
Reincarnated as the Alluring Ice Dragon Princess

[!!!Mature Content!!!] ++++++++++++++++++ Luna Roe was a young woman that just wanted to experience love and have her own happily ever after. She was in a once amazing relationship with a man named Thomas, but after only a couple years he began to prioritize everything but her. One day, she decided that she had enough and walked out. Luna was going to find a gorgeous man and finally have her happy ending….. And she found him! Maybe? The last thing she remembers was dying……. But that wasn’t the end of Luna. Instead, she was reincarnated as Princess Lola Lovette; the same princess from a book she didn’t think was a good enough read! Now she must adapt to her new life; being the only dragon princess surrounded by dragon princes that only want to kill her and steal her kingdom…. Or so she thought... +++++++++++++++++++ This is my first attempt at a romance! I hope you enjoy! -Reverse Harem: Guranteed 4 love interests- -Smut- ;-P But It'll mostly be romanticized/ no threesomes or anything like that (Chapters with scenes will be marked R18) -no rape, no incest; nothing that is essentially illegal worldwide. -my writing is definitely not perfect, but I’m trying- ——As always, thank you to everyone that takes the time to read my work! ——

ioPharia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Dragon Princes

Sholin had guided the new Princess to the kitchen to meet the fairy they call Grandma or Grandma May. He had picked out a long, flowing, white dress for her to wear, with a cutout back all the way down to her butt. She felt extremely exposed, but at the same time elegant and proper.

He informed Lola that he had to send word to Artrio to tell him of the new soul that had taken over his daughter, but that he would be back to join her shortly. 

When they walked through the large, rounded wooden door of the kitchen, Grandma had yet to notice them; she was partially deaf, and her vision wasn't the greatest either. 

Sholin called out to her to let her know Lola had arrived, and she quickly turