
Reincarnated as Zahard's son with a dimensional chat group

Thomas had been unlucky since the year began, until he ended up being run over by a truck, meeting a God, he received three wishes. Reincarnating as Zahard in a world he thought was only fictional, what will he do going forward? Follow him on his adventures. *Bad grammar* *My English is very poor, most things will be done by Google Translate, and I'll fix what I can* *The image on the cover is not mine*

Zarathos_Lirbyther · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Breaking into the Talse Uzer Story Universe

As soon as Thomas was gone, a transparent white light appeared where he was.


"Um, his soul has already been taken away by the void, I should go to that Universe and then go to where he left off, and put Zahard and those other 10, a few years before he was reborn."

A man in his late teens appeared from the White Light, he had pale skin, sharp nails, slightly silvery white hair, and vibrant red eyes, he wore a white medieval blouse, which the nobles wore, a black pants with a white robe. over his shoulders, he had an amused smile on his face.


Swinging his hand gently in the air, a black portal with what looked like several stars inside appeared in front of you, widening the smile he stepped inside.


As soon as he entered the portal glowed brightly, and began to disappear...

Again the garden was completely empty, apart from the trees, plants and flowers, there was no other living being in that place.



In a grassy place, a portal appeared when Braham came out of it, looking around he commented.

"So this is the Talse Uzer Story Universe huh, it's quite beautiful, besides being very wide, probably even I will getn't see the end of this Universe with my current power."

He turned his head sideways, he found himself in a forest, butterflies and birds flew by him, he kept looking until he stopped in one spot, looking in that direction, he saw a great Tower rising even higher than the skies, looking slightly shocked at that, he spoke.

"If I'm not mistaken, these Towers are where some of the Stories or Tales take place, administered by the Axis users, they are like small universes, it's amazing how they manage to do that, it goes against all the logic I know of my Universe. "

With a big smile on his face, he disappeared in a blur. Shortly after he appeared again some distance from the Tower, floating in the air, he looked at her intently, and shook his head.

"That's not it, well it shouldn't be so hard to find her."


Fading again, several blurs suddenly began to appear everywhere in that world, until they disappeared completely and only one remained, which began to take the form of Braham.

"This world is pretty wide too, it took 5 seconds to look all over it, um, that's impressive indeed."

He commented with a smile, looking forward, in front of him there was a big tower almost like the one he had seen before, looking at it, he came close, and put his hand on it, when an energy came out of his hand and began to envelop the Tower.


He suddenly felt something, as he withdrew his hand from the Tower with a smile lingering on his face, waving his hand slightly, he thought inwardly.

'I thought I wouldn't attract attention when I got here, but it doesn't seem like it's possible huh, these are the so-called Axis users? There are a total of two huh, one of them is quite strong, so much so that even I can't tell his level without meeting him directly.'

As soon as he started to imbue mana in the Tower, he felt two presences start watching him, thinking a little he opened his mouth and spoke.

"I don't come here for a fight, not that I think I'm going to lose even against the two of you together, I came to take something from this Tower, or history, don't worry, it won't interfere with the fate of this History, oh yes, if you guys can, I would like to know how I could replicate the energy form inside this tower."

He said with a cheeky smile on his face, looking up at the sky, just as he said that a voice came out echoing.

"You are from another Universe, as I see it, and I see no reason for you to lie about what you want to take from this History, but why do you want to replicate the energy from within this Tower?"

The voice came without any feelings, emotions, and even will, hearing the voice, Braham replied.

"It's not for me, it doesn't work even if I train as much as possible, my base is formally embedded in magic, I want it for someone, but don't worry so much, I won't do anything to harm this Universe."

"Um, I don't see a lie in your voice, so I'll tell you, the energy inside this Tower is a force field of a God, or Axis user, I don't think you can use it,

you would need to cast a spell with that Tower's God as an intermediary, or simply stay inside the Tower, or awaken an Axis similar to that Tower's creator."

The voice spoke, hearing him Braham just smiled at the thought.

'Now I know how this energy was made, it shouldn't be difficult to replicate it, I'm an absolute genius, even if there's no logic, I'll be able to replicate anything, well, let's get started.'


Braham suddenly disappeared from where he was, and the two presences watching him dispersed as well, seeing that he had no evil intentions.


Appearing again in a place surrounded by water, Braham looked at it intently, with a smile on his face, he stayed a few minutes looking, and opened his mouth and spoke.

"It would be difficult to completely remake it, I could remake it using mana, but it wouldn't be the same thing, so apparently I'll have to learn the so called 'Spells' fuhahahaha, that's great so I'll have something else to learn. "

He chuckled as he had a happy expression on his face, like a wizard he always wants to try different things, always want to learn, and now that there's a way to learn something interesting, how could he not be happy?

"I will fully explore this Tower, and soon I will be able to replicate this energy, so let's get started hahahaha."


He completely disappeared from where he was.

A while later...

Braham was now watching Zahard holding Baam in his hands while hanged him, he looked at Zahard and thought with a smile.

'This guy is almost reaching the Immortal stage, I didn't get to see him before as he was sleeping all the time, it's a shame he will probably never reach this stage, in the rules of this Universe, the only method to completely overcome the limits of a mortal, is through the Axis.'

He was invisible watching everything, he spent a few months studying ancient records, about spells inside the Tower, and now he has a method for remaking the shinsu outside the Tower. He kept watching everything, until Khun Eduan (Data) ate a pill, which completely erased that floor.


But before everything was erased, he twisted the Space-Time, making a small hole in it, from the hole a total of 11 white orbs came out of it, putting his hand in each of the orbs a light covered them all, and he used the spell who had trained before, as soon as the light disappeared, he realized that now these orbs or souls, they would not need to be in the tower to use shinsu, he smiled and spoke opening his mouth.

"Now everything is ready, I turned those data into souls, doing a body and soul reversal spell, it would be easy to give them a body, I cut the rules of this universe on them so they won't have a limit to how far they can go, and now just put them in the Universe that child must be in, so let's go."


The portal used by him to come to this Universe once again appeared in front of him, walking slowly, he entered it.

Coming out of the portal, Braham now found himself floating in a dark space that was trying to devour him, with a smile, a barrier completely covered his body.

"This is the void, I must probably be on the edge of the Universe where that boy went, where is he?"

Looking around, he stopped when he saw a small golden orb standing in the Void, coming close to it, with the other 11 orbs floating behind him, he touched it and commented.

"This is him, his soul is already being cleaned, well, let's turn on his soul, and Zahard's, and after modifying the possibilities a little bit, everything will be ready."

With a smile, he touched one of the orbs that was floating on its back, and placing it close to Thomas' soul, a small line came out of the two, and they began to join, now a small tie, was connecting Zahard's soul and Thomas' soul, right after doing that, with a snap of his fingers, he threw every soul except Thomas out of the Void.


"All set, now all that's left is to do the Dimensional Group Chat and change the destiny of his mother and father, I've already spent 1% of my energy, only 99% are left and I'll be able to ascend to Creation."

He commented as he looked at Thomas' soul, and began to become transparent until he disappeared completely from that place.