
Reincarnated in an Omegaverse World

A common girl lover of the genre Yaoi or BL known as Boys Lovers Love between boys, dies electrocuted after finishing reading her favorite manhwa. When she wakes up the first thing she realizes is that her mother and father are two men, after analyzing the situation she realizes that she has been reincarnated in an Omegaverse world where they are known or called as Alphas, Omegas and Betas. There she is called by one name which is Ameri, she can't be happier as her dream was always to see live and direct a romance between men. " God thank you for giving me this new opportunity I will make the most of it! " "Of course... Like every BL fan I'm going to see couples emerge live! " But as you know not everything is perfect.... —Ameri promises that you will write to me every day. —Of course, Dan! We are friends "For an Alpha it's adorable." So, the years passed and Ameri entered a new school where she met new people. —My name is Cecilia... I'm an Alpha. —Hi... I'm Lisandro... I'm this girl's watcher. But the biggest surprise for her will be later... when she finds out what world she's really in. She thought her whole life would be normal watching Boys Lovers couples...until she met Liam and that's when she realized she was inside the manhwa BL Omegaverse "This is not love this is obsession". "This couldn't be better." He thought happily... But there was a little problem in that story.... And that was the possessive Alpha named Rhett, who was so obsessed with Liam to the point of locking him in a room and never letting him out, yet Liam had already become his best friend. In order for this Alpha not to hurt his best friend and be able to lead a quiet life, Ameri creates a plan so that when this Alpha shows up, the first thing she will do is train him so she can give him to her handsome Liam when he is submissive and enjoy his cute college love, but not the toxic love that was in the original story. —Lucky we're in the same classes Liam. —Yeah, I'm glad to have someone I know around. "As expected from the main character he is so adorable, now that I remember this is where the Alpha meets the Omega, as a fan I don't plan on missing this moment." —What are you doing Ameri? -—I thought I saw Lysander in the distance," she replied as she tried to smile with her hand behind her neck. "Where the hell is that Alpha supposed to show up at this point? Although sometimes things don't always go as one plans or one thinks.... —I found you! —Huh? Huh?! "What's this Alpha doing hugging me and not Liam?" "Now that I realize it…It's Dan!". Ameri was very surprised, she couldn't believe she knew the other main character from the beginning. However, she didn't let that get to her and said to herself. "It's time to enjoy their beautiful romance live and direct!". —Ameri will make a group with me —Your boy you are wrong, she will do it with me. "What's the point of this, they're supposed to fall in love so I can enjoy their beautiful love story!". —I don't know why that Omega is so attached to you; I don't like it. —Don't call him that, Liam is my friend too.... Suddenly Ameri's body started acting a little strange, making her legs shake and her cheeks blush. "No way...I'm not supposed...to be Omega." —Dan, I need you to... —Ameri... you smell so good... It wasn't supposed to end like this! I want my BL omegaverse story! Will Ameri be able to get the BL story she wants so badly?

Estef_1012 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 4

When I opened my eyes slowly I observed that I was in a room where everything was white and at the same time I could hear the sound of a heart monitor, when I wanted to move my head and body hurt.

"From now on I will try to hide a box of cookies in my baby room."

I said to myself as I tried to move, until suddenly I heard the voices of some people approaching.

"Oh no... I would recognize those voices anywhere" "if they see me awake, they will surely scold me for going up to the baker".

It was normal for my current parents to react badly, after all and even if I was hurt I was sure I wouldn't be saved from a big scolding. So, I pretended I was still sleeping while they came into the room.

—Still sleeping...

I heard my father Omega's voice, but it sounded very muffled, it didn't sound like his usual voice.

—Two days ago, we were celebrating her second year... and look at her now in the hospital with those things that look like snakes that will never let her go...".

"Looks like if he's upset luckily they don't know I woke up (っ^▿^) 💨"

I said in a relieved voice in my mind.

—Mark honey... It's not your fault, it was an accident!

