
Reincarnated in an Omegaverse World

A common girl lover of the genre Yaoi or BL known as Boys Lovers Love between boys, dies electrocuted after finishing reading her favorite manhwa. When she wakes up the first thing she realizes is that her mother and father are two men, after analyzing the situation she realizes that she has been reincarnated in an Omegaverse world where they are known or called as Alphas, Omegas and Betas. There she is called by one name which is Ameri, she can't be happier as her dream was always to see live and direct a romance between men. " God thank you for giving me this new opportunity I will make the most of it! " "Of course... Like every BL fan I'm going to see couples emerge live! " But as you know not everything is perfect.... —Ameri promises that you will write to me every day. —Of course, Dan! We are friends "For an Alpha it's adorable." So, the years passed and Ameri entered a new school where she met new people. —My name is Cecilia... I'm an Alpha. —Hi... I'm Lisandro... I'm this girl's watcher. But the biggest surprise for her will be later... when she finds out what world she's really in. She thought her whole life would be normal watching Boys Lovers couples...until she met Liam and that's when she realized she was inside the manhwa BL Omegaverse "This is not love this is obsession". "This couldn't be better." He thought happily... But there was a little problem in that story.... And that was the possessive Alpha named Rhett, who was so obsessed with Liam to the point of locking him in a room and never letting him out, yet Liam had already become his best friend. In order for this Alpha not to hurt his best friend and be able to lead a quiet life, Ameri creates a plan so that when this Alpha shows up, the first thing she will do is train him so she can give him to her handsome Liam when he is submissive and enjoy his cute college love, but not the toxic love that was in the original story. —Lucky we're in the same classes Liam. —Yeah, I'm glad to have someone I know around. "As expected from the main character he is so adorable, now that I remember this is where the Alpha meets the Omega, as a fan I don't plan on missing this moment." —What are you doing Ameri? -—I thought I saw Lysander in the distance," she replied as she tried to smile with her hand behind her neck. "Where the hell is that Alpha supposed to show up at this point? Although sometimes things don't always go as one plans or one thinks.... —I found you! —Huh? Huh?! "What's this Alpha doing hugging me and not Liam?" "Now that I realize it…It's Dan!". Ameri was very surprised, she couldn't believe she knew the other main character from the beginning. However, she didn't let that get to her and said to herself. "It's time to enjoy their beautiful romance live and direct!". —Ameri will make a group with me —Your boy you are wrong, she will do it with me. "What's the point of this, they're supposed to fall in love so I can enjoy their beautiful love story!". —I don't know why that Omega is so attached to you; I don't like it. —Don't call him that, Liam is my friend too.... Suddenly Ameri's body started acting a little strange, making her legs shake and her cheeks blush. "No way...I'm not supposed...to be Omega." —Dan, I need you to... —Ameri... you smell so good... It wasn't supposed to end like this! I want my BL omegaverse story! Will Ameri be able to get the BL story she wants so badly?

Estef_1012 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 23

—Thank you mom, it was delicious.

I pronounced with satisfaction after I finished eating.

—I'm very glad, now try to rest.

My mother said to me with a slight smile, taking the tray with her.

—By the way, did you take your medicine?

—Yes, and I feel much better already.

I smiled between my teeth and raised my arms as a sign of strength.

—Now I can help you with the housework.

My mother smiled softly when she heard my answer.

—I like you to help me around the house, honey, but that's only when your health is good, remember what your aunt Alicia said?

—yes, I remember it clearly "absolute rest".

Imitate my aunt Alicia with my fingers in quotation marks.

—You worry too much... it's not the first time I go through this.

I answered with a small smile

—uhm...That smile of yours is making me worry more and more.

"My mother always worries too much, even my father didn't sleep well because he was worried about me, if this is how they get when I'm with them... I can't imagine how they will get when I go to college and I move, just imagining them is already worrying me."

—okay mom you win...today will do absolutely nothing, I promise to stay in bed resting.

"Except at night, I have to try to study very well for the college exam."

<although that's still a long time away> Author.

Hearing that my mother smiled in relief

—thank you dear

—But remember... once I'm in college, they won't be able to take care of me, let alone worry about me.

—By that time, you and I will be ready

"That was a quick answer"

I thought a little surprised

—Hey, really?

—Or did you forget that your aunt Alicia works in the city?

"that's right, I had completely forgotten that crazy Alicia lived there."

Just by saying her name in her mind, Ameri could picture a very affectionate Alicia.

—It's like you've had it all planned out already.

—Yes... since you decided to go to college I planned everything in advance.

"I don't know whether to be relieved by her concern or a little scared that I had it all planned out...moms are scary."

I uttered the latter with a little shiver running through my body.

—Well, I'll let you rest.

