
Reincarnated Demon Lord

Nezha the Demon lord gets reincarnated into a weak humans body hasn't reached his full potential so keeps a low key and let the human take control to prevent threat. So that he and the human can be safe. And the human is lucius Jang the low life mechanic but smart .

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5 Chs

The Confusion

When he was left with the painting he was shocked when the car was all fixed up he still didn't know what the fuck happened.

Then his f***** up theory came up that he was possessed but he started thinking he was crazy.

Then he thought that he should sought the advise of an elder.

Then he went to his boss, the man that rented him the workshop.

He asked whether he was the one that fixed up the car. He said no that he wasn't the one.

He was shocked by the response. His boss told him he was the one that fixed between a span of seconds.

His boss then asked him why he had been wasting months on it before.

He told his boss he was sorry to ask "but was he sane".

His boss said he was not offended.

Then his boss told him he had a fixing talent that could John be his apprentice.

Without thinking about John accepted it and told him he was honored to be his apprentice.

His boss said that he made a right choice. That he's proud of him.

John told him that he won't regret asking him. And his boss smiled.