
Reincarnated in Birth Of The Demonic Sword

Mc transmigrates into Birth Of The Demonic Sword and had hundreds of years prep before main events starts. There will be minor multiverse but it is fully explained with reasonable explanation. Also he can only manifest a kind of spirit clone of himself to go to multiverse, his real body can't leave Birth Of The Demonic Sword verse. He only goes multiverse for a chaoter or two so he can get and bring other characters to be with him. Ps this fic is Harem so begone thy Anti-Harem Sect individuals! For I have abandoned the Anti-Harem Sect (ompy this once) so that I may become a true "man of culture"!!!

Knight_Riku · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Extra Author Cut Content

Hey all, no Chapter yet as I'm writing it alongside other fic chapters and improving some old notes. As I was I came across the older version 3 of this stories original plot I was going to make. The current story which I am posting is version 4. I don't want to show spoilers, so instead I only showed all the chapters until the current chapter with the Representatives meeting.

Also, the relationship between Jade and Tallon is very similar, except Tallon "death" is much different reason and cause in this one then in the original plot I posted, so dont get too confused. Also Ariel's origins are different in version 3 than in the posted current version 4 story

Chapter 1: Reborn

• Mc reborn into Birth Of The Demonic Sword verse into a High Rank Family

• Rank 5 Patriarch mother

• Ultra Nation

• Grows up and does his best to learn political world

• He gets his aptitude checked and it is Water

• He is pissed he got the most common and weakest element but didn't get Light or Darkness but doesn't care much although he did want Fire

• Jade got Light element when checked

• Father and Mother doted on daughter and ignored Tallon, they gave her everything and even helped her to cultivate with the best items and riches

• Jade secretly hangs out with Jade when parents are gone and they play

• Tallon and Jade are caught but only Tallon is punished harshly for it

Chapter 2:

• Tallon is finally allowed to Cultivate since the family requires it for their reputation

• Tallon became more emotionless to everyone and even more towards sister since he asked her that they needed to stop hanging out but she ignored him and he would end up punished always by the father who expressly forbids it

• He focused on using his future knowledge and Sea of Conciousness to be able to remeber everything from past life on BOTDS novel

• Tallon Rank 1 achieved

Chapter 3:

• Over time he had developed his knowledge on Formations, Techniques, Spells and Cultivation Methods and even Alchemy and Runes

• He asks mum (Lilith) to travel to place where he will find Beast Inscription Method

• Lilith allows him since he has been showing prodigy level Knowledge in his many fields

• She also starts to think she was to cruel on Tallon and only now realised that live and family is more important than Cultivation

• This is because she had been restricted and bound by her own family in the past and that is why her Law is Defiance and Freedom and begins to see those traits in Tallon because he is suffering the same treatment she had endured

• Sister Rank 2 at same time

• He goes and finds it

• He makes copy of it and leaves stealthily with bodyguards from cave

• Cultivates and practices the Magical Beast Inscription Method

Chapter 4:

• Meanwhile, he makes plans to escape the Clan and steal some of its resources which he overheard from conversations between parents and Jade

• Tallon learned that they have all the treasures of the Clan inside a single Storage Ring

• Tallon wasn't an idiot and he knew there must be a tracking GPS Formation Rune on the ring

• He had created his own storage ring thanks to be given 1 Riftshard by his father

• His father thought it was worth seeing if his son can make some progress in his knowledge and use 1 of 17 Riftshards they have which they can get in a hundred years easily

• They don't even use Riftshards and are just collecting it at this point

• Because of this Tallon made a Storage Ring on his own but hasn't revealed yet

• He secretly plans to steal the Main Ring since he had placed a Rune on his own Family Given Storage Ring and gave it back to father

• He had traced it and it went and vanished in a certain place in the Mind Palace room

• He knew it is a secure place and must be where the Main Ring is

• Also...

