
Reincarnated in Naruto without cheats

This is a naruto fanfiction about Asahi which will try to get strong in the Naruto Universe without any cheats to protect his love ones and to be prepared for what is to come in the future . --------------------------------------------------------------------- It is my first time writing a novel and english is just my second language so you can expect some grammer mistakes which i am sorry about. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I would love some critique but please no hate. I try to upload twice a week and each chapter with 1500-2000 words. I wish you a lot of fun reading this book. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ***I do not claim to own anything written in this fic except my OC characters.***

Luzero · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 9: New Jutsu and more training

# 3rd Person POV: #

Sunrays shine through the window on Asahi's face who still lays in his bed since he was exhausted after his training yesterday.

"I need to stand up and make myself ready to go out to meet my sensei to get my new jutsu. I also need to ask him if he can give me the Shadow Clone Technique and maybe he informs me if Kakashi will be able to teach me about the Lighting Release."

Getting up and putting on clothes he goes out of his room towards the kitchen where his mother is cooking the breakfast. Turning around to see her son she says to him:" Come to the table, the breakfast is nearly ready." She turns back to the stove to finish the breakfast.

Asahi goes to the table and sits down and says:" Mom I need to go after breakfast, Sensei said that I should go to his home at 10am."

"For what does your Sensei needs you?", asks his mother. "I will get new jutsu which I want to learn today so I will only be home in the evening. So, you don't need to cook lunch for me."

"Okay but take care of you my son, I don't want you to get injured while training, okay?" "Yes mom, I will take care you don't need to worry,"

After they were done talking Asahi gets ready to get out of his home to get to the Nara-Clan estate.

Arriving at the Nara-Clan estate he sees Shikamaru go out of it.

"Hey Shikamaru how are you doing?" asks Asahi him when he sees him.

"Ohh hey Asahi, I am good, but why are you here?" questions Shikamaru him.

"Your dad said that I should meet him at your estate today to get some new jutsu." Answers Asahi him.

"Was nice to meet you Asahi but I need to go to school, I overslept a bit so I need to hurry to get there on time, what a drag." He says to him.

"Ok then hurry up to be on time." Asahi tells him waves him goodbye.

Arriving at the door Asahi and knocks at the door and shouts:" I am here Sensei."

After a while the door opens and reveal Shikaku who says:" Come in Asahi, I will give you your three new jutsu and I also have some information about Kakashi who will teach you a bit about the lighting release."

Shikaku walks Asahi to a room where he tells Asahi to sit down and wait while he gets the jutsu and some tee.

Coming back to the room after some time Shikaku says:" These are the three scrolls for your new jutsu, but open it first when you are at the training ground because I know you good enough that you would want to practice them right away and won't listen to what I have to say now."

"Haha you know me really good now. And what do you have to say Sensei?", Asahi asks him.

"Haa What a drag. It is about your Lighting Release training. Your teacher Hatake Kakashi told me that he needs to get on a mission today and will get back after a week. He gave me this scroll with some training which you should do for your Lighting Release. Another thing is that I didn't get a new lighting jutsu for you, because Kakashi wants you to first learn what is on this scroll."

"Ok, no Problem, Sensei and thank you for asking him to teach me I really appreciate it. Ans Sensei, I wanted to ask you if you can give me the Shadow Clone Technique?"

"Well, I can give you it since you are now a pretty much a Chunin now your chakra reserves should be big enough to use it without any problem.", answers Shikaku him.

"Thank you, Sensei, you are the best", Asahi says to him while smiling brightly.

"What a drag. Why did I need to have someone as energetic as you on my team? Drink your tee in the meantime I will get the scroll for the Shadow clone Technique."

After Shikaku got the scroll and gave it to Asahi, they part ways since Asahi can't wait to test his new jutsu.

When Asahi arrived at the trainings ground, he gets the scrolls and opens them.

(First of all, we have 2 B-Rank jutsu and one C-Rank jutsu. The C-Rank jutsu is the Wind Release: Gale Palm Technique which is an offensive and supplementary technique. It allows to either increase their velocity, or to form a powerful gale by clasping their hands together where the wind will be compressed. It can also be used with shuriken or kunai to increase their lethality or their speed.

One B-Rank jutsu is the Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere Technique, which is a offensive technique. To perform this jutsu the user takes a deep breath and exhales several small blasts of wind chakra thar scatters in different directions to make it difficult to avoid without injuries. It is capable to pierce through the opponent's flesh. This jutsu was used by Danzo in his fight against Sasuke.