—Of course, it is! If I hadn't scared her our daughter wouldn't be in that bed... If not at home playing... I'm the worst father

—If you are the worst father then I am the worst mother... I should have been more attentive to our daughter and not be careless, I am the worst!

Since I came into this world I always heard them laughing, even the arguments they had were over silly things, but in the end they always solved it with kisses and hugs.

However, ... Now I hear them crying... Blaming each other.

-Hey you two, if you're going to argue, let's go outside where my little patient can't hear you....

Alicia spoke with a voice of authority.

—I'm sorry, we weren't arguing, we're just... We're disappointed in ourselves as parents....

pronounced my father Alpha in a sad voice.

—What a surprise! You finally found something you're not good at!

Alice replied in a mocking tone of voice.

—Yes you are...

—Alicia, we are not for jokes... Mark and I....

-I know, I just wanted to lighten the mood a bit, but you know, you are not the only ones... Outside this hospital there are a lot of parents who have made a lot of mistakes, but in spite of that they have learned to improve and are better parents every day... Parenthood is not an easy thing and you two are already experiencing that.

"Wow...who would think that silly Alicia would say those words."

—You are the best parents and you must realize it... Now what little Ameri needs is her mom and dad more united than ever, waiting for her to wake up to give her all their love.

—It's true... Thank you Alicia for your words.

—I thought you weren't mature for your age, but this time you surprised me.

—well believe it Mark silly and just so you know I'm much more mature than you (๑-́ ₃ -̀๑).

Again, I heard those same laughs I heard when I was at that pair of lovebirds' houses, suddenly I felt warm hands holding my little hand.

—Ameri my little baby... We promise you that from now on your daddy and I will be much better parents for you, maybe you don't understand it now because you are so little, but for us you are the best thing that has happened to us in life.

"If you say those words you'll make me feel guilty..."

For as long as I can remember my previous parents never said nice words to me... I always thought I was a hindrance, I even though Eliam and Mark would also consider me that way.

Through my mind went the memories I had with them and even though I treated them badly... They never showed dislike... Rather they were much fonder of me.

"I really am a true fool... I let my past cover my eyes, not realizing that in front of me I had wonderful parents."

"Just because I was unhappy in my previous life doesn't mean that in this new life I will have the same time, right? God brought me to this world for a reason... Not only for my love for the BL, but also to give me the opportunity to know what it's like to have a family that really loves me."

"I want to apologize... I need to apologize to them."

—Come on Eliam, we need to eat something... Since our little girl has been in the hospital I haven't seen you eat much.

—How could I eat well knowing that my little girl is here in the hospital alone sleeping without opening her eyes?

-But we have to have energy for when our little one wakes up.

—Call me crazy, but I agree with your husband, you need to rest and eat well... Remember that a child wastes your energy. You don't want little Ameri to play alone, do you?

—You're right... I'm entrusting you with my little Alicia.

-Don't worry, you know she's in good hands.

"I don't want you to leave, wait..."

When my father Omega was about to let go of my hand, I gently hold it and then slowly open my eyes and with a low voice for the first time I uttered


I watched as my father Omega smiled at me with tears in his eyes caressing my cheeks.

—Yes sweetie... It's mommy

My father Alpha approached me with a smile resisting to cry, placing himself next to my father Omega and holding my little hand.

-Good morning, little sleepyhead....

I looked at him and with a slight smile I called out to him


Seeing these two wonderful people again, I felt a great happiness inside of me....

"They really are my family"

—mom... Dad I'm sorry... I'm sorry....

And although I didn't pronounce some words very well, I tried to apologize to them while little drops of tears brushed my cheeks. I thought they would say something to me, but they didn't, they just hugged me, wrapping their arms gently around me both.

—The important thing is that you woke up baby?

Said my father Omega

—You are our little princess and we are happy to have you with us.

"From now on I won't hesitate anymore... I will accept the love my new parents give me, because I know they really love me and would do anything to see me happy".