—Yes...thank you

My mother didn't say anything else and just smiled slightly leaving my room, it was no longer necessary to go back to sleep, after a long rest I felt my body was already one hundred percent recovered...so I took the opportunity of the spare time I had to read a romantic manga.

"Oh, this is the best!"

I shouted in my thoughts as I read every page of the manga, don't think I've forgotten about it because of my love for BL, although in my previous life there were plenty of stories of the yaoi genre here there's a lot more of it! All kinds, everything! You can't imagine how I am now, I like to see the couples, but reading them is also very interesting, especially when it comes to manga...I feel like my eyes are about to pop out and with every breath I feel my heart is racing faster and faster from excitement.

"Long live the breaks!"

Just as I was getting to the best part I hear footsteps quickly making their way towards my room....

—Ameri! (╥︣﹏᷅╥)

Tearfully exclaimed Ceci and Liam who had entered my room abruptly and then lay down on my legs, taking me by surprise and making me drop the book in shock.

—Are you okay?

—Are you still in pain?!

—You had us worried sick...

They both asked at the same time while hiding their faces.

I looked at them with a slight smile and placed my hands on their heads.

—I'm feeling much better now... I'm sorry if I made you worry a lot.

—you don't have to apologize Ameri! (╥︣﹏᷅╥).

From the expression they were wearing, I could tell they were too worried.

—Calm down, you two.

Pronounced Lisandro who pulled them to sit them on their knees on the floor and scolded them for their behavior.

—Don't you see that he still has to be resting, what will you do if he faints again?

Lisandro kept scolding them while the two of them were just listening with teary eyes, seeing them like that makes me feel sorry for them so I told Lisandro.

—It's ok Lisandro, I feel better... really....

Lysander looked at me and let out a sigh and then he gave me a smile.

—You are too soft with them, Ameri.

I just tried to smile at him.

"What can I say Liam is adorable and even though Ceci is a playboy she has her tender side too."

—By the way...I read that manga myself.

spoke Lysander holding the manga in his hand.

—The main character is great!

—He really is!

I answered him enthusiastically

—I didn't know you liked to read manga.

—I read them when I can, there's an action manga that caught my attention.

—So? -Which one?

—I'll be your pet


—You mean the one where the main character is a dominant man making all his vassals and controlling the world with his power.

—Ah...I get it

"Now I know why it's like that ha, ha, ha!"

I tried to smile in my mind

—oh! That's why....

When Cecilia was about to say something, Lisandro quickly glared at him with his eyes

—I didn't say anything

Cecilia quickly answered averting her eyes with her body shaking and Liam looked at him without understanding what was happening.

When things calmed down in my room, my friends brought me up to date with everything that happened after being absent almost three days at school and my mother brought us some drinks and some small sandwiches.

—Hum? ...at school they think I'm omega?

I uttered in surprise while chewing.

—that's impossible

I shook my hand

—That's what I say!

exclaimed Cecilia as she stood up to put her arm around me.

—Besides, if Ameri was an Omega, I'd be the first to notice!

-—and if she really "was an Omega" as is being rumored

I pronounced in quotation marks with my fingers.

—don't you think I should have given off pheromones?

I said as I tried to push Cecilia away from me and Liam was also pulling her to get her to let go of me.

—That was the same thing I said to the others... but they didn't listen to me.

Liam said

—I appreciate your support Liam....

I replied with a smile while he looked at me with a slight blush

—Do genderless people have their own Rut?

Lysander asked curiously taking a sip from his glass, while in my thoughts I asked myself the same question.

—I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable with the question...I'm just curious about that, I've never met someone without gender and well...you're the first one...if you don't want to answer I understand...you know it's better to forget it, I didn't say anything.

Lysander said a little embarrassed

—It doesn't bother me at all

I smiled at him

—I wish I could answer your question clearly Lysander, however, even I don't really know much about it either.

"Besides, nowhere in the original story does it mention that there was or was anyone without gender."

—from what little my Aunt Alicia has informed me is that we get a fever from time to time that can make us collapse without us realizing it.

—like when you fainted at school?

-Exactly, the fever can come at any time...

—Is it always going to be like that?

Liam asked with a worried expression

—No, unlike years ago, this time it was more tolerable.

—What do you mean, more tolerable?!

Cecilia exclaimed in surprise


I told them from the beginning how it was the first time I went through the same thing, but more intense, as I continued talking they were surprised by everything I had to go through.

—It's a relief that your aunt is a doctor?

Cecilia replied with relief.

—Yes, it was very helpful and of course the pills also help me a lot.

—It's the first time I've seen this kind of pills.

said Lisandro while he looked intrigued holding the knob in his hand.

—It's only for genderless people like me," he said.

—b-but what would have happened if you hadn't woken up?

Liam asked

—Alicia would be buried somewhere in this house.

I said expressionlessly

"Mom and dad would have strangled her."

An image of them doing that flashed through my mind.

