
Reincarnated in Custom Made Demon King

This story is about a man that got reincarnated in CMDK and trying to get to the top. Here what you can expect in the story: *The mc is a villain and he will do a lot of horrible things. *The mc will act more like a devil and use his brain. *I changed the system so it will be less artistic and more like the system read his mind and create what he picture. *there will be a harem of 3-4 but it will be a sub plot later. A little about myself- English is my second language but don't worry I'm pretty good at it. This will be my first book. I plan to update twice a week in Monday and Thursday. I hope every one will enjoy my book and if you have any constructive criticism feel free to write it in the comments.

MysteriousName · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 9: Atropos

'So many demons, it's going to take me years to capture and imprison all these demons. Even going after all the main demon bloodlines, there are still tens of thousands of them existing in the abyss.' I thought as I walked into my newly built prison and looked at the hundreds of demons that were already there. 

Succubus: "Please there was no need to imprison me handsome, I am willing to do any kind of sexual act that will please you." 

Frost demon: "Do you know who my father is? You scum, you better let me go before he will come to kill you." 

Mermaid: "Listen to me I am more beautiful than that fire whore, why don't you let me go and I will reward you?" 

War demon: "You were lucky and sneak attacked me from the air, if you have any guts try to fight me like a real warrior!!!" 

The threats and pleading didn't stop, I sealed their powers with special collars so all they could do was talk all day. After scanning their magic circuits I didn't need them because my symbiote can easily remember all of their circuits, but I can still use them for experimenting. Also, I want to complete my demon collection it has become somewhat of a hobby. 

"Let's have a little snack while I am here." I then started to feed on their fear, despair, anger, guilt, loneliness, jealousy, and contempt. There were other dark emotions but these seven were the strongest and gave me more power, I only stopped when the weak-minded started to fall unconscious. 

"I guess that is enough for now, warden make sure to keep an eye on them and update me if anything unusual happens." I said to the Jedi hunter droid that I made to make sure none of my specimens would escape. 

"Clarification am I allowed to use lethal force master?" 

"If it's one of the common ones I don't care they can easily be replaced, but if it's one of my rare or ultra-rare collections don't kill them just cut their limbs off. I can restore them to mint condition later, am I understood." I spoke in a serious tone to the droid, I considered all of them as my property and didn't want to see them be destroyed or lose their value. 

"Affirmative master, I will begin my patrol." Said the warden droid and started his patrol of the prison. 

I then walked to my throne room while I continued to think about ways to increase my authority and power, I didn't want to become a high-rank demon just yet. There are a lot of advantages to stay as a middle-rank like the fact that in this power level, I can still travel to other worlds pretty easily, and with my current power the middle abyss is my playground. 

As I walked in and sat on my throne, I knew that all my fun could end with one word from a high-ranked demon. I needed some kind of backing if I stayed in the middle abyss. 

'I don't trust any demon to not betray me in the future especially not one more powerful than me, and I don't see how I can control one right now. After all, even if I can beat a high-rank demon most of them work under or with some demon lord.' As I thought of a way to control a high-rank demon Hecate walked in and smiled as she saw me lost in thought. 

When she set on my lap and hugged me l looked at her and was about to slap her for disturbing my thoughts, when I stopped my hand and instead raised her chin and made her look at me. I smiled and asked her "Hecate did you ever want to be a high-rank demon?" 

She looked surprised and then started laughing. "Of course, I want to be a high-rank demon I don't think there is a demon who doesn't want to be one." 

"Very good then I will make your dream come true, Hecate I will tell you the secret method to becoming a high-rank demon." I then felt her body stiffen and she looked at me in shock and disbelief. 

"You are joking, right Apophis?" she questioned me and even called me by my name, but I decided to punish her later. 

"No, I obtain the method from a dying high-rank demon on my last large-scale war. I want to finish some matters in the middle abyss before I advance to high rank. So Hecate do you want to become a high-rank demon?" I lied and asked Hecate with a smirk on my face. 

"You are the most kind and generous demon to ever exist, thank you so much I swear to always remember this moment." Hecate said with a smile on her face as she hugged me. 

I then caressed her face as I moved closer to her ear and told her the method to advance to high rank, to compress the magic power that flows through your heart, until all of it would have been compressed into a higher quality magic power. 

When Hecate followed my instructions and started to compress her magic power, I felt as her aura became more powerful, and my body's instincts told me to obey and fear her. 

"Hecate you will do anything for me, am I right?" I said as I made her look into my eyes. 

"Of course, you have become everything for me." She said with a serious look in her eyes and held my hand. 

"Then prove it and tell me your true name or I will have to make you tell me." I spoke in a cold voice as I threatened her, I am sure that by becoming a high-ranked demon, Hecate would have the power to resist me if she tried. I will never trust a demon stronger than me, even if I have some control over her with the system. 

"You are so evil and cunning" said Hecate but she didn't have an angry look on her face, she was aroused. 

She then wrapped her arms around my neck as she smiled and looked at me. "I already told you that to me you are the god that holds my life, so telling you my true name is a small matter." 

"I Ajatar Abyzou Daruka … Hecate swear on my true name to always be loyal to you." when Hecate said that bout of them felt a soul connection starting to form between them. 

Hecate then removed her clothes and the both of them stayed in the throne room for a couple of hours. 


I lay on top of my bed staring into the reflection of myself in the ceiling. 'I am happy that Hecate won't be a problem but it is still not enough, I need more strong subordinate that I can trust on my side.' 

I then summoned the system screen and looked to see if there was something in there that could help me, then at the bottom of the screen I saw what I needed and smirked. "Now is as good a time as any to play god" 

[Anubis girl- made from the soul fragment of Anubis and the flesh and blood of a succubus. 

Soul hunger- Due to her demonic heritage she can get stronger by devouring souls. 

Kin-devourer – when eating a god's soul, she gets exponentially stronger and can use some of the eaten god's abilities. 

Yandere- only loves and obeys her creator and can never harm him. 

Soul consumption- 1 Superior-quality soul fragment, 50,250 Low-quality souls] 

That should be enough, she can get stronger on her own with the kin-devourer skill that I gave her. Now let's get my succubus and make my girl. 

I then teleported from my room to the common section of my prison, when I was suddenly surrounded by my droids. When they realize that it is me, they turn their lightsabers off and return to their posts. 

"ha-ha, I guess that's what I get for being too lazy to take the stairs." I then walked to cell no.69 and looked at the succubus there, she is a little unique with her black feather wings. 

"It's your lucky day I need a succubus for a very special reason." I said as I entered the cell and made the succubus look at me. 

"I am willing to do anything for a powerful man like yourself. I know that you have a kink for bondage, but can you release me before we start." Said the succubus with a charming smile on her face. 

"I was just planning to kill you and finish it quickly, but you changed my mind, I should enjoy myself." Before the shocked succubus could respond, I let my tentacles inter her brain and drain her. After half a minute of screaming the succubus finally died and I took her soul, the thing that surprised me was that the succubus cumed as she died. 

'Has expected from a succubus she didn't disappoint me.' I then put her body in the system and returned to my bed. 

'System create her' 

A ball of light appeared on top of my bed and illuminated the entire room, after a couple of seconds the ball of light evaporated and revealed the thing inside. A demon egg like the one from the birthing place on the surface of the abyss. 

'I better not let anyone see this, hatching an egg in the abyss not on the surface is forbidden.' I then moved the egg to the floor and started to heat the floor up. 

After a few minutes the egg started showing signs of hatching, I sighed and stopped heating the egg. I should walk to the other side of the room, I don't want to scare the little kid. 

I then watched as a furry paw broke the egg's shell and the thing inside made its way out, a grey and gold puppy with black feather wings exited the egg and started to eat the shell. 


"Wait a minute, I didn't mean a female dog when I designed my Anubis girl I want a girl, not a dog!!!" I said surprised and angry about my new creation. 

When I spoke, the Anubis puppy looked at me and froze as she looked at me with wide eyes. She then ran on all fours to me and hugged my leg as she looked at me with excitement and joy. 

I then petted her head and felt her soft fur, she then closed her eyes with a smile on her face. "You are very cute I will give you that." 

I then held her in my arms as I walked to the throne room and started thinking of a name for her, but nothing came to mind. 

"Can you talk little one?" I ask her as I set down and hold her up. 


She barked and moved her long tail. 'Well, it's good to know that she can understand me, I am sure that she will start talking soon.' 

After an hour of playing and petting my new puppy, Hecate walked in and had a surprised look as she looked at us. 

"where did you get that monster from master? I don't remember ever encountering a monster like this one." Hecate was curious as she walked to us and moved her hand to try and pet the puppy. 


The little puppy warned Hecate and stood in the middle of us like she was protecting me from her. 

"HAHA it's fine return to me, she is not an enemy she is a friend." The little puppy returned to me and set on my lap but still looked in hostility toward Hecate. 

"The little monster is clearly defective to try and attack a demon that is almost a high rank, let me l will destroy this little abomination." Hecate said with an angry look in her eye as she looked at the little puppy. 

"No Hecate, I order you to protect her and this is not up to debate." I said in a serious tone. 

"Yes master" replied Hecate in a scared voice. 

"Now that I think about this I have the perfect name for you" I raised the little puppy and looked her in the eyes. 

"From now on your name is Atropos"