
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP

Reincarnated in Marvel fanfiction In a universe that is as dangerous as it can get with powerful people such as Gods and Immortals walking amongst the people. Read as a Guy from Earth is reincarnated here. I own nothing. I only wrote this because I am bored and wanted to try creating a fanfic. Such is life, watch anime ==> read manga ==> read light novels ==> read fanfictions ==> create a fanfic.

30Degree · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


"Chances are when someone is hating on you, it's not about you at all. It's about them, it's their fear, their jealousy and their insecurities."

"Jealousy is a form of hatred built upon insecurities and Insecure people put others down to feel confident."


William's POV (Seven years before the shooting)

The next day after I told Mom that I want to skip a few grades she just shrugs and told me that she was waiting for me to ask her. So she took a day off and we went to the school's Principal.

Right now we are sitting in front of the desk of the principal. I was silent the whole time, being in my best behavior while he and Mom are talking.

After telling the Principal that I wanted to skip two grades because Jean is in grade 3. He looked at me from top to bottom then asked. "Do you want to skip grades Will?"

"Yes, please." I said trying to be polite.

"I see..." He then talked again to my mother. "I wouldn't really recommend it because at this age a child learns how to make friends and get along with his peers. He might have a problem fitting in with older kids and that might affect his academic performance."

She put a hand over my head and carresed my hair gently. "It's going to be fine... He might even get along better with older kids because he has always been mature ever since he was young."

"Well... you know your child better than I do so I won't stop you. He just needs to answer some exams under a teacher supervision and then talk to the guidance counselor to just make sure he is ready."

After that I was taken to an empty classroom where a teacher gave me some test papers to answer and watched me. He said that I should just answer all the questions that I can answer.

At first it was easy but it became harder and harder. At first I was listing the alphabet and then adding suffixes and prefixes. Then it became past and futures words and grammar. Who the fuck cares about verb, adverb adjective and noun?

The math is especially difficult. At first it was just counting and the basics addition, subtraction, multiplication and division but then it became adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions. Then geometry at first it was just about identifying shapes but it became finding the length width and area of shapes. They didn't even gave me a fucking calculator and because of that it took a long time.

Then the science, as usual it was easier at first about classification of animals and different animal habitats, distinguishing between living and nonliving things and states of matter. Then it became energy transformation kinetic, chemical, potential energy. And of course it also involves some math.

And finally history, I probably failed that. I was never interested in history whether its this life or the last. Who cares what this dead people did in the past? Their dead and should just stay fucking dead.

Does the grade 1 and 2 students already learning this? What do they feed their children? If I remember correctly when I was in grade 1 and 2 I was singing the alphabet and some other bullshit songs.

Because of that ridiculous exam -did I also mention that it was long? It is already afternoon when I finished it. I just handed it to the teacher and got out of the classroom. I don't want to even think about that exam anymore cause I felt stupid answering it.

I found Mom outside waiting for me. She looked at me and smiled. "Well looks like someone is grumpy. Wanna get something to eat?"

I nodded and grabbed her hand. When we were almost outside of school I remember Jean. She must have been waiting for me at the clinic because I haven't showed up this whole morning. So I said to Mom, "I have a friend, can she also come with us to eat?"

She smiled and patted my head, "Of course, where is he? Let's go get him and invite him for lunch."

"Its a she and just stay there I'll go and meet with her it won't take long."

After that I went to the clinic but the only one I found inside is Miss Linda.

So I asked her,"Miss Linda? Where's Jean?"

She curiously looked at me and asked back, "Where were you guys all day? It strangely feels empty without both of you here."

"She hasn't came here yet?"

She nodded and when she was about to speak again I spoke first, "Thanks miss Linda! I'll go look for her, bye!"

Where is Jean? She is usually in the clinic with a book every time I go there. Oh! She could be at the library.

So I went there and looked for her


Jean Grey's POV

I was excited today because Will said he will become my classmate so I went back again to my classroom for the first time since the start of school.

When I got inside the teacher looked at me and said, "Are you my student? What's your name?"

I looked around the room and didn't see Will instead all I saw is everyone looking at me... I can feel them judging me and that made me want to go away from here...

"Hello? I asked what's your name?"

"I-Its Jean E-ellaine... Grey..."

The teacher looked at the paper he has at his desk, "Hmm... Grey... Oh, here. You finally showed up after a week. Why don't you take a seat, class is just about to start."

I don't want to be here... but maybe Will is just late he will show up eventually.

So I muster whatever courage I have and walked to the seat he pointed at me. I avoided looking at the students staring and pointing at me.

"The Witch is here! Don't look into her eyes!"

"Look at her hair... Its so red."

"Oh no! She looked at me!"

"Hahaha, you're dead now!"

"Its the blood of all her victims."

"Ok class quiet down! Everybody in your seats!"

I brushed my hair and looked at it after I sat down. Should I change its color as well? Like my sister did? B-but I like it red...

Maybe it isn't so bad... yes, I just need to be more confident.