—If you ever feel like collapsing, you can come and rest in my arms.

Cecilia said with a twinkle in her eye and holding my hands.

—I thank you, but I prefer to fall on the floor, it's much more comfortable.

I answered with a smile and my eyes closed, Liam and Lisandro started laughing for the answer I gave Cecilia.

After a few more hours they left, leaving me some notes to catch up for the two days I had missed classes.


I pronounced while stretching my arms

—I think it's too much of a break for now...

I closed the door to my room

"As long as mom doesn't notice there's no problem".

I sat down at my desk to copy the notes that had been left for me.

"Uhm...yeah well I remember this part right here"

I thought as I typed, suddenly my cell phone started vibrating.

[hi Ameri are you sleeping?]

(If I were sleeping do you think I would answer you?)

(I don't know...maybe your father can pretend to be you now?]

(Ahaha impossible he doesn't have as much power over me as he used to)

[is it ok that you are awake? is your body ok now?]

(don't worry! my body's better than ever!)

[sorry if I couldn't be with you...].

"Dan is always so kind!"

I smiled slightly at his message.

(it's ok...besides I wasn't alone, my parents were with me and also my friends Liam, Cecilia and Lisandro. I already want to be in the city so I can introduce them to you, I'm sure you will like them as much as I do).

(It will be a pleasure to meet them)

(Dan, by the way, what university are you applying to?)

(that's a secret)

(Come on, don't be like that, you already know where I'm going to go...at least to know if it's close to mine)

(don't worry, it's closer than you think) [I have to rest, tomorrow I have to help my grandmother with some business] [rest Ameri] [rest Ameri] (you're not only a good son, you're a good son, you're a good son!

(You are not only a good son, but also a good grandson...good night Dan)

"Dan has changed a lot since last time..."

I thought as I laughed and fell back lying with my arms crossed on my desk.

"When I first met him he was a shy and fearful little boy who always depended on me to protect him...but now he has become someone braver and more confident since he found out he was an Alpha"

as he yawned

—I hope he never changes....

It was the last thing I uttered before closing my eyes.

—Why won't you let me leave?

she complained with tears in her eyes.

—Did I... Did I hurt you? Did I do something wrong?

—I do it to protect you

She said as she hugged him

—Please, don't cry...Liam.

Just hearing those sad words woke me up.

"Um...I wonder what that dream was..."

I woke up and rubbed my eyes.

—Ameri for breakfast!

—Hey? Breakfast?

I looked at my phone to check the time and when I realized it, my eyes widened enormously.

—It can't be! I fell asleep!

I exclaimed loudly as I ran out of my room and into the living room.

—It's too late! It's too late!

I said as I chewed quickly and drank my milk so I wouldn't choke.

—Someone woke up hungry?

my father said in a mocking tone as he looked at me.

—I have to go to class. ....

I tried to answer while chewing.


When I heard what my father said, I was left with an incredulous expression and asked.

—What did you say?

—I said today is Saturday.

After hearing my father say it was Saturday again, I felt my body begin to relax in the chair so that I could eat more peacefully.

—What a relief, it's Saturday... I thought I was late.

—I guess the fever affected you more than I expected... ....

I didn't answer my father, just slumped back in my chair, embarrassed to drink from the glass.

—Do you have any plans today, Ameri?

my mother asked.

—No, I was thinking about studying and preparing for my college exam.

—But you have plenty of time for that?

my mother said a little surprised.

—I know, but it's better if I prepare beforehand... ....

"Now that I remember... the dream I just had... was about Liam's life being locked up."

The images of my dream quickly flashed through my mind.

"Rhett is a scary man."

I frowned as I said the last part, and without realizing it, a question popped into my head that my parents might be able to answer easily.

—Is something wrong, honey?

My mother asked me, tilting her head to the side.

—No... actually yes.

I took a deep breath and asked my question.

—Dad and you... do you have a connection?

My mother was surprised by my question, while my father's mouth dropped open.

—No! My daughter

Before my father could shout louder, my mother covered my father's mouth with a piece of bread she was holding.

—What is the reason for your question? Don't tell me...

Before my mother could say anything else, because he seemed upset by my question, I denied it without a look.

-It's not what you think, Mom.

—Eh... o3o how boring...

-Mom...you know I'm not interested in anything to do with romance.

"Unless it has something to do with BL couples."

I mentioned the latter in my thoughts.

—Well, actually, yes...your father and I have that bond.

My mother took a slightly serious stance and answered me with a slight smile, while my father chewed with a slight blush.

"I knew it!"

-—And what would happen if the bonded couple were separated?

—It depends...

—Depends on what?

—On the strength of the bond and the person?

—The bond and the person?

-Let's say...if a third person tried to separate them, it could cause both parties to become depressed to the point of death.

"It can't be...a tragic ending."