
Reincarnated in Fate/kaleid as Shirou Emiya

A lonely soul not remembering much of his life. Did he live too long? Did something happen to cause the lack of his memories? He doesn't know nor does he care anymore. The only thing left that he is sure of is that he must finish what he started, willingly or otherwise. He doesn't remember why he started or even when but that's the only constant thing in his 'life' if you even call it that. There was however one memory that stuck with him. A promise that he made to some girl. That promise made him keep going. He after all promised to 'do his best'. It however ended with a loud *BEEP* and the lights coming from the truck. (Cover does not belong to me.)

kurit_kun · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Secret club

(3rd's pov)

After an awkward goodbye caused by Shirou trying to be cool, the girls had time to talk between themselves.

"So what do you think?" Rin asked Luvia. They may dislike each other, but this topic was more important than that.

"He is strong, and he is probably still hiding his true strength. You should know more since you were so close to him." Luvia answered.

"From what I observed, he is proficient in reinforcement and projection magecraft. He must have an unimaginable amount of Od and control over prana to project an arrow powerful enough to kill a Servant and not even look tired. I'm questioning if he even is human."

"So, is he a great ally or... a frightening enemy?" Luvia narrowed her eyes.

"I still don't know, but I'm leaning towards an ally. He doesn't feel like a traditional magus."

It was just a gut feeling, but dealing with different types of magi in the Clock Tower allowed her to recognize someone with ulterior motives.

"I see, you can take Archer then while I'll be taking Shero. Everything is balanced a sit should be."

"Yes, I can take Archer while you-!" Rin's eyes snapped open as she was nodding with her arms crossed. "What!!!?"

"I'm glad that we finally agree on something, my dear Tohsaka, hohoho~."

The next thing Luvia felt was a kick to her head.

"The only time I'll agree with you is if you finally admit that I'm the better student under Marshal."

They started wrestling.

"You barbarian woman! As if I'll ever stand so low as to lie about your abilities!"

"That's great then, you don't need to! As you can see, I recovered a Rider card without your help. You are unneeded. You can return home and report to your parents about your failure and my success." Rin showed a smug smile to her opponent.

"As if you would be successful without Archer's help. Don't make me laugh. Speaking of which, why are you the one to hold the Rider's card?"

"That's easy. You weren't even present during the fight, and Archer gave it to me, so it's mine now. I wonder what the Teacher would say if he heard the proud Luviagelita Edelfelt was hiding while the brave Rin Tohsaka was fighting for her life."

They started fighting.

As Rin and Luvia had their usual 'arguments', Miyu was deep in her thoughts. She touched her head in confusion.

'Why did it feel so familiar? His hand was warm... just like Onii-chan's. Even his voice and hair color was similar, but it can't be him...'

Miyu frowned, not understanding the situation.

In all of that, Illya was left out, so she decided to return home.

(Shirou's pov)

The first fight went well, but I can't let it get to my head. This time I had the luxury of sniping my enemy, but I won't be able to do that every time. At least I know that my aim is as good as it can be. I aimed for the heart, and I hit the heart.

As I was going over my yesterday's battle, if it can be called one, I heard my teacher announcing something.

"Now, now calm down, everybody. I know that you're excited, but please behave."

Did I miss something when I wasn't paying attention?

"As you probably already know, we are getting two transfer students. Please come in." The teacher called to the people outside the classroom.

To be honest, I should have expected this development, and I did, so I wasn't too shocked, but I didn't expect both of them to transfer to the same class as me.

As Luvia and Rin walked inside, they looked around the classroom, and as their eyes landed on me, they stopped their movements, and I just smiled at them.

Their brains probably stopped for a moment because they didn't move in the slightest until the teacher called them.

"Is everything alright Tohsaka-san, Edelfelt-san?"

Rin and Luvia returned to their 'school act'.

After their introductions, Rin and Luvia took their seats, and the day went on. I could feel their stare at me a few times, so I, of course, looked at them back to see their flustered attempt to look like they didn't just stare at me for a few minutes.

