
Reincarnated Dungeon Master: I am the Weakest Villain

Max was an avid gamer playing an erotic game called ⟪Dungeon Breaker⟫ Upon finishing, he briefly thought of wanting to experience the game world crossed his mind, but he didn't think it would happen to him. The company sent out a review request, which he accepted. It was a simple browser with various multiple-choice questions; sometimes, the music became distorted when he answered. Maybe it detected his lies, or he liked both answers. Once he finished the last question, something attacked him. He hit his head on the corner of the desk before his neck was snapped by the remote control truck on the ground. He woke up in another world, the world of the game he had just reviewed, the erotic RPG ⟪Dungeon Breaker⟫, but he was not the hero. Rather, he was the weakest dungeon master, who died in the tutorial. Asmodeus, the lord of lust, was an incubus that could only use fire magic and couldn't equip any weapons. "I will never die to those foolish Heroes. Even if I can only use fire, I will burn them to death!" Follow Max, who abandons everything and dedicates himself to improving himself to fight against his nightmare handicap, as he battles heroes, demon lords and the dungeon masters to become the strongest dungeon master and god of magic he aspires to become.

Crimson_Tyrant · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

I May Have Overdone The Traps...

Three days after arriving here. I was sitting on my throne, still soaking wet from the baths after fighting Wolf 1 and 2 in close combat.

What made me surprised is that I learned some skills!

But how can this be?

My mind was confused because the game didn't allow you to learn skills apart from levelling or finding tomes that granted the first level of a certain skill.

Yet these items were rare and only appeared above level twenty, and there was never any information of them being given so easily.

This meant they appeared long after my dungeon was made into a mine.

Swiping my hand with a flick letting my four magic runes flicker into the air before fading.

"Damn, I failed to cast the spells in mid-air again..."

I pressed the Holograph's button to open my [Character List]

[Name: Asmodeus

Race: Dungeon Master/Incubus

Level: 18

Class: Not Chosen

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 400/400

DP: 8875

GOLD: 1500

STR: 20

VIT: 10

INT: 40

AGI: 15

DEX: 40

DEF: 20

Unused Points: 0

(Average Adult Male: 20 points)]




Fireball - A basic ball of fire with high damage to the target. (10 mana)

Charged Fireball - A super Fireball that deals heavy damage. (20 mana)

Wall of Fire - A flaming wall that lasts 20 seconds. (40 mana)

Fire Shield - A defensive flame barrier that protects the caster for 3 seconds. (20 mana)

Barrage of Flames - A chaotic barrage of firebolts that will rain down on the enemy until mana empties or is interrupted. (all mana) (channelled)

Flaming Fists - Attack the enemy with a flurry of blows, causing Physical and Magical damage to the enemy. (5 mana per hit)

Searing Blow - A devastating charged blow of flames that can be with a punch or kick, the attack causes high Fire and Physical Damage and leaves the target burning for 10 seconds.




Melee Proficiency 1 - Increases all damage while unarmed by 10%

Born of Fire - Absorb all fire damage and replenish Mana and HP. It also allows you to absorb double the normal DP for killing intruders.

No Weapons - Cannot use any weapons.

Flame Tempered - Can Improve fire magic proficiency endlessly

Surge Casting - Doubles the mana cost and damage by merging spell runes to form a devastating combination.


The fact I learned Searing Blow and Flaming Fists without being a melee-oriented character, using a tome, or even accepting a class surprised me.

I guess the wolves massacred to create them were even more shocked...


Since my DP was immense now, I began to look at the map of my dungeon; because of the dual entrance, my mind began to wonder about something amusing.

"What if I made a Challenge entrance and a Novice Entrance..."

The Challenge Entrance would be extremely harsh, with deadly traps and many wolves aimed to crush most low-level heroes, most of whom would now enter my dungeon.

While the Novice one would offer treasure, loot and be relatively easy with only one pack of wolves at a time, making it a place where they could slowly improve.

However, in return, they could NEVER reach the final room.

Because the Challenge Entrance would reach my room, there were no issues.

A dungeon MUST have one path that leads to the end.

