
Reincarnated Girl Seduces The Villain

In the eyes of everyone who saw him, Calixto is sinister, his name became a shame, from being "the most beautiful knight" he became "the sinister knight." The large scar on his face was irrefutable proof of his misfortune or so everyone said. Everyone thought that the knight Sinister Calixto would spend the rest of his life alone. Until one day the viscount's beautiful daughter asked him to marry her at the party of the third prince of the Celestial Kingdom. Nobody could believe it. She was a strange girl, she keeps a secret that no one knows except for someone. Can she keep the secret safe?

Heerlani · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

20. sweet but bitter

—Hello, Duke, do you remember me? —She asked him with a nervous smile as she hid her hands behind her back.

—Hello, I remember you Emma. —She smiled a rare smile while her eyes shone with the moonlight.

Emma opened her eyes in surprise, she did not imagine that Calixto would smile at her that way, she stood stunned for a moment looking at him.

"Duke, you are so attractive," she murmured with a lost look in hers, without realizing that Calixto was listening to her.

Calixto approached her and held her small, soft face in her hands, staring at her with green eyes gleaming silver like the light of the moon that rose above her.

If someone could see her dream, they would undoubtedly exclaim in congratulations: "what a passionate couple!" . But it was clear as day that that was totally impossible.

Emma looked at Calixto closely, he really looked very good, even with that dark aura, something about him was so attractive to her.

"How attractive do I seem to you?" She asked, closing her eyes with a fierce look, smiling in a strange way.

But Emma didn't notice that and she continued to look at him with a silly smile.

"Duke, you are so beautiful that the brightness of all the stars in outer space pale in comparison to you," she murmured with a weak voice and with her heart beating.

"Miss, you really know how to pretend," he smiled and touched her lips with his index finger and got even closer to her, whispering in her ear. "But that's not enough." He moved away a little but was still very close to her, watching her.

Emma remained hypnotized for a few seconds, smiled with unusual interest, took a step forward and with her hands brought Calixto's face towards her.

Emma leaned down and joined her lips with his, boldly introducing her tongue into her mouth.

In the dream Calixto was surprised, however he did not refuse either and reciprocated the kiss, then after a few moments he prepared to push Emma away.

Emma, ​​on the other hand, was completely out of control. Her passion took over her; It was like she was drunk and she refused to let go.

When she was satisfied, Emma let him go and said seductively:

—Is this enough for you? —He asked, smiling as she licked her lips.

"Try harder, I won't fall for something like that," she commented, moving one of her hands in denial.

"Do you want me to make you fall?" I ask, looking at her face tentatively.

-Try if you can- Calixto smiled, closing his eyes, he shrugged his shoulders without giving it much importance.

—I will— Emma stared at him for a short time and quickly directed some magic to her arms, pushing Calixto hard making him fall to the floor.

Emma fell on top of her in a rather compromising pose, that if anyone saw it would undoubtedly sink her reputation as a noblewoman even further; but fortunately or unfortunately for her it was only a mere dream.

Calixto just smiled.

—Well, didn't I tell you that I would make you fall? —Emma asked him with a triumphant smile as she held one of Calixto's arms.

—Have you already noticed that you also fell in the process? —She answered him while she asked with an enigmatic smile.

"Meaning?" I ask without understanding his point.

—It means that every time you try I will make you fall too

"Only if I fall on top of you," she responded flirtatiously. Her face shone with the moonlight on it.

—I'm not your pillow.

"You're something similar to a pillow," she told him, watching him.

"Am I?" she asked him as he looked at her.

-You are. —he nodded smiling

Calixto no longer responded and the two looked at each other's eyes for a while.

"Duke…" Emma called.

—Is something wrong, Miss? - he asked

"Who put the curse on you?" She asked him curiously, while a slight concern appeared in her eyes.

"It's a secret, curious lady," she shook her head.

"Well, then," Emma caressed her pale face and kissed him, closing her eyes.

—Emma come down to breakfast!—She heard her mother calling her in the distance, slowly waking her up.

When Emma woke up she was kissing her own pillow; that she was already drooling with his saliva

"Ahh what?" She was disoriented.

"Was it just a dream?" She asked herself while she saw her pillow wet with her saliva, she felt a little embarrassed seeing her in that state.

—Emma, ​​come down to breakfast! —The deafening scream of her mother was heard again.

>End of dream memory<

Emma sighed embarrassedly as she remembered all that and grabbed the cup of coffee from her sipping it, she reveled in the sweet but bitter taste of it, no doubt; She loved that taste.

She didn't know whether to be happy or angry because it was just a dream.

"I'm telling you, Emma is in love," Hayden whispered to Sara.

Sara nudged Hayden's arm with her elbow as a sign for her to shut up already.

However when Emma heard it she almost choked on the coffee she was coughing hard.

—Who the hell is in love? "She," she shouted at them with the little strength she had in her being from coughing.


End of chapter 20

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