After the class ended and Will still isn't here I quickly stood up and went out of the room. I don't wanna be in here more than I need to.

But while I was walking to the library someone called me from behind, "Hey Jean! Where are you going so fast?"

I ignored her and walked faster but she pulled my hair making me stop. "Aghh!"

"Why the hell are you ignoring me?" She said then her friend stood in front of me blocking my way.

"Now, why don't we go for a walk? Hmmm?" She said then held my wrist and pulled me with her.

They took me to the back of the building and sorrounded me.

"Why are you avoiding us Jeanie? You haven't been in class for a week now. Especially when were so lucky to be classmates again this year." She said while playing with my hair.

"I-I was n-not avoiding you B-Britney."

She suddenly pulled my hair "Aghh!"

Then she said, "Then why were you ignoring me when I called you just now? Hmm? My feelings were hurt you know..."

I said, "I-I was just about... to go to the l-library... so I didn't h-hear you..."

"You think were stupid? You clearly heard me but instead of stopping you walked faster."

"I-I really d-didn't hear you..."

She grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled hard making me fall down on the ground, "You always think you're better than us huh Jeanie? Always showing off your perfect scores then telling us what to do while looking down at us... When the teachers praised you and compared us to you I think you felt smug about it huh? 'Why aren't you like Jean? You're friends right?' So fucking annoying!"

I felt tears flowing down my cheeks. "W-why would y-you think that... I am not l-looking down on you, I just wanna help..."

"Boo-hoo-hoo, why are you crying Jeanie?"

"Uhm... B-Britney, I think we should stop she's already crying..."

"Shut up Sarah! She's just being dramatic. Now give me a scissors I'm gonna cut her hair. I've always hated it."

"B-Britney that's going too far... what if she tells the teachers?"

"She's not gonna tell the teachers... Right Jeanie?" Then she grabbed a fistful of my hair and make me look at her. I didn't answer, maybe it's just better that she cuts it...

"Come on Sarah! Where's the scissors?!"

"H-here...but are you sure she's not gonna tell anyone?"

"Who will she tell it to? She doesn't have any friends."

She grabbed a handful of my hair ready to cut it and I just closed my eyes...

Until I heard a shout, "What the fuck are you doing to her!?"

Its Will, He is here for me...


William's POV

She's not in the library, where is she?

So I walked around trying to find a place that is quiet because that is where I thought Jean will go.

Until I was at the back of the building that is when I heard it.

"Come on Sarah! Where's the scissors?!"

Curious, I went and check.

"H-here...but are you sure she's not gonna tell anyone?"

"Who will she tell it to? She doesn't have any friends."

When I turned a corner that is when I saw Jean on the ground with her eyes closed and tears still flowing down her cheeks. Someone holding her hair and is about to cut it...

So I shouted, "What the fuck are you doing to her!?"

I ran and kick the little bitch that is holding her hair in the stomach.

She fell on her butt and stared at me seemingly in shock but I couldn't careless. I will punch a woman, a child or both if I have to.

I helped Jean stood up then glared at the two girls and shouted, "What the hell do you think you were doing?! How about I cut your hair till you're bald huh? You like that?

The girl holding the scissors stood up and shouted just as fiercely, "Who do the fuck are you!?"

"I'm her friend! What are you gonna do about it huh? Want me to kick you again!?"

The friend of the little bitch holding the scissors pulled her shoulders. "We should get out of here... B-Britney. Someone might come and see us."

"Shut up Sarah! This little squirt just kicked me and I ain't going anywhere without some payback!"

Fuck I thought they would leave us alone after I kicked her. She isn't even crying, the fuck? Are kids built different here?

She is glaring at me with a scissors in hand so I stood in front of Jean. What the hell am I gonna do now?

I shouted trying to buy some time to think. "What are you gonna do huh?! Stab me!?"

"Stop this Britney... this is getting out of hand."

"Shut the fuck up Sarah! I gonna make this little squirt cry and call me mommy."

What the hell...? Oh right, mom is here maybe...

"HEELLLPPP!!!" I shouted as loud as I could.

Both of them froze, probably didn't expect me to shout and call for help. Hehe you think I'll fight you? Do you think I'm stupid?

Her friend shook her shoulder. "B-Britney let's get out of here!"

"You fucking coward..." She glared at me and ran away with her friend.

Fuck you, I'm not a coward I just logically thought about it.

I turned around and looked at Jean, her hair is a mess, she has tear stains on her cheeks and her eyes are puffy and red.

"You okay? They didn't hurt manage to hurt you or anything, right?" I said while wiping away the tears in her eyes and cheeks.

"I-I'm fine..."

"What the hell is wrong with those girls? Why would they even do that to you?" I asked but before she can answer a teacher came running.

"What happened?! I heard a shout for help!" He then looked at Jean. "Is she alright?" And asked with concern.

"Sir, you're finally here. She was..." When I was about to tell him what happened, Jean grabbed my hands and shook her head. "...she tripped."

The teacher looked at the stain in Jeans pants and her disheveled hair. He then sighed and shook his head. "Thank goodness that's all that happened. When I heard the shout I thought there was a shooter or something."