• Sister was given many Cultivation Resources

[ ] Forming Pill (2) X 100

[ ] Inner-Fire Pills (3) X 20

[ ] Inner-Fire Pills (4) X 20

[ ] The Hungry core (4) X 1

[ ] Dimondmana Pool's Water Vials (5) X ♾️

[ ] Pavesoul tree's fruit (5) X 1

[ ] Dimondmana Pool's Water (6) X ♾️

• Jade made progress in Rank 2 while Tallon was more mad he was neglected

Chapter 5:

• Lilith meets him and talks to him and they have Heart to heart and she apologises for how he was treated and he never got to play with Jade

• Tallon emotionlessly replies that he understands her words are a test and promise to never go near Jade ever again

• Tallon did this as an act since he doesn't believe her

• Lilith was shocked and sad and she tried to clear the misunderstanding but father came and asks what they are talking about

• Tallon says mother was just telling him not to meet and disrupt Sister from cultivating

• Father is happy at this and walks away

• Tallon also leaves to continue his plans and experiments

• Lilith is left behind and feels great regret at what she had done and that she neglected him from childhood when his aptitude was checked

• Lilith remembers that they were very happy and loving to everyone before the children's Elemental aptitudes were checked, that's when they ignored him

• She decides to cancel her last minute plans to go and get some items from their Main Ring storage and give it to Tallon as some kind of recompense

Chapter 6:

• Meanwhile, Father had left to meet with the Royals to go and discuss about Mining operations in Luminous Family territory

• Tallon begins to do his plan now since he knows parents will leave and no one except them knows where the Luminous Family treasures are stored

• He makes a note before he leaves in preparation of his life and death plan

• It's stupid but he would one day become cannon fodder and a Martyr in the future

• He needed to take the risk or he'll eventually die in a Cultivation World like this

• This opportunity is his only chance to escape and survive with what can help him live

• He knows he'll be hunted down but if he can flee to the Archipelago in time he'll be safe and can grow stronger

• He goes into the room and finds the ring

• He places a note on the table while another is in his jacket pocket

• He turns to leave but stands in shock and fear when he sees Lilith there

• None spoke for a moment until Lilith asks what he is doing here?

• Tallon simply sighs that he failed and had such bad luck

• He knows he will be tortured for this since he can't escape now

• He takes out a note and gives it to Lilith

• As she is distracted by looking at the paper, not even getting the chance to read it

• Tallon pulled out a knife and stabbed his brain directly to prevent Lilith from healing him and so that he doesn't feel lot of pain before death

• The blade was coated in a Poison he made that would instantly kill him if the venom reached his brain and nervous system as the Poison will shut it down in an instant

• He dies as he screams "Freedom"

Chapter 7:

• Lilith was suprised by the shout but saw him with a knife but reacted too late and cried out his name in despair at the sudden suicide

• She processed what he said and calmed herself enough to act and quickly read the letter he gave her and the one he left where the Main Ring previously was stored at

• The Main Ring is still there but is empty since Tallon transfered it into his own custom Storage Ring

• Lilith planed to use Drop of Life to resurrect Tallon and she had bound his body in feat he might try to kill himself again once revived

• Father returns and Lilith says she is going to resurrect him

• Father says no and refuses to use Drop of Life on a waste like him

• He took it from and and went to leave

• Lilith closed her eyes and understand what she had to do

• She made herself exude no killing intent and instead perfectly cut father from head to toe in half in an instant and then she cut his Dantian in half ensuring he stays dead and can survive

• She catches the Drop of Life and spreads a lie that he was trying to steal the Luminous family treasures and flee instead of it being Tallon

• She uses Drop of Life on Tallon

• Tallon wakes up and screams "No" and in fear he was brought back only to be tortured, he ignored everything Lilith tried to say in fear, terror and madness

• Lilith calmed him down by using her Mind on her

• She gets Jade to come and tells her what had happened

• Lilith and Jade try to tell him he misunderstands but he refused to believe it and curses them for the punishment and suffering he endured and how Jade was the favourite while he was abandoned and discarded

• Lilith had a face of regret and despair

• Jade falls into depression and blames herself for what happened and not helping him

