
Reincarnated as the Alluring Ice Dragon Princess

[!!!Mature Content!!!] ++++++++++++++++++ Luna Roe was a young woman that just wanted to experience love and have her own happily ever after. She was in a once amazing relationship with a man named Thomas, but after only a couple years he began to prioritize everything but her. One day, she decided that she had enough and walked out. Luna was going to find a gorgeous man and finally have her happy ending….. And she found him! Maybe? The last thing she remembers was dying……. But that wasn’t the end of Luna. Instead, she was reincarnated as Princess Lola Lovette; the same princess from a book she didn’t think was a good enough read! Now she must adapt to her new life; being the only dragon princess surrounded by dragon princes that only want to kill her and steal her kingdom…. Or so she thought... +++++++++++++++++++ This is my first attempt at a romance! I hope you enjoy! -Reverse Harem: Guranteed 4 love interests- -Smut- ;-P But It'll mostly be romanticized/ no threesomes or anything like that (Chapters with scenes will be marked R18) -no rape, no incest; nothing that is essentially illegal worldwide. -my writing is definitely not perfect, but I’m trying- ——As always, thank you to everyone that takes the time to read my work! ——

ioPharia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Lola's Conquest for her Kingdom has Begun (R18)

Tomik, the Poison Prince, had lifted Lola onto the brown leather saddle of his magnificent black steed before leading her back to her castle. With each passing moment she felt more like a princess, and she was hoping everything was real, despite how outrageous the explanation of how she came to be was. 

As she looked down at his strong, masculine figure leading her back to her home, she began to feel herself become warm; she was nearly already over being brutally murdered in her past life; it was such a distant memory yet so recent. Why couldn't I have been born here for the get go? She wondered. 

Maybe it was just her version of the afterlife? 

The numerous fairy guards moved aside as the prince got closer to the castle. They looked on shocked and dumbfounded as they watched the prince that had been trying to kill the princess all these years, now escorting her on his own horse back to the main doors, willingly. Tomik simply smiled at them as they let him through. 

Just before the double doors, he helped Lola down from his horse, grabbing her by the waist and gently placing her back onto her feet. He then gave the reigns to one of the guards, demanding they take extra care of him, before the once murderous prince opened the front doors for his stunning host. 

Sholin and Grandma were on the other side in their human form, their mouths wide open as they watched the Prince and Princess walk through the door hand in hand. 

"I take it you agreed to her truvay?" Sholin asked Tomik, a hint of jealousy to his tone as he watched the prince lead her towards the stairs of the tower. Tomik only gave him a sly smile as he passed the fairy man. 

For as long as the stories of the dragon children existed, there had never once been an instance where they didn't try to kill one another. The dragons had always been enemies, always fighting over world domination, and when their lives ended, they carried on that desire by using their children. It was rare they ever worked together, but not completely unheard of; it was more of a fairy tale itself than anything. 

Whatever soul Artrio had chosen was a very unique soul. 

Sholin and Grandma stared on in fascination as they watched the two royals disappear into one of the brightly lit corridors that headed towards the stairs of the tower. 

"This soul is going to change the world, Sholin," Grandma said to him softly, a flicker of hope in her voice. 

Sholin ignored Grandma, turning into a fairy and darting after them; he wanted to be sure the princess wasn't killed. Not only was she going to be alone with someone who'd been trying to kill her for years, but he was also known as the worst Prince; the one that lead by fear. 

If he allowed Lola to die the entire fairy race could be killed in her father's rage and vengeance. The dragons may have children to kill one another, but it went without saying that each of the dragon fathers protected them without a second thought from the rest of the world. 

Luckily for the princess' protector, the fear inducing prince seemed to be completely captivated by the daughter of Artrio; something that had been utterly unheard of for thousands if not millions of years. Every single reincarnation of any of the children of recent times had never treated each other as anything more than enemies. 

As Tomik finally reached the door to the tower room, he opened it for the princess allowing her to walk in first before he followed and locked the door behind him. 

"Why have you been trying to kill me?" Lola asked him when the door was finally closed, as she started towards her bed. 

"I'm going to take over every kingdom," he told her plainly, his black, leather boots tapping against the wooden floor with each heavy step as he followed close behind her to the soft bed. 

"Even mine?" She dug deeper, finally reaching her bed and turning around as Tomik gently twirled her to face him. The prince of poison pulled her body close to his as he simultaneously lowered her down onto the soft, satin sheets. While doing so, he gently took a step closer, placing himself between her delicate, smooth legs as he began to lower his left hand onto the bed next to her while placing the other on her lower back. His soft lips pressed against her plump, pink ones, while his arm muscles bulged slightly as he supported her, but he wasn't struggling; he was lowering her like she was weightless. 

He then removed his hand from her back before moving it to the upper part of her right thigh, pushing part of her dress up with it before grabbing part of her panties, "even yours," he smirked, as he began to remove them from her hips. 

Lola bit her lip. The combination of the soft sheets against her back, and the touch of his skin against hers made her feel like she was about to melt into a giant, euphoric puddle. Everything is so dreamy; I better not be in a fucking coma, she thought to herself, as she felt him maneuver her panties off her legs, softly kissing her bikini line while he did so. 

Once her panties were removed, Tomik placed his big, strong hand just above her head onto the bed, as he moved himself to meet her lips with his once more. As the Prince of Poison and the Princess of Ice embraced one another, Lola cupped his face with her hands as he used his left hand to undo his pants, dropping them to his ankles. 

"I had planned to fucking kill you today," he whispered between breaths as he moved his kisses down her neck and to her collarbone before ending at her breasts, removing the top of her dress as traced her body with his mouth. He then looked her in her beautiful crystal-clear eyes with his purple ones, "but I guess I ended up just fucking you today," he said as he thrusted himself inside of her with Lola immediately letting out a loud moan as he penetrated her, her back instantly arching. 

The prince then placed his left hand on her neck, directly under her jaw causing her head to tilt up slightly. As he began to thrust faster, he began to squeeze her even harder, and the pleasure began to radiate throughout both of their bodies, causing them to go somewhat numb. 

Lola wrapped her legs around his waist as he continued his rhythm, her entire body bouncing with each thrust he made. 

As Tomik got closer to climax, his eyes began to glow, and his grip was getting stronger around her neck, but Lola wasn't scared, in fact, it was making her more aroused; and as she got more and more excited, she felt herself getting stronger. 

Suddenly Tomik came, with a sudden eruption of purple, bat-like wings immediately bursting from his back before stretching out with his deep, pleasurable moans. Unable to pull out from Lola's grip around him, he gushed directly inside of her, though he had no quarrels. He couldn't explain it, but he was smitten with her. 

Knowing she hadn't come yet, he immediately gave her one last kiss, before moving his mouth down between her legs before inserting his tongue inside of her. 

Lola gripped the sheets with tight fists as she felt her body curl to his will, before she suddenly felt a rush of euphoria overcome her, her bed immediately becoming engulfed in ice. 

Tomik gave her a few more licks, causing her to twitch with pleasure, before licking his own lips like he had enjoyed a delicious meal. 

As he stood back up, he looked down at her and into her eyes "I'm okay with calling an extended truvay," he winked as he pulled his pants back up, fastening them back around his waist. 

Lola sat up in unison with his redressing, "then perhaps I've convinced you to talk business?" She winked back. Her conquest to take back her kingdom had officially begun.