The other B-Rank jutsu is the Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique, which is a offensive technique. In this technique the user molds water into the shape of a dragon, which they then direct at a target, which deals significant physical damage. The more talented the user, the greater the amount if water that the dragon can be made from.)

"Wow, Sensei really got me three good jutsu and even though the Gale Palm Technique is only C- Rank it has many different uses which will also be helpful in my sword fighting. And I even got the Shadow clone Jutsu which I can use to train my Wind Release more then before. Now let's see what Kakshi wrote in the scroll.", Asahi says to himself"

*Hello Asahi-kun,

What I want you to do in the next week wo train your Lighting Release is that you try to get a piece of paper and to crinkle it into a ball. If you can get it done to the end of the week you can try the same with a leave.

Till next week, Hatake Kakashi. *

(I don't know how they really train it and I found nothing in the internet. I just thought hey the chakra paper wrinkles for lighting release so why not let a normal paper crinkle to a ball. :P )

Well, he is not the type to write a long text isn't he. But wrinkle a paper into a ball it doesn't sound that hard to do. But I will do it in the evening, so I will see if it is really hard.

After reading the scroll Asahi began at learning the new jutsu. First, he started with the Gale Palm Technique, since it is the easiest to learn. After trying around for one hour he could form a powerful gale with the technique and could boost his speed with it. After two hours he could fuse it with his weapons to make it more lethal and to boost it velocity. When he could to it, he stopped with the technique for now to start with the other techniques.

He starts with the other Wind Release Technique, Vacuum Sphere Technique to finish with the Wind Release Technique first.

After two hours of trying, he could produce three blasts of wind chakra. He noticed that with the more he masters the technique, the more blasts of wind chakra he could produce which makes the technique mote lethal. But he also noticed that the more blasts he produced the more chakra he needs to perform the technique.

After another two hours he could produce four blasts of wind chakra, but he stops with the technique so he could learn the other technique now.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique, is a technique which cab basically grow with its user. The stronger I become and the better I master this technique, the stronger becomes the technique so I will have to practice this technique much to get the most out of it. I also need to try to reduce the hand seals as much as I can since it has so many hand seals it uses too much time to activate it in a battle where the enemy will not wait for you too finish your hand seals."

Training this technique for three hours Asahi can see the sun go down and stops with it since he still wants to train his body before he goes home.

One hour of intensive body training with his weights later he goes home and opens the door to get inside and hears his mother yell:" Asahi go to the bath and wash yourself. Then you come back down to get dinner."

"Okay mom."

One shower later he gets down to the kitchen to eat dinner with his mom. After eating dinner, he gets back to his room to train his Wind Release with the Shadow Clone Technique.

Two Hours of training his Wind Release later he got to see how much faster he trained it than before without the Shadow Clone Technique. He only could make 4 shadow clones but it made his training speed 4 times faster. Why did he not use the Shadow Clone Technique for the other jutsu he learned before? Well, he was too exited and forgot about it. (Nooo it was not the author who just forgot it and is now too lazy to change it. Nooo)

Done with training his Wind Release he releases the shadow clones. got himself a paper and tries to do what Kakashi told him to do.

Sitting on his bed he holds the paper in his hands and tries to wrinkle it with just his lighting chakra and notice it right away that it is harder than he first thought. He only got some small wrinkles in the edges of the paper but is miles away from crinkle it into a ball.

Asahi performs four shadow clones again and trains for another hour after which he got some more wrinkles. After that he goes to his bad since he exhausted his chakra and his body is also exhausted since he also trained it today. Going to bed and closing his eyes Asahi drifts to sleep.

Hello guys your Author,

Thanks for waiting so long for a new chapter and thanks for all who still follow this fanfic even though I am so bad at uploading new stuff. I know that it is not a matter of course that so many still follow it even though upload that irregular and that it is not so good written and has some flaws since it is only my first time writing something, but you are still writing nice comments which I really appreciate.

I know that it is not the most interesting chapter but I think such a type of chapter is still important so that you can read that the protagonist needs to work to get better and doesn't just get everything his was. But don't worry in the next chapitel it will get a little bit more interesting, I think.

And one more time thank you all guys so much. <3

Sorry the chapter is not as long as normally but I still hope that you enjoyed it.

I wish you all a great weekend and till next time.

Luzerocreators' thoughts