• Lilith decides to drug Tallon in order to slowly convince his mind that she and Jade truly want to make up with him and promise to never hurt him and they will protect him

• He let's slip that he was reincarnated from past life Earth but they ignore it since Tallon is their family now

• Jade and Lilith managed to convince a drugged Tallon to calm down and believe them

• They did not lie to him and only told truth to semi freewill brainwash him

• They let him go

Chapter 8:

• Tallon shrugs of after effects of drugs and knows what they did but was able to think rationally since he found out father killed by Mom and was calm to think and not screaming all the time

• Lilith promised to give Tallon many things to compensate in some way and for her way to help make it up to him as a start

• Tallon did not hold back and demanded for many things that made Lilith suprised but she didn't complain, she did say that she can only get 260 Magical Beast Corpses since they don't have enough formations to preserve 1,000 Corpses and it will cause trouble in the Starlight Sect as everyone will begin to question it and other Factions will investigate Starlight Sect

• He agreed and got many things to help him cultivate

[ ] 260 Magical Beast Corpses (Rank & Type)

[ ] 2,500 Ingredients (Rank & Type)

[ ] 600 Potions & Pills (Rank & Type)

[ ] Forming Pill (2) X 100

[ ] 2 Star Cultivation Pill (2) X 15

[ ] Inner-Fire Pills (3) X 20

[ ] Latent Dragon Pill (3) X 1

[ ] 3 Star Cultivation Pill (3) X 4

[ ] Inner-Fire Pills (4) X 20

[ ] Latent Dragon Pill (4) X 1

[ ] Lesser Spiritual Crystal (4) X 4000

[ ] 4 Star Cultivation Pill (4) X 3

[ ] The Hungry core (5) X 1

[ ] Latent Dragon Pill (5) X 1

[ ] Spiritual Crystal (5) X 1500

[ ] Dimondmana Pool's Water Vials (5) X ♾️

[ ] Pavesoul tree's fruit (5) X 1

[ ] Ghost Water Essence (5) X 1

[ ] Dimondmana Pool's Water (6) X ♾️

• He consumed and used practically all of it and immediately began cultivating and experimenting on how to become a Hybrid and various Cultivation, Spell and Technique creations

• Sister finally can play and hang out with him but he Ignores her still causing her to cry

• He told Lilith about the imitation of the Divine Deduction Technique he made plans to make but can't finish its creation

• Lilith agrees to help make it as a Rank 5 Technique and then impart a copy of it to him only if he talks to Jade about why he's ignoring her

• Lilith says Jade was innocent in all of it and didn't know because the truth was kept from her

• He reluctantly agrees since he is still angry and jealous of her being favourite while he suffered

• He tells all of this to Jade causing her to cry even more

• Tallon sighs and thinks he was too harsh on her and that she's still a child

• He hugs her and says that he may be too harsh and is willing to play with her if she stops crying and blaming herself

• She agrees and happier

• As agreed he did play and hang out with her and he warms up and opens up his heart to her again and Lilith sees this and smiles

Chapter 9:

• Lilith had also let Tallon and Jade use the Watchtower and Dimondmana Pools to cultivate which made them sky rocket to Rank 3 (Jade) and Rank 2 (Tallon) in record speed faster than any other cultivator before

• Tallon and Jade was playing on outskirts on Sect grounds when a Magical Beast attacks them

• They are almost killed but Tallon Summons the dozens of Rank 4 Elemental Wraith Talismans to distract the Rank 5 5-Tailed Light Fox

• Lilith sensed the creature and arrived to save them with few of the Starlight Sect Elders

• An Elder was about to kill it but Tallon screamed out and asked them to not kill it and capture it

• The Elder ignored him and was about to kill the Light Fox but his sword was stopped by Lilith

• Lilith ordered them to get keep it detained while she comes back to deal with the Fox

• Lilith takes Tallon and Jade to the healer and checks if they are OK

Chapter 10:

• After that she goes to get Deck of Souls (Rank 5) from treasury and uses it on the Light Fox to contain and imprison it alive frozen in Time so it doesn't need to be fed and cared for.

