

Uchiha Tatsumi walked cautiously in the woods while carefully exploring the surroundings.

At this time Choza suddenly approached, "That, Tatsumi."

"What's wrong?" Uchiha turned his head. It's just that he was a little unnaturally seen by the eager eyes of the other side.

"What Nawaki said to you before made me a little concerned. That, are you in a... relationship with him?"

Choza's tone barely fell, count the line of The sight shua shua is concentrated on Uchiha Tatsumi.

Uchiha Tatsumi was taken aback, his eyes drifted towards Nawaki. Nawaki's gaze also happened to be right, and then his face began to turn red.

"No!!" Uchiha Tatsumi denied immediately.

"Eh? You two are not in love?"

Uchiha Tatsumi's eyes twitched a little, and he still definitely shake one's head.

Choza waved his hand, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not discriminating against this kind of same-sex love. True love has nothing to do with age, gender, or species."

"What Love or not, you made a mistake." Uchiha Tatsumi said helplessly.

"Really? It's a pity, I still want to discuss this experience with you." Choza was a little disappointed, but glanced at Inoichi, the blonde ponytail.

Everyone laughed for a while, and the depressive atmosphere condensed by fear began to dissipate.

Uchiha Tatsumi, who was still a little worried, gradually relieved.

After all, the feeling of fear is beyond your control. It's unfathomable mystery sometimes, especially on a battlefield with turbulent heads and killings. And an unfamiliar environment will undoubtedly magnify this fear infinitely.

Choza dissipated this thing with just one joke. Uchiha Tatsumi also admires the other side.

He is a little bit emotional. It seems that Akimichi Clan is the kind of rough-looking, but delicate-minded person.

Uchiha Tatsumi suppressed these thoughts and continued to lead the way.

Now the journey has been halfway, but there is still no trace of Hidden Stone ninja around.

They didn't lead the team of Jonin. They wanted to smash the enemy's defensive line. They couldn't be careful.

In addition to the distance limitation, Dabai's reconnaissance was unable to observe the situation below the ground.

At this time, it is indeed a very troublesome thing to use Earth-Style's ninja to ambush under the ground.

Uchiha Tatsumi stepped on the smooth branch, and then jumped forward a long way.

A tingling sensation came from Uchiha Tatsumi's neck. This is a reminder of his actions after the sense reaches ninja.

Uchiha Tatsumi immediately issued an alert. After a while, a red flare pierced the sky.

The source of the flare is his right hand side, which is not far away. This flare is Konoha's ninja distress signal.

Uchiha Tatsumi only had a bold idea in the mind of split second. So, he decided to save the other side.

"Pay attention to your own safety, I will quickly solve the other side, don't be surrounded."

After finishing talking, he ran towards there without the slightest hesitation moved towards.

In less than half a minute, Uchiha Tatsumi rushed to the position for help.

A three people team appeared in front of him at this time. The other side is not Stone Ninja but Hidden Sand ninja.

Uchiha Tatsumi glanced around and found that two of them Hidden Sand Jonin were besieging the Jonin. The other Sand Ninja is playing around with three Genins.

Other side not at all, the way Jonin leads the team...

Or they are all Jonin from Hidden Sand Village.

In this case, if Uchiha Tatsumi does not come, this team is probably wiped out. After all, the value of not abandoning teammates is popular now.

Of course, as far as Uchiha Tatsumi is concerned, this kind of bondage is actually the same as Jiqing.

At this time, the three Genins could no longer support it. Seeing this, Uchiha Tatsumi directly moved towards the Sand Ninja and pounced.

The sharingan of blood red is spinning wildly, Uchiha Tatsumi is constantly adjusting the angle of kunai while running.

Only in instant, kunai makes a rumble sound like a cannonball, rushing straight to the enemy's back.

Uchiha Tatsumi also pulled out a remaining thread, like a black flash approaching the other side.

Fighting Sand Ninja was also surprised. He thought it was Konoha's support coming. But he took a closer look, only a little demon in his teens rushed over.

This put his inner vigilance down again. Is it the so-called fetters again? He was a little disdainful.

In his opinion, it is extremely stupid to rush over without knowing the difference in strength.

What does it matter if the number of people is three or four? For him it was nothing but a massacre.

But just after he shook his head, the howling kunai had already arrived in front of him.

Fuck, what the hell, let's hang it up!

Such a fierce attack reminded him of a nightmare—Konoha's White Fang.

The black shiny kunai feels as dangerous to him as the short blade of Konoha's White Fang.

.... No way, he has already missed the reaction time, he can only lose a Puppet.

Under Chakra Control, the Puppet stand-in was launched quickly!

Then myself split second, the Puppet poured with steel from the outside of the solid wood, like a paper paste, was instantly penetrated by the kunai. The kunai that penetrated the Puppet did not slow down and shot into the ground.

"Boom..." After the smoke dissipated, a huge pit of collision also appeared on the ground.

Along with Puppet's breaking, Uchiha Tatsumi was also slightly surprised. He didn't expect this Chakra Enhanced Strength throw to be so strong for Puppet's destructive power.

But think about it. With the blessing of this speed, coupled with the sharp point of kunai, this kind of point-to-face contact, what can't penetrate?

Sand Ninja, who was replaced by Puppet and escaped alive, also ate a whale. He immediately cheered up and increased the danger of this little demon by a few points.

Sand Ninja cursed secretly in his heart, "Is Anbu eating shi? Why there is no information at all."

He has been plane determined. If he goes back alive this time, he must complain. The Intelligence Division gate of Anbu.

Uchiha Tatsumi appeared behind Sand Ninja while the other side was distracted. His kunai was quickly chopped down.

The Chakra Threads in the hands of Hidden Sand's ninja flicked, and another Puppet blocked the kunai.

Kunai and Puppet collide. This time Puppet was not damaged at all.

Sand Ninja looks happy. It seems that not every attack can destroy Puppet with no difficulty. Sand Ninja, who blocked the attack, quickly began to hand seal with both hands.

Suddenly a shadow runs along the ground to connect Sand Ninja's body. The hands of the original hand seal also stopped.

Uchiha Tatsumi took a closer look and found Shikaku who had finally arrived.

"This is not your fight alone." Shikaku lightly said with a smile.

Uchiha Tatsumi took out the kunai calmly and plunged the sword directly into the head of the other side.