
Reincarnated In Marvel as Graviton

The MC is reincarnated as Graviton in the Marvel universe. He wishes to live his new life freely without constricted by rules and laws. He will be selfish and act to live out his life his way, even if it goes against what is considered as good. This is his life as he explores the new world with freedom as he does whatever he wants as he becomes a self serving villain in the world. ############## As stated the MC will be a selfish person. I decided to write this due to me being interested by the powers used by Graviton as he has the potential to become very strong. Of course, this is a R18 book so there will be sex scenes and rape considering the fact that he is a villain. Enjoy.

Lust_Demon_Samael · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 6

"Now study those notes that I have given you while I get done with my job." Franklin said to her as he is dressed in a suit.

"Yes Master." Marian said to him with a nod.

"And study properly for the exams. I may have done it to get you as my own but I am serious about your exams. If you do well then you might have a chance at becoming my assistant." Franklin said to her seriously.

"Oohh. That means we can fuck eachother on our jobs as well." Marian said when she heard that with a smile.

"Don't get your hopes up that much. I am serious when I'm dealing with my research." Franklin said to her seriously.

"Fine." Marian said with a pout.

"I will conduct a test after coming back. If you do well then I would be fucking you very much." Franklin said which improved her mood.

"Okay, see you soon." Marian said to him with a smile.

He left the house and got into his car and went on his way. He was invited to a party by Reed Richards since he is a reputed scientist who excelled in the gravitational field. He didn't have any reason to decline the offer so he accepted it and decided to go there.

He reached New York City in some time and went to the Baxter Building. He parked his car at the car park outside the building before he looked at the large building in wonder as no matter how many times he looks at it he still can't help but Marvel at it.

'Maybe I should start a company of my own?' Franklin thought to himself as there were villains with major companies.

"Well, that is a thought for another time." Franklin said to himself as he walked into the Baxter Building.

He managed to get past the security and entered the place and went to the topmost floor just before the roof. When he reached the place he saw that there were many people there, he spotted Tony Stark, Hank Pym and other scientists there. He also spotted Reed greeting some of the scientists so he went and decided to announce his presence as well.

"Good morning Dr. Richards." Franklin said as he introduced himself.

"Ah Dr. Hall, it's nice of you to accept my invitation." Reed said with a smile as they did a handshake.

"Well, I won't always get a chance to come to the Baxter Building and it is you who had called me so I didn't have a reason to refuse you." Franklin said to him with a smile.

"Thank you. Please enjoy the party." Reed said with a smile.

"Yes. And also congratulations for the award. Though I thought that you would bring more people here other than scientists to celebrate?" Franklin asked him as he looked around.

"That celebration will be in a few days, right now I just wanted to celebrate with my peers." Reed said with a smile.

"Good then. Then I'll leave you to it." Franklin said as he walked away.

He talked with the scientists gathered and soon he went to talk to Tony Stark as said man also noticed him as he turned to him.

"Mr. Stark." Franklin greeted him.

"Well if it isn't Dr. Hall, I see that you are doing fine, though I didn't peg you as the type to teach others." Tony said to him with a smile.

"Well, after an incident which happened at the lab I decided to take some break from it as a way to cool off so to speak and the peaceful life has helped me. And it isn't like I'm not contributing to the scientific community is it?" Franklin said to him with a smile.

"True true. Any idea for when you will return back in the fray?" Tony asked him with a curious look.

"I didn't think that much about it but yes, I do intend to appear again in the coming future." Franklin said to him with a smile.

"I see. You know, I could use your expertise in the scientific field, specifically your understanding of gravity." Tony said catching his attention.

"And what might the great Tony Stark want from me. You are a brilliant scientist and I don't think that you would need my help in doing what you wish." Franklin said to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes well, gravity is a topic which not many study since it isn't as tangible as the others. You are the leading expert in the world for the study of gravity and I would like it if you would give me some pointers." Tony said to him seriously.

"Hmm, well I don't mind really. So do I have to come to your tower to do this?" Franklin asked him curiously.

"No, I already have it here. Just give me some pointers." Tony said as he took out a thing like a pen which then opened to become as big as a tablet.

'Of course he has something like this. It's Tony Stark.' Franklin thought to himself when he saw it.

"Here, I just need your help with this and..." Tony said as he pointed out the equations to him.

"Hmm, well, this here is wrong and has to be changed, and as for this..." Franklin said as he pointed out some of the problems with the equations.

After that he started to correct the equations before Tony looked at it.

"So that's all." Tony asked him curiously.

"Yes." Franklin said to him.

"Great then. Enjoy the party." Tony said as he walked away.

Franklin just shook hit head a bit at his behaviour before he went and talked with other scientists. Hank Pym had kept his distance from most people and didn't give much thought to Franklin as the man ignored him to which the reincarntor also did the same.

After the party was done he left the place in his car before going to a forest. He exited the car and went inside a cave with a suitcase and took out a flashlight and made its light bounce off the ceiling as it illuminated the place.

"Now to get some gold." Franklin said to himself as he looked at the ground.

His powers of gravity allow him to sense the gravity field of earth and all the things that live on the earth and under it. As such he is aware of the Atlanteans and Inhumans as well. But he doesn't care much about them as he also doesn't want to make enemies out of everyone in the world. He also has the ability to sense the metals and other things inside the earth. Though it did take a while for him to actually be able to distinguish them due to the training he did to learn more about how to use his powers.

"Now then, time to get you here." Franklin said as he raised his hand in front of him.

Then he activated his powers and concentrated and after a few minutes of concentration a block of gold appeared out of the ground and onto his open palm as a smile appeared on his face.

"Make the metal intangible using gravity and extract it easily. No extra cost other than me using my powers. Easy, now I just need to sell this." Franklin said with a smile.

He put the gold ingot in the case and surrounded it with a gravity field making the ingot weightless before he exited the cave and went back to his car. He put the suitcase on the passenger seat in the front before he also got in and drove as he was Ajit to sell it.