Otherwise, the Dungeon Master would be punished, as said in the strange guidebook in Demonic on the Holograph.

This was viable because I saw one thing available at the shop last night and bout it for 2000 DP.

[Improved Mana Efficiency]

All monsters killed by outsiders will restore 150% of DP spent on creatures.

Gain 200 DP for each inhabitant in your dungeon. (Current = 600DP)

"Although it's a shame it doesn't apply to me killing them, the extra 600DP is quite useful."

My first action was to start expanding the Challenge Entrance.

I called it [Nightmare Dungeon] with a huge dark steel plate above the entrance written in a global language that cost 500DP but couldn't be damaged by attacks or weathering.

The initial path's length changed with a slight maze effect from the dungeon's examples. It was like the body of a serpent, with half a pool halfway through that was dirty and filled with poisonous water.

I placed several death boxes along the path where I would assume adventurers to presume safe, like in the game. I then created ten Spike traps in the first half, with eight Arrow traps costing me 740DP.

Two [Random Treasure Chests] were placed in a small piece of land in the centre of the poisoned pool.

One of them was a Mimic Enchant.

So another 250DP went down the drain.

This is where it got brutal because after the trap in the central room was touched or the treasure was opened, three groups of Wolves would be spawned, two in the back and one towards the boss room.

"Okay... The second half will be fine with another four wolves and traps that would stop a warrior that charged them or the archers and back line spreading out..."

Overall, the first floor [Nightmare] mode was complete, costing 3,800 DP.

Five Chests, Three Mimics, more than ten groups of wolves and the traps.

As a sign of respect for those that reach the boss room of [Nightmare Dungeon], I would serve as their enemy.


What to call the Novice one... something that would make adventurers feel pathetic.

[Cuckolds Dungeon]

That was the name, haha, with a small sound that would play with illusion magic and use the voice of their most precious person to moan another man's name...

For some reason, it was mine...

I hope this doesn't draw too much hostility towards me.

This would play the ENTIRE time a person was inside the Cuckold's dungeon, changing the position and words, even adding the sounds of the intercourse.

"It's crazy how it used the sound of Sophia's blowjob for the audio of the oral sounds... makes it too realistic."

I kept this one straight with the same type of traps: a row of Spike Traps(Pitfall) with two Arrow Traps shooting from each side.

Then one pack of wolves would spawn every 5 minutes they spent in the dungeon. I made the spawning alternate between behind them, ahead in the next section, and the same room to make things a little exciting.

Sadly until I got another [Summoning Circle]

It seemed to be a tutorial boss also had its negative points... Maybe when the gold from the herbs comes back, I'll buy some from that goblin.

"Make sure to have Muru there to help."

Like this, the Cuckold Dungeon was easily finished for 2,200 DP, with Muru, Verita and Sophia being the bosses they would fight for now.

"I found that calling her Verita was kind of sexier than Amelia..."

However, she only looks at me angrily when I do, despite her wanting to ask me something.

My mind lingered until a few moments ago when Sophia offered her usual service in the bath, and the so-called "Paladin" was watching her from the start until swallowing and cleaning up without so much as a word.

"I wonder why she's so weird. Is it because I made her piss herself when we first met?"

It seems Muru only feeds her with Wolf Meat and gravy...

Somehow I feel bad for making her my maid.

As if!

[Invasion Detected: Type Human]

[Number: 20]


[Would you like to activate the Dungeon Master Interface?]

[Yes] / [No]

[Activate Active Time Stop?]


See? It seemed that my dungeon would become rather popular, haha, because most of them were standing outside the Nightmare Dungeon!

Only a select few chose the Cuckold Dungeon!

"Good thing I made sure the word existed in this world.... hahaha!"

I stood from my throne, the dots still arranging themselves outside. It seemed they were nothing like the rabble from the first day.

"Muru, take Verita and Sophia out to play in the [Second - Boss Room]

Leaning back, I cracked my neck and stepped forward as the three sexy girls were now wearing full clothes covering everything.

"Well, it cannot be helped since I made them mine... I don't like others seeing their flesh."

A demon has to be possessive, haha~

[Activated Time Stop!]


Time to enjoy some pleasant murder.