estou a estudar Informática), sempre gostei de trabalhar com computadores, principalmente por parte de servidores de hacking, jogos online, derrubar sites e etc . ... mas isto foi no passado agora estou em linha, uma vez que estava a invadir um servidor que era alimentado por um site de vendas electrónicas, estava a tentar autorizar a venda de algumas partes que pedi sem ter pago, depois de ter conseguido invadir acabei por descobrir que o servidor não só guardava informações desse site de vendas, na verdade o site era uma fachada, o servidor estava cheio de ... Traduzido com a versão gratuita do tradutor - www.DeepL.com/Translator

Robson_Danilo_5112 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs


"I was in my room sleeping peacefully, when I dare my cell phone to start ringing, I pick it up and realize that is the alarm clock, I get up and turn on my notebook, and start programming soon, currently I'm working at home (home office), due to the pandemic that is happening in the world and consequently got Brazil too, I'm an intern in a company as a Junior Developer I started in a short time about 5 months only, I quickly finished the cases that were imposed to me to solve, it was ridiculously easy, but in the end I have nothing to do, I've already finished all the projects of this period that the college professors placed me already gave the grade and I've passed the period now I'm going to the 6th (currently I'm studying Computer Science), I always liked to mess with computers, mainly in the part hacking servers, online games, crashing websites and so on. .. but this was in the past now I'm on the line, once I was hacking a server that was powered by an electronic sales site, I was wanting to authorize the sale of some parts that I requested without having paid, after I managed to hack I ended up discovering that the server not only kept information from that sales site, in fact the site was a front, the server was full of illegal things, I had data about everything bad, drug trafficking, organs, and even people, at the same time I called the federal police reporting the server, after a few minutes, an all black car appeared in front of my house 2 guys and 1 woman, with the name FBI on their jackets went to the door of my house and rang the bell, talked to my mother, she gave a scream so loud that I froze at the time, she was super angry, The FBI people were being accompanied by my mother to my room, they invited me to go with them to a safer place with my mother, arriving there they told me that they were after a gang of thugs who used these servers, they were trying to find the server and they couldn't, and then they asked me how I did it, I told them the truth at the time, I told them I was trying to "steal" an electronic parts sales site, At the same time my mother slapped me on the head that OMG how it hurt, I showed them the site and immediately they started hacking the site and the same way I managed to hack the server and get the information from the people involved, soon this thanked me and offered me a chance at the FBI in the area of technology, but I should first finish college and go through a range of training, I accepted almost instantly, After that they said that they were going to send someone to monitor my house for precariousness, my mother and I returned home accompanied by them, the next day in the news it was said that the largest gang of products and human trafficking in the world were all arrested, there were several big people involved in the government being the presidents of large corporations and even deputies of the high Brazilian parliament, along with several others spread around the world, after that the world pandemic managed to be fought and things were back to normal, on a normal day I was leaving the workplace now I'm not working at home anymore, I'm heading towards college suddenly I heard a loud noise when I turned my head to the direction the noise came from, all I could see was a car coming towards me accompanied by some cars that looked exactly like the one from the FBI, they were exchanging shots with the car in front, through the mirror I could see a man I had never seen in my life, with a crazy face pointing a gun at me, shouting something I couldn't understand, it seemed to be Russian that he was talking, the next moment I was shot all over my body, before finally dying, I could see the crazy man's car being flipped over because one of his tires had been flat, and right after blowing up leading the crazy man to death too, before dying I gave a light smile (well done son of a b*t@) and soon everything got dark, suddenly I was sitting in an all white place on top of an armchair (this armchair does magic, my back has never been better), I looked in front of me and there was someone or something there that I believed I would see. ... yes a being that was literally huge had about 8 meters playing, he was laughing at me and clapping his hands and then he started talking".

Being mysterious- "I'm sorry for my imprudence you..."

In the next chapter (I am...!)

D- "My manners are horrible, I haven't even introduced myself yet, my name is D yes only D, I'm 20 years old and I'm the protagonist of this story, I hope you like '-' and that's it until the next one."

I'll use "" to tell it when someone's talking.

() Thought

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

If you have any criticism, please go ahead.

Do you have any idea what my story is? Comment and let me know.

Robson_Danilo_5112creators' thoughts