
Fairy Wings

Now that the mood was ruined, the cuddling ended. Then Emily and Enna prepared some food. They provided some more of yesterday's rabbit, and some cheese. The cheese has a unique richness and depth to it. I'm just going to assume the amazons keep some kind of dairy livestock. 

Instead of eating themselves, the fairies fed me my food. I suppose fairies don't have to eat or maybe they just don't have to eat as often.

Now, I want to focus on learning magic, so I sit down to meditate. Magic is about influencing the phenomena around you, so I'm thinking I need to get in touch with everything around me somehow. I think that's the kind of 'feeling' I need to look for.

"Hey Titus, what are you doing?" asked Lily, interrupting my concentration.

"I'm trying to figure out how to do magic."

"Oh, I see. So that's how you learn magic?"

What the? She's supposed to be the one who knows. This makes me think that meditation is not the right approach. The fairies don't seem like meditating types, and they are the only ones I know who can do magic.

"Is there anything else I could try?"

"Try this." said Lily, forming a ball of water over her hand.

I tried willing a ball of water to form as well, and I kept at it for a while, but I got nothing.

"I know," said Iris, as she held my face and placed her forehead against mine.

After a moment, I started feeling that indescribable feeling. I'm not sure I would even call it a feeling. The only word you could use to describe it is: magic. This, this is magic. Iris let go, and I formed that ball of water floating above my hand. Then, I released it and it fell to the ground.

"Thank you so much, Iris. This makes me very happy. You too, Lily." I said, pulling them into a hug. They smiled bashfully.

I formed the water ball again. It really is a matter of familiarizing yourself with the sensation, like you have to make your mind and body accustomed to it. From there, doing magic is shockingly intuitive.

"That's incredible! You really are a fairy!" said Emily, both shocked and excited.

"Of course he is, I told you so," said Lily, smugly.

"We can't be sure he's a fairy unless he manifests fairy wings," said Enna.

"How do your fairy wings work?" I asked.

"Uhh. . . I don't know, they just appear when I want to fly." said Lily.

Now that I can feel magic, I have a lot more context, but fairy wings are still a mystery. It's not like they flap their wings much, and even if they did, they would have to flap their wings insanely fast to generate enough lift.

It's like fairy wings are really more of a cosmetic feature of fairy flight. The lift and propulsion must be provided by magic. Actually, maybe they are somehow defying gravity, instead.

Anyway, flight is not my priority right now, I can figure that out later. At the moment, I would rather manifest clothing than butterfly wings.