
Chapter 12

"So, I was thinking that since summer is coming up we should make a yakuza" Kagerou said

"What is the main focus of the group?" Mazoku asked

"There isn't one. Up until well never my life has been boring. I have nothing to do with it so why not start one I think it'll be fun. Not to mention we've been together for some time now, why not establish one" Kagerou answered with a smile.

"Have you thought of a name?" Rory asked

"Ryujin, it means dragon king but it also means sea god and master of serpents but you all should know why I chose this name" he said

"It's a good name but how will we get it started?" Butch asked

"Do you really have to ask. Butch you are already known in the black market for taking on jobs for money. Rory you are beautiful and young but don't worry you won't have to do anything of what I'm thinking.

Tasuki you are strong but you are inexperienced with the black market so you'll be taking on bodyguard request to make us extra money.

Mazoku you are the oldest of us all and you have more experience with business then us all so you'll take care of our money, our connections, meetings and the such. Head secretary if you will.

I already have people in mind that will fill in gaps as underlings so we don't have to do everything ourselves, but until we get settled they won't be necessary" he finished.

"So you came up with this on the spot?" Mazoku asked

"Of course not, but since I already have connections in the black market, I may as well establish a yakuza for the hell of it. I think it would be fun" he proposed with a smile.

"You are already like our boss so, I agree" Tasuki said

"Me to" Butch replied

"Yea I also agree" Mazoku said

"Now it's all up to you Rory. What do you say? And don't worry I won't make you what you're thinking" Kagerou said looking at her.

She thought for a couple of seconds before nodding her head in agreement.

"Well that settles that, now that we all agree Mazoku, I want you to find and buy a house for us to live in and also a nightclub. We may not have enough money for both so if we don't, find an abandoned building" he said and Mazoku only nodded.

"Butch take Tasuki and go to the black market you should know what to do" Butch also nodded

"What about me?" Rory asked

"We still have class, but I do have a job for you" he replied.

After that everyone left and now we could see Rory and Kagerou walking in a hall of the school.

"Hey Kagerou what's the job?" She asked

"Oh right, I know you have lots of female friends so ask the older ones would they like to make easy money and don't worry it's nothing bad" he said

"What are they even gonna do?" Her curiosity still lingering.

"You really wanna know?" He said in which she nodded in confirmation. "Well…" he told her his plan for them.

She was shocked at first but after some thinking she agreed to it and then the two separated.

On his way to class he heard people talking or more like arguing. It sounded like two males and a female.

'Hmm, whose this' he thought as he walked closer.

As he is about to turn the corner he hears Legoshi saying something about a sister.

'A sister…ahh Juno' he remembered who this person was after hearing the voice.

He then continued walking towards them as Legoshi confronts the two males.

Everyone had went silent as they heard his footsteps, Legoshi who saw him first looked a little tense for some reason.

If you looked closer you'd see the two males shivering a little. It was their animal instincts telling them something dangerous was behind them.

Juno looked confused on what was happening until she saw Kagerou. One has to remember that Kagerou is a tall wolf, even taller then some of the bears that attended Cherryton.

So if a new student which Juno was saw Kagerou for the first time. One obvious emotion would take over that student and that would be fear.

That is if that student wasn't Juno. When she saw Kagerou it looked like stars appeared in her eyes. He snout went up a little as Kagerou came closer because of the strong scent coming off of him(thing noting of this).

She felt her body get hot as she started breathing heavy. Kagerou who watched her every action couldn't help but smile. In the anime Juno had a crush on Legoshi but because Legoshi treated her like everyone else who wasn't a close friend of sorts those feeling slowly went away.

Now that Kagerou was in the picture she wouldn't develop a crush on Legoshi and then later one on Louis. Just from the way she reacted, Kagerou could tell that her animal instincts were taking over her and messing with her mindset.

Kagerou finally arrives in front or behind for the two males that were bullying Juno with a small smile on his face.

"What's going on here? And Legoshi how come you never told me you had a little sister?" The voice of Kagerou snapped everyone out of their trance.

"H-hu-oh yea, little sister" he stuttered. 'Now he thinks I have a little sister' he thought to himself.

"Is something the matter?" Kagerou said tilting his head a little.

Legoshi thought about what to say for a second before speaking.

"O-oh it's nothing we were just talking about summer. You guys can leave now" Legoshi said to the males that were bullying Juno who hurriedly left.

"Summer huh. We'll I was also just talking about summer a while ago and was about to head to class but heard some yelling so came to check it out but I guess you handled it" Kagerou said while giving Legoshi a thumbs up.

He then looked at Juno who was just staring at him with a blush on her face, she was still breathing heavy.

"I think something's wrong with your sister" He said pointing at her.

"Ahh.. well she isn't really my sister" Legoshi realized that Kagerou didn't believe him so he just spoke the truth.

"I figured. She doesn't even look like you" Kagerou said with a chuckle.

What he said was correct, Legoshi and Juno looked nothing alike. Although they both were gray wolves, Junos Fur was closer to a brown color then gray.

"Well I'm gonna go, got classes to get to" Kagerou spoke as he started walking away.

Juno who out of everything only heard he was gonna leave snapped out of her trance hurriedly got up.

"Wait" she said tugging on the corner of Kagerous shirt.

"Yea what is it?" He asked without turning around

"Umm, are you Kagerou from the drama club?" She asked with her head down.

"Yup, the one and only. Who's asking?" Kagerou said while acting oblivious.

"U-Um, me. I ask because I happened to hear about you and wanted to meet you. I was hoping we could be friends" she whispered the last part but of course Kagerou still heard.

If one was to look at Kagerou right now they would see a smirk on his face.

'I didn't even have to try' he thought before turning around and leaning closer to her ear.

"Of course we can be friends. After all we are of the same species" he whispered in her making her shiver for whatever reason she did.

He backed up and looked at her with a smile before walking off while waving.

"I'll see you around"

Juno stared at his back as he walked off with a smile. She then remembered something super important that she didn't tell him.

'I didn't get to tell him my name. How could I forget to tell him my name. Stupid Juno' she thought to herself as she then walked off.

Legoshi who was there the whole time had been left out and wasn't even thanked by Juno who he saved from being bullied.

'She didn't even say thank you' he said shaking his head as he then walked off.


I feel this chapter was iffy but eh🤷🏾‍♂️. Hope you guys enjoyed.

Also no prostitution…unless requested. One has to know Beastars isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Although I haven't read the manga as of yet I'm sure shit happened later on that didn't happen in the anime.

I'm kinda running out of ideas to do which is why I'm starting the yakuza. Another thing, I feel where Kagerou is about to take Legoshi and co. to will pique you readers interest so stay tuned for the next episode of Dragon Ba-…wrong anime.