"Uhm... she wouldn't stop crying and I thought I saw some blood so I panicked but it was just her hair ha ha ha."

"Well come on you two I'll take you to the clinic. Do you want me to carry you?" He asked Jean but she only shook her head and held my hand tighter.

"It's fine sir, thank you."

"Are you sure?" I nodded. "Well it doesn't look like that its bleeding but we'll walk slowly just in case. Alright?"

We followed after him with Jean holding my hand.

"Thank you sir for the help."

"It's nothing, I was just walking by when I heard someone shout so I came running but it turns out that she only trip. I'm not saying that's a good thing but it could have been worse."

I just nodded. Then he kept on talking the whole time it's kinda annoying. I wanted to ask Jean what happened because I knew she was being bullied but I didn't know it was to the point that they'll harrass her and cut her hair. I thought it was just something childish like calling her names and teasing but damn...

After a while we finally arrived at the clinic, the teacher said goodbye to us and we went inside the clinic. As soon as she saw us miss Linda immediately asked, "What happened?"

"Uhm... She tripped?" I said but of course she doesn't believe me. I tried to fix Jean's hair along the way but there is only so much I can do with only one hand.

"I'm not blind Will. I know what it looks like if someone tripped and that..." She motions from top to bottom at Jean. "...doesn't look like it."

I looked at Jean but she just shook her head again refusing to look at miss Linda.

I sighed and shrugged to miss Linda. Then she said, "Fine... be that way. At the very least let me look at her to see if she has any injuries."

Miss Linda checked Jean all over but it looks like she doesn't have any serious injury just some scratches at her hands and some dirt one her pants. Miss Linda also decided to brush her hair and wipe the dirt off her clothes. All the while Jean is just silent.

After she's finished miss Linda said. "Well if you decided to finally tell what happened just know that I'll be here to listen and help, alright?"

I nodded then we both went out with Jean holding onto my hand.

"Wanna get something to eat?" I asked because I don't really know what to do or say. I never comforted anyone nor have I been relied on before. And food always made me comfortable.

She nodded but didn't say anything else and continued letting me guide her. It is lunch time and a lot of students are walking.

After a while of walking in silence she softly said, "...do you think I should have told the adults?"

"Of course! Why would you just let them be if they did that to you? They could have seriously hurt you!" I said full of righteous anger but I calmed down a bit when I looked at her face. "... I don't want to think about what would happen if... I was too late."

She squeeze my hand tighter, "...b-but it was my fault anyway."

I sighed then looked around to find a quiet place because Jean really needs to just sit down, I shouldn't have went out of the clinic. I walked into an empty classroom, Jean looked a bit confused but followed me nonetheless. I opened the door and it was a Science lab, then I took a seat on the floor with my back on the cabinets away from the door incase someone gets in.

I patted the space beside me and Jean sat down next to me. Then I looked at her in the eyes and said, "None of this is your fault."

She avoided my gaze then hugged her knees and buried her head in her arms."B-but it was because of me that... t-they did this."

I didn't answer instead I moved closer to her and just waited for her to speak.

After a while she spoke again. "They're name is Britney and Sarah... they are my friends... or at least they were."

She looked at me and smiled slightly "They were my first friends we used to do everything together..." Her smiled disappeared "...but it changed when we were at second grade. The teachers always praised me because I was smart. I was happy... but then Britney and Sarah started to ignore me. They struggle to learn and only wanted to play, I tried to help them but I guess they didn't like that..."

She brushed her hair and looked at it, "That was also the time the rumors that I was a witch started... My hair stood out all the time ever since I was younger and a lot of people asked if I dyed it. My big sis didn't like it so she dyed her hair but I like it... red."

She sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "At first the rumors didn't bother me after all its not true but then I learned that it was because of Britney and Sarah started the rumor. I don't why they did it because I thought we were friends so I asked them why... but they just laughed at me and started teasing and playing with my hair. Before I knew it every one started doing it... They would pull my hair take a few strands and showed it to others like its some sort of achievement..."

Her eyes started to well up and tears fall down her cheeks. "...I-I told my teacher but he said that it was just some harmless joke... Then it just became worse from then on..."

I hugged her and let her head rest on my shoulders then she said between sobbing. "T-this is the first time that they tried to cut it..."

She then started crying meanwhile I just stayed silent and patted her back.

After a while she stopped crying and looked me in the eyes. "...Do you think I should change my hair? Would the other kids stop bothering me if I did...?" Her face is serious and I have a feeling that what ever I say will affect her for the rest of her life.

But I don't really need to think that much about it so I said. "Never change, be who you want to be... and if you decided to change never do it for the sake of others, do it for yourself."

She smiled at me full of emotions that I can't really understand and said "Thanks Will."

I smiled back, happy as long as she's happy as well. "Don't worry I already took the exam and after a while I'll be your classmate as well. So I will always be there for you."

She just nodded. I stood up and offered her a hand and said, "Come on, Let's get something to eat."