• Lilith asks what he intends to do with the Light Fox since it wanted to kill Jade cause it must have sensed her Light Element Attribute due to the use of the Transcendent Light Essence (Rank 6) a weeks ago.

• Tallon reveals how he knows of a way to become a Hybrid but needs to be done before they develop their Law and Individuality for best result.

• He says he will practice on other death row inmates he obtains and merge them with a Magical Beast that Lilith had given him to see how well his test performs.

• He says he wants a Water Element Dragon for his own fusion one day.

• Lilith asks does the Rank difference do anything.

• Tallon says it only increases the Body but since he intends to erase the Mind and personality of the Beast so that he can replace it with a custom one with help of Lilith, then the process will be safe for them and reap best benefits.

• Lilith nods and leaves without a word.

• Lilith comes back and tells Tallon that he will give him a bodyguard of Rank 4-Solid Solid Stage (Wind)

• Lilith gives a female one since he knows of Tallon's PTSD of father and any male he meets.

Chapter 11:

• Ariel knew about Tallon and suprised by what he is doing and his experiments

• Tallon also allows Ariel to use the Dimondmana Pools and the Watchtower to cultivate and she is grateful to him for it and is even more determined to stay in the Sect since Lilith had treated her kindly for a long time since she joined the Starlight Sect

• Lilith comes back again a few weeks later with a Rank 5 Heavenly Water Dragon (Eastern Dragon) that seems lifeless

• Tallon asks what she did to it and she reveals that she captured it and erased the Sea of Conciousness and Personality of the Water Dragon and the Light Fox like he had wanted.

• She had used two Astral Blades (Rank 5) to do so making them a blank slate

• He then asks Lilith for two pets, one for himself and the other for Jade so that the pets can grow attached to them over a few years and then he can transfer their personality and conciousness into the Water Dragon and Light Fox in order to make them perfect for the fusion

• Lilith agrees and she and Tallon explains this to Jade

• Gets pets

• Years go by and pets grow on them and become perfect in personality

• Jade asks if they can keep pets after the Hybrid fusion

• Tallon says maybe it can be possible

• Lilith arrives and tells them that the Royals want them to attend their academy to brainwash them to be loyal and to monitor them

• Tallon doesn't wnat to go but Lilith says that he had announced Tallon as the next in line to inherit the Starlight Sect and Luminous Family Patriarch titles after her and since the father is dead

• He is suprised she made him next in line cause Jade has Light Element but Lilith says he deserves it for what he has done and endured

Chapter 12:

• They are invited to go to Utra Nation Academy to cultivate

• He mutilated and combined various monsters into one and had an idea to give fake Dantian, first he gets his Rank 1 Beast to inhabit and possess the unalive Hybrid Beast Body

• He then makes new tattoo for it and it is Rank 3 Beast tattoo

• They go to do magic beast test + hustle

Chapter 13:

• Arrives at magic academy

• Buys spells and methods with credits by Family funds

• Cultivates

• Forging Method taught to him and he hires Tutor services greatly to help create a Water Elemental Forging Method

• Tallon tells info about the Immortal Lands and that in the future a Piece of the Immortal Lands will fall and appear in Mortal Lands

• Tallon says that he had gained a glimpse of the future because of a Stele he came across that revealed this and says in the future he successful trains an apprentice to inherit his Forging Method Technique but says to keep this secrat as the future must remain like this cause his future apprentice will affect the entirety of the Mortal and Immortal Lands with what he does and he'll become a Rank 9 existence one day in the future

• The man is overjoyed

• Tallon also says how the Royals will probe his mind to chase down his apprentice and says that he needs to take his life before then and if he does then Tallon may be able to revive him with the ability to cultivate and says he'll stay in contact with him so he can prepare for his resurrection

• The man immediately agrees to all this

Chapter 14:

• Learns it faster than Noah with future knowledge

• Completes Academy

• Returns home after both becomes Rank 3

• Years later

• They cultivate over many years and become Rank 4

• Lilith welcomes them and gives Tallon the Rank 5 Divine Deduction Technique

• Tallon immediately gets to work and perfects all the necessary things and then he has Lilith use Astral Blades (Rank 4) to transfer the personality and Conciousness of the pets into the Light Fox and Water Dragon

• He keeps the Astral Blades to use them later to duplicate the Personality and Conciousness of the pets in the future

• Tallon and Jade become Hybrids and endures the Heavenly Tribunalation thanks to prior preparation and the strength they had gained

• Lilith had given them many Rank 4 and Rank 5 Beast Corpses as Tallon had told her beforehand about the Hunger that will happen

Chapter 15:

• Time skip

• Tallon also helped give advice to Lilith to become Rank 6 Gaseous but in secrat

• Tallon had been able to biological create a living Keiser Ape by using a Rank 5 Keiser Rune as DNA basis

• Used past life science knowledge and Cultivation Formations and Runes to create a Rank 5 Keiser Ape clone

• Erased the Conciousness and Personality of the Keiser Ape and forced evolved it into a Rank 6 Keiser Ape and made another clone to mass produce them in secrat

• Also made them domesticated

• Made opposite gender Keiser Ape evolved it to Rank 6 with great many resources but worth it

• Uses Rank 6 Keiser Ape Rune to become Rank 6 and for Tallon and Jade

• Lilith Rank 6 Gaseous Stage

• Now that Lilith is Rank 6 she can obtain many Rank 5 creatures for Tallon and Jade to consume the Dantians and bodies

• Tallon had also made all of the Starlight Sect Heroic Cultivators into Hybrids and had strengthened the Sect greatly

Chapter 16:

Cringe must be deleted!!!!!

Chapter 17:

• Ariel (Tallon's bodyguard) also became a Hybrid (Rank 4 Wind Kamaitachi) she also became a Rank 5

• Tallon had kept his eye on the Balvan family thanks to Lilith's new Rank 6 ability

• Tallon found Noah's father find Lily one day

• Tallon had taught mother to use same Resurrection Inscription Method that the Empire uses in the future

• Has Lilith put a secrat Inscription on Lily

• He continued to Cultivate and became Rank 5

• He visits the Balvan family since he had asked Lilith to get on friendly ties with them a long time ago

• He visits and is greeted friendly by Thomas Balvan

• Tallon is a guest at the Balvan Manor and stays for a few days since he plays with children of the family and teaches them when they visit him so he visit them this time

• Tallon was walking around and saw Noah trying to learn from the guards

Chapter 18:

• Tallon meets Noah in disguise and tells him to meet him in secrat place outside and he will make sure he won't get in trouble for his absence

• Trains Noah slightly and reveals some secrats of the Darkness Element and about the factions in the world and many things William wouldn't know

• He tells Noah to strive for the stars, to stand above them, but not to forsake that which makes him unique, that makes him-him.

• Tells Noah he has a unique advantage above everyone else in the world thanks to the memories of his Past Life and to use it wisely.

• Noah's eyes were wide open and he was about to say something but was cut off

• Tallon tells him not to worry and that only him and one other individual knows and not to worry about it since Tallon won't tell anyone, even if they become enimies one day in the future and the other individual won't tell because it's so insignificant to him

• Tallon says goodbye and he expects to see him in the future, he tells Noah that the world will be against him but to says to stand by those he lives and trust and he will have a drive far greater than anything anyone in this world can imagine.

• Tallon leaves

Chapter 19:

• Time skip

• Lily dies and buried

• Tallon retrieves body and ensures everything is fine

• Keeps corpse in case and resurrects her with the formation

• Tells Lily about everything that happened and Lily is determined to accompany her son to the Immortal Lands to be with him

• Tallon has her Cultivate seriously and non stop

• She makes good progress and advances quickly thanks to the dedication and all the help she is getting from Starlight Sect

• He also told her to stay hidden for now and only when Noah is Rank 6 can she reveal herself to him

• Lily element is Fire

• After this Tallon immediately goes to Forging Method Instructor and does Resurrection Formation on him

