After dying of a serious terminal illness, a 20-year-old fan of the Steven Universe series has lost his memories and is mysteriously reincarnated as White Diamond in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Join him on his intergalactic adventures conquering planets and defeating cosmic entities, while on his way to universal domination! I do not own the Marvel comics and movie series or any of their characters, nor do I own the Steven Universe series and its characters. All rights reserved to their respective author. However, this story and the original characters invented by me or reconstructed if they are my own.
- "FINALLY!", I shouted with undisguised enthusiasm, about 2 weeks have passed since the construction of the first injectors began and finally, until just a few hours ago, the first 5 batches were ready, which means that we can start with the production of gems.
- "Peridot, how is the mineral extraction going in sector 3?"
- "Yes, my Diamond, the extraction of minerals in that sector, as in the other 50 extraction sectors, is optimal, at least 3 million tons of raw material have been mobilized, which is currently undergoing a purification process. Together, the 50 extraction sectors move at least 160 million tons of material every day", answered the peridot who is always by my side as my personal secretary.
- "Okay, that's excellent, the injectors are ready to go I guess?" I asked.
– "This is my diamond, at this moment the first 4 batches have already arrived at the Beta Kindergarten and are ready to start working, you only need to specify the type of gems that are going to be created and the quantity. In addition, the liquid of life that it has provided us with is enough to create at least 3 million gems and it is estimated that with the mineral resources of this planet, up to 10,000 trillion gems of all kinds can be created, without counting the number of structures, weapons and ships that can also be created", He answered animatedly.
- "I understand... Well, I want you to start producing about 10 million gems of the military type: quartz, rubies, nephrites, topazes, emeralds, garnets, in short, all kinds of gems that can increase the power of our armies, that for start. Also, don't forget to also create about 3 million gems from the areas of research, administration, engineering, and construction to keep our infrastructure running," I ordered.
- "At your service, My Diamond", replied the peridot, at that moment another gem entered to give me a report.
- "My diamond, the monitoring base for injectors and structures that he ordered to be built in sector 6 of the nursery are ready", the pink agate in charge of the Beta Kindergarten informed me.
- "Perfect, we'll move immediately", I replied, then left my recently built throne room, and then climb into my new white palanquin, also recently built.
As I walked through the city to go to the nursery you could notice the changes that have happened in this place during this short period of time. The first noticeable change is the progress in the construction of the city, what before seemed like a prototype city now looks like an almost entirely completed small city of about 300 square kilometers with several terrifyingly tall and modern buildings, all made of glass and walls of special alloys of extremely strong and durable metals and minerals.
I hadn't noticed it before, but the gems' ability to build is terrifyingly fast, in just a few weeks they've turned this desert into a paradise...
Another of the changes that can be easily noticed are the gigantic 50-meter machines that move terrifying amounts of material every minute to the outskirts of the city, hollowing out the planet slowly but steadily, those futuristic-looking machines are the extractors. A galactic distortion has also been built in the center of the city, which is basically a place where portals from all over the planet converge and where a portal will later be built that is capable of moving gems to other planets and galaxies. Obviously by that point we will have already conquered several solar systems.
The last thing I have to mention is that while this arid planet is poor in organic natural resources, it is very rich in minerals, which allows us, with the increasing number of extractors and processors, to have a frightening amount of materials ready to use in the moment we need them, in this way, we have been storing them until we have enough manpower with the next batch of gems to start building more complex structures, including spaceships.
- "We have arrived My Diamond", my peridot said, pulling me out of my thoughts.
- "Okay", I replied getting up from my seat and then getting out of my palanquin. The scenery around me was quite lively, in the huge 5-kilometer-deep canyon in front of me, there were at least 300 injectors, most of them already working, drilling deep into the ground and injecting gems at a steady rate. Each injector can plant at least 1 gem per minute, which means that, in the best-case scenario, in a single day, each injector can plant up to 1,440 gems, but assuming there are 300 injectors, this number is multiplied up to reach the terrible figure of 432,000 gems per day.
That means that only with the amount of gems that will be injected today I will have an army of at least 400,000 gems in 2 more weeks when they emerge... No wonder the gems were so numerous and powerful in the Steven Universe original series, to the point of forming a powerful intergalactic empire by annihilating anyone who goes against them, this ability to reproduce is simply terrifying...
Returning to the present, I was walking along with my entourage throughout the nursery, from time to time, peridots could be seen verifying the operation of injectors and other strange machines, as well as other types of gems such as quartz carrying heavy things. and several lapis lazuli modifying the surface of the canyon when required with their hydrokinesis, though they have a bit of a hard time as there isn't much water on this planet.
Arriving at my new base, I realized that it was almost identical to the ones in the series, itself, it was a copy of the pink diamond moon base in Steven universe, the only differences would be the color and size, the rest is basically the same. I sat in the chair at the command post and started to check the progress in the nursery and other structures, which are actually going quite well. If everything continues as it is now, we will be able to leave this planet in a couple of months at the most.
Somewhere else in the universe...
- "My Lord, the cosmic singularity that we detected a few weeks ago has completely vanished, it was also very difficult to trace, however, we are sure that the signal we received comes from a being with formidable power and alien to this universe, Possibly, that signal was emitted without his knowledge due to the Interdimensional crossing"
- "In which sector was the signal last perceived?"
- "we are not entirely sure, but we believe that the signal comes from somewhere near sector 2081015 of the universe"
- "That's pretty close to that one-eyed old man's domain. Chances are that damn thing has already realized that a powerful entity appeared near his territory, so we won't have to intervene... Odin would never let an unknown entity live near his domain-nine worlds or whatever. Keep me posted from now on, if the situation becomes troublesome, then we will send our forces to kill whatever dared to enter this universe without permission."
- "As you order Sir"
On the other hand, White Diamond was living quietly without knowing anything about the storm that was hanging over him, he was still quite excited that everything was going well with the new nursery.
- "Peridot, as soon as these new gems emerge, I want them to start working on the other projects on our schedule. We need to increase our power as soon as possible, I on the other hand, I'll be in my room, don't bother me if there's nothing matter, understand? I ordered.
- "Of course, My Diamond", answered the Peridot.
With that said, I retired to my newly built room and began to meditate, lately I have made some progress with my manipulation of energies, before, I could barely and with great effort control a single strand of energy the thickness of a hair, but now I can absorb and control up to 5 strands of energy with a thickness of 5mm. Which from my point of view is a good step forward.
Of course, it is worth mentioning that I haven't neglected my other abilities, every day, I train as much as I can and now, I have great control over most of my powers except for the aforementioned energy control. But I'm not in a hurry, I know that with time I can only improve, and now that I can't die of old age, time is what I have left.
I wonder if one day I'll reach the point where I can absorb the energy of entire stars... However, I'm sure that day is still far away.