It was a fun class to be in, but now the lunch has come, and as much as I would love to mess with Rin by inviting her and maybe tempting her with my food, I promised Issei to eat lunch with him today in the student's council room.

Shame, but I can't break the promise I made. Besides, I'll have more chances in the future.


"You know, if you wanted to spend time with the new transfer student, you could do just that." Issei, my friend, said as he took a bite of his lunch.

"You know that I'm not the type to break my promises. I also wanted to check on some things in this room."

He raised his eyebrow. "Such as?"

"You told me that a fax machine stopped working yesterday, not to mention the printer that keeps getting broken even if I fix it every two days. You really need to ask teachers to buy a new machine. I'm not a miracle worker."

"But you sure work like one." He took a sip of tea. "You know, when you started standing up to yourself, I was happy for you, but frankly, nothing changed. You are still the same Emiya who helps people. The only difference is that now you're helping almost everyone instead of everyone."

"No, that's not true. Just the other day, I refused my senpai. He wanted my help to hook him up with some girls from the archery club."

"But didn't you do it because the same girls warned you about some guy stalking them? I also think I heard some rumors about this senpai of ours being suspended. I wonder what happened."

Issei gave me a look that was saying he knew that I had something to do with that. He wasn't wrong, though. I may or may not have found some dirt on him and gave all the evidence to the Principal.

"It sure is a mystery." I took a sip out of my juice box as I tried to look as innocent as possible, although I knew that it wouldn't fool him as he probably knew the truth already.

But spending time like this is relaxing.

"Hey, Issei... are you single?"

Hearing my sudden question, Issei choked on his food.

"*COUGH* *COUGH*!!!" Where did that come from? I'm warning you, I don't swing that way!" Issei took a defensive stance, ready to defend himself if necessary.

"Me neither, you idiot. I feel insulted that you even thought that I wanted your scrawny ass."

"Emiya, language!"

"Your scrawny bottom. Better?" He nodded, so I continued the topic from before. "I wanted to ask for your opinion about some things since I feel like I'll have a lot of girl problems in the near future." I continued enjoying my food as I finished explaining.

"Near future? It already started, though."

My chopsticks stopped moving. "Explain."

"There's already a fan club dedicated to you. You even have a nickname there. A perfect house husband, that's what they all call you. Not only is he handsome but he can also cook, is great at fixing machines and not to mention that he is the star of the Archery club. Their words, not mine."

I grabbed my head in disbelief.

"What's wrong with people here, and why don't I know about it?"

"They are pretty secretive, but they're mostly harmless. At first, they tried to take secret photos, but they stopped taking them for some reason."

Ah, so that's what it was. I remember sometime after entering high school, I felt a presence on me, but since it wasn't hostile, I just messed with them for a while by 'looking' at them accidentally. It stopped after a while, and it didn't return, so I thought that they had given up. Apparently not. I didn't check up on it more thoroughly because, in case of danger, I would be able to react fast enough as my guard was up, but nothing happened.

I had a very important question, though.

"Why do you know all of this, Issei? I hope that you aren't part of that fan club. I don't know if our friendship would survive this ordeal."

"Of course, I'm not!" Issei slammed the table. "It's an official club in our school. Its official name is literature club, but most of the students know its real purpose."

"Except me. Why did no one tell me that it exists?"

"It's not like you can stop them."

That's, unfortunately, true. Well, as long as they don't bother me, I don't care that much.

(3rd's pov)

It all started over a year ago. It was the beginning of the infamous literature club. It consisted of all of Shirou's fangirls. Surprisingly he was very popular because of his cooking and archery skills. Not to mention his helpful attitude even if he was saying otherwise.

At first, they took secret photos of him during PE, Home economics, archery club activities, and so on.

It ended abruptly because a certain purple-haired kohai asked them nicely not to bother her senpai.

They came to an agreement after negotiation and some bribes coming from the literature club.



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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

kurit_kuncreators' thoughts