
Chapter 122 - Tournament arc (part 23)

|Just look at that. A spell like that should be enough proof to support the claim that the spells available for each attribute aren't predetermined and magicians are the ones putting the limits on themselves saying that something is impossible.|

Zoemi thought, directing the subject to the unique shadow of the ice magician lurking within his mind.

|They are things that people can and cannot do.|

Ludier's shadow responded although he did not sound too confident this time around.

|I guess this is the problem of people born in a world where magic is something normal...|

Zoemi sighed, carefully watching the tiny bit of Arreta's shadow that luckily remained above the ground, betraying her position for only the black-haired boy.

[Oh, I wouldn't say that... I and everyone gathered here today, most definitely see the insanity...]

Ludier only scoffed, commenting on their situation.

Because honestly, insanity was a quite good description of what was going on...