
Reincarnated As The Mistress of the Duke Family having no talent!

Olivia has been a long-term patient at a government hospital in America, and to make matters worse, she lost her parents in a car accident at the age of 6. Her uncle and aunt, being kind-hearted, adopted Olivia after she lost her parents in a car accident at the age of 6. At 7, while trying to find her biological parents, Olivia narrowly escaped being hit by a car. However, in the process of evading the accident, she lost her balance and fell on a stone, resulting in a severe brain bleed. When her uncle and aunt eventually discovered her, Olivia was unconscious. Given their middle-class status, they had to rush her to a nearby government hospital, unable to afford the high medical expenses of a private hospital. At 19 years old, Olivia had a passion for reading mangas and novels. But she died when her brain cancer was on the last level. Believing it was the end, she found herself unexpectedly reincarnated into the body of a young mistress within a Duke's family.

Isjan_Kak · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Enjoyment of Olivia

In a typical hospital room, ambient light softly illuminates the space, casting a nostalgic glow on the dated 90s television positioned to the side. Within this room, a young girl is engrossed in her favorite program.

With rapt attention, she leans forward, her eyes reflecting the flickering images as she enthusiastically cheers, "Whoa, you are truly impressive, Erika!" Keep up the outstanding work!

She was engrossed in watching her favorite manga, now brought to life in the form of an anime.

Her hair was covered by a towel, but it couldn't hide her above-average facial features. Like a typical person, she had black hair and dark brown pupils that appeared almost black.

Her room was quite ordinary, much like the stretcher she was sleeping on.

She is Olivia, and she enjoys watching anime with a female lead.

Olivia chuckled at another good moment in the anime. "Erika, go and conquer that arrogant prince and add him to your harem."

But then she chuckled and stuck out her tongue. "How silly of me to watch an anime when I've already read its manga."

Olivia was an orphan, although not in the traditional sense. Her parents had passed away when she was 6 years old, but her uncle and aunt were kind and did not abandon her after her parents' death.

Even if they have an ulterior motive, she never asks them for anything. They also come to take a look at her once a week.

Her aunt was kind, but she couldn't provide as much love as a mother could. Perhaps it was only her perception, as her aunt and uncle did not have a child.

Suddenly, the door opened and a person wearing a pink uniform walked in carrying an examination pad.

She is also wearing a pink cap on her head, which indicates that she is a nurse here for her routine check-up.

The nurse gently approached Olivia, her wrinkled face showing a compassionate expression, and addressed her with concern, "Olivia, I've noticed you're still engrossed in watching TV." We've had several discussions about how this may not be the best for your health. It is crucial that you prioritize rest to enhance the effectiveness of your brain cancer treatment.

Olivia, feeling sad, said, "Sorry, Miss, but I can't help myself. I like to watch anime, and as you can see, my brain cancer is at the last stage. How could I be cured?"

Upon hearing this for a second time, the nurse also has teary eyes, but she doesn't show it.

She has been Olivia's nurse since she was a child and always talked with her. She was the only one who helped her get used to watching anime and reading mangas.

Isabella doesn't regret her decision because even though she may not live for a long time, she can at least find some happiness in the time she has.

Isabella suddenly noticed some medicines being thrown to the side of the stretcher and said angrily, "Olivia, why are those medicines being thrown to the side of the stretcher?"

Olivia suddenly shook and said, "Sorry, Miss. I can't eat those sour medicines every time. Let my tongue rest for a day or so."

Isabella got angry and said, "Olivia, what are you trying to say? Talking about taking a risk with your health. I should probably see you every time you have taken your medicines or not."

Olivia stuck out her tongue and inwardly thought, "I should let Aunt Isabella forget about this. Why did I throw the medicines under the table when I could have thrown them out the window?"

Then she suddenly notices a flashback in which she was watching manga on her phone, and Isabella came to give her the medicine. However, she was too busy watching the manga.

She had said at the time, "These medicines have a terrible taste. Since I am the protagonist of my life, why should I eat them?" and then she threw them under her stretcher.

The nurse, showing little interest in Olivia's statement, said, "You!"! Olivia, I will bring other medicines, so please eat the ones I give you now. Otherwise, be aware that since I am in charge of your cabin, I can also unplug your TV signal and take your mobile phone.

Upon hearing this, Olivia became frightened and quickly concealed her smartphone under the cushion.

Olivia, trying to lighten the mood, said, "Whoa, Aunt Isabella, please don't get angry. I swear on the name of my anime world that I will eat those, even if I don't like them."

With a sense of pride on her face, she somewhat promised Isabella that she would do what she had told.

Olivia, bring your hand here. I will take your blood test.

She gently placed a tourniquet around her elbow and inserted a needle to draw a blood sample.

Olivia screamed, "Oh!"

Isabella said, "Olivia, why do you always scream? This is not very scary."

Olivia mocked, "Easier said than done."

Isabella cried, "You monkey!"

Olivia and Isabella both chuckled afterward.

Isabella then suddenly said, "Whoa, right, Olivia, I forgot to tell you that your operation is scheduled for this afternoon."

"Are you ready for that?"

"Yes, Aunt Isabella," said Olivia in a slow voice.