Chapter 20:

• Time skip

• Thomas asks for Starlight Sect's help to find Noah Balvan

• Tallon agrees so then he can cover up everything

• They go to Inheritance ground

• Eccentric Thunder nuke the place

• They all retreat but Tallon made a clone and split his Conciousness to control it

• He has Clone go to find June

• Clone lies to June asking that he is looking for something in the inheritance of Escentric Thunder, if its not in the storage ring then he will leave if it is there he will take it

• June hesitated

• He says he could easily kill her and take everything but he isn't since the inheritance has no worth to him except the one item

• June has no choice to accept

• Clone quickly investigates ring for anything interesting

• Finds some Techniques about the Thunder absorption technique

• He memories it all on the spot and leaves telling June he has what he had been looking for and gives a Rank 5 Keiser Rune to her

• She is shocked only to see him disappeared

Chapter 21:

• Time skip

• Thomas contacts him again and he goes to meet Forging Method Instructor

• Winks to him

• Kills him mentally in front of everyone and says his mind was damaged and he analysed his memories and he was Noah's instructor and was abandoned by Noah and knows nothing

• Resurrects Instructor Ivor and allows him to cultivate and create Inscription weapons for Starlight Sect

• Time skip

• The rest of the Sect prepares and had been gathering large number of other sects to serve under them in both the Utra Nation and Ravaging Demon's sects while also trying to usurp control of the sects under Ravaging Demon

Chapter 22:

• Piece of the Immortal Lands falls

• Infiltrates the Dark Gourge on the Immortal Lands and finds the caged Pterodactyl

• Runs past all the hundreds of Rank 6 Pterodactyls with Lilith's help

• Uses his Demonic Sword imitation to break past and cut into barrier like Noah Balvan did

• Finds the Rank 7+ Darkness Pterodactyl Magical Beast

• Makes deal with it to help destroy Heaven and Earth in exchange for its help and even give some of its memories of Past Life of defeating Heaven and Earth with its help

• The Pterodactyl agrees willingly and becomes a Magical Beast Inscription of Tallon without resisting

• Tallon names it Night

• Night enters Tallon's Sea of Conciousness but Tallon had been prepared just like Noah was in original timeline but even greater thanks to all his novel knowledge

• Perfectly subdued Night with Lilith's help to create artificial Rank 6 Mind barrier for him

• Night transfers it Conciousness into a Rank 6 Pterodactyl that Lilith killed

• Night entered his body

• Tallon has Lilith to mentally cut up Night's old body with help of Night that made a Darkness Water out of Tallon's Water element

• (It still had Rank 7 spells)

• The Rank 7 body was cut up and Tallon collected it, he put the body back together on the outside and Night was able to regenerate/heal the wounds

• Night then repossessed its old body

• Night is still subservient to Tallon

• Night Rank 7 Blood Companion

• Night becomes loyal to Tallon

• He has Night command all the hundreds of Darkness Pterodactyl to obey his command

• Makes a Moonlight Bridge Formation to transport all the Darkness Pterodactyl to the Starlight Sect and place them deep underground

Chapter 23:

• Prepared a large enough explosion to destroy the Ape Gods Realm

• Lilith goes with Jade and Tallon and few Elders of Starlight Sect to descend to the Keiser Apes at the sea bed near the Coral Archipelago

• Finds Lava/Magma entrance

• Encounters Rank 6 Lizard Aligator

• Defeats it and Tallon devours it whole

• Body becomes Rank 6 Gaseous

• Mind Rank 5 Solid

• Dantian Rank 5 Solid

• Captures Rank 5 Keiser Ape

• Meets the Human Cultivator Slaves

• Meets Rank 6 Skully Inscription Expert

• Kills Rank 6 Keiser Ape to use to make body for Skully

• Skully Rank 6 Keiser Ape Hybrid

• 7th Keiser Ape Rune

• Makes a Moonlight Bridge Formation to make gateway back to Starlight Sect and transfers all Cultivators and captured Keiser Apes Rank 5 - 6

Chapter 24:

• Goes to and meets Rank 7 Ape God

• Nukes environment with Storage Ring

• Summons Night to attack Ape God

• Possesses Anti-Mind Rank 6 defense

• Battle Prowess - Rank 7 Night, Rank 6 Gaseous Tallon, Rank 6 Gaseous Jade, Rank 6 Liquid Lilith, Rank 6 Solid Skully all vs Rank 7 Gaseous Ape God

• They defeated Ape God

• Tallon and Jade eats the Rank 7 corpse and gains Rank 6 Body and stores the Rank 6 Dantian safely

• They use Rank 7 Keiser Rune to get Rank 6 Mind quickly

• Tallon allows Jade to eat Rank 7 Dantian

• Jade becomes a Rank 6 Gaseous Stage

• Archipelago is formed and becomes the Hive Faction

• War against the Hive

• Noah becomes a Hybrid

• Jade becomes a Rank 6 Gaseous Stage

• Lilith becomes Rank 6 Liquid Stage

• Ariel became Peak Rank 5 in that time

• It had been 3 years and the three were able to return quickly

Chapter 25:

• Starlight Sect became powerful over a few years thanks to Night and the Pterodactyl's power to subdue other Magical Creatures

• Also successfully obtained and cultivated many individuals and recruit them while making Rank 6 oaths of loyalty on all of them

• Publicly declares Starlight Sect and Luminous Family as new Powerhouse Faction with 3 Rank 6 existences

• New Powerhouse Faction called Niflheim

Starting Power:

[ ] Rank 5 (4)

[ ] Rank 4 (11)

[ ] Rank 3 (45)

[ ] Rank 2 (73)

[ ] Rank 1 (160)

[ ] Rank 0 (2,500)

• After all this time Starlight Sect is now the following:

Starlight Sect:

• Tax/Y - 576,722,000 C - 3,206,492,400 G


• 5,767,220,000 Credit

• 32,064,924,000 Gold

[ ] Rank 7+ Darkness Pterodactyl <Night > Blood Companion Beast

[ ] Rank 6 (3)

5 Kesier Apes

313 Darkness Pterodactyl

1 Earth Spider Empress

[ ] Rank 5 (38)

8 Kesier Apes

3 Water Dragon Kings

2 5-Tail Light Fox

2 Albino Snakes

1 Fenrir

1 Earth Spider Queen

[ ] Rank 4 (102)

122 Dragons

80 Wolf Kings

150 4-Tail Light Fox

14 Black Snake Alphas

7 Earth Spider Mothers

[ ] Rank 3 (270)

150 Wind Hawks

70 Earth Mammoths

60 Horned Snakes

25 Greater Earth Spider

[ ] Rank 2 (900)

120 Earth Spiders

[ ] Rank 1 (2,700)

600 Wolves

[ ] Rank 0 (13,000)

4,000 Horses

[ ] Tallon - M (6G), D (5S), B (6G)

[ ] Quasi-Rank 6 Gaseous

[ ] Water, Fire, Wind, Lighting, Earth, Light, Darkness

[ ] Rank 7+ Darkness Pterodactyl <Night >

[ ] Rank 6+ Hybrid Devouring Dragon <Draalzok >

[ ] Rank 6 Lighting Tiger Lord <Rael >

[ ] Rank 6 Fire Phoenix <Icarus >

[ ] Rank 6 Earth Stag Emperor <Vector >

[ ] Rank 5 Water Dragon King <Druul >

[ ] Rank 5 5-Tail Light Fox <Inari >

[ ] Jade - M (6G), D (6G), B (6G)

[ ] Rank 6 Gaseous

[ ] Light, Fire, Lighting, Wind, Water, Earth, Darkness (Dark Light)

[ ] Rank 6 6-Tail Light Fox

[ ] Rank 6 Earth Stag Emperor

[ ] Lilith Luminous - M (6L), D (6L), B (6L)

[ ] Rank 6 Liquid

[ ] Water, Wind, Lighting

[ ] Rank 6 Darkness Pterodactyl

[ ] Rank 6 Earth Spider Empress

[ ] Rank 6 Wind Kirin Lord

[ ] Ariel - M (6G), D (5S), B (5S)

[ ] Rank 6 Solid-Peak

[ ] Wind, Water, Fire, Lighting

[ ] Rank 5 Wind Kamaitachi

[ ] Rank 5 Thunderbird

[ ] Rank 5 Wind Kesier Ape

[ ] Lily Balvan - M (5L), D (5L), B (5L)

[ ] Rank 5 Liquid

[ ] Fire

[ ] Rank 5 Phoenix

• Niflheim declares itself independent and takes large territory from all 3 Factions (except Archipelago)

• Empire, Royals and Papral Nations all enraged by the sudden theft of their territory and they tried fighting back but prioritised the New Continent

• At the same time, thanks to all the Magical Beasts and 3 Rank 6 beings that defend Niflheim, Tallon can lead Ariel and many Heroic Cultivators to invading the New Continent for territory

• He kills many Cultivators of other factions and so too does his Sect Followers

• They didn't suffer a single loss and only a draw or victory since they are all Hybrids with bodies equivalent to a Rank 5 or 6 being

• (Rank 6 because eating regenerating Flesh of Darkness Pterodactyl)

• Also because they didn't fight the experts and if they did it was in large groups of powerful members since he remembers that in the novel how they structure their group forces

• Also because all Factions had to split up in order to defend the rapid loss of territory that Niflheim was taking from behind their backs

Chapter 26:

• 1 and half year later

• GLH, GRH both calls for a meeting with all the Rank 6 powerhouses

• (Thx to Tallon help Skully can become a human again, he gave her name Eris)

• All Rank 6 meets and they discuss about a truce until talk is over

• They receive report that some Heroic Cultivators died moments ago

• Moments ago, Tallon helped Noah to kill few Heroic Cultivators of Utra Nation and he had also seized control of the Eastern area of the New Continent to obtain the Water Stele and Divine Cut for himself

• Many times they tried to attack him with powerful forces but Tallon had bolstered those locations more than anything until the truce begins

• Meanwhile, with the Rank 6 beings they all agreed to truce

• They mock Niflheim of being the newbies and try to push them away from rights in the New Continent tournament

• Niflheim threatens them to try and see what will happen to their Nations given the preparations they made also that they can destroy all of the New Continent with the preparations and experiments they already conducted behind their backs

• The other factions had no choice but to acknowledge their new existence

• Lilith (because of Tallon) shows respect to Chasing Demon and the Hive for being the fourth Faction to emerge

• Chasing Demon respects her respect to him and the Hive

• They all talk and discuss on the Tournament

• Empire says they want to have the Rank 6 beings to investigate the core of the New Continent so that they can advance their own Cultivation while their underlings fight for control of the Territories

• Empire has the Rank 7 Oath to make sure they all follow it

• They all check the details and agree

• They tell all their underlings of the situation

Chapter 27:

• Tournament happens

• The Empire fights for the Water Stele

• Papral Nation fights for Divine Cut

• They lost both duels and Niflheim won all their fights through careful strategy to fight weaker opponents and to obtain special resource areas

• Watches some fights when bored

• Prepares and strengthens territories

Chapter 28: (this is wrong, edit, black Flower bidding happens after Winged Beasts Crisis)

• Quasi-Rank 6 Black Flower bidding

• Cultivates and makes more powerful stuff and experiments

• Goes back to collect some Lawless Law materials (can become anything with Individuality)

• Creates perfect gear that evolves and follows his Individuality

• Representives of the other factions and himself meet to do deal and exchanges

• He goes undercover disguise so he will appear like a mysterious new Rank 6 cultivator for his cosplay role play

• They give a glance and then do the deal

• Bought the Rank 6 Resurrection Spell

• Mid deal both Noah and Tallon sensed the Winged Beasts

• Winged Beasts Crisis happens

• Noah kidnaps June as alibi

• Tallon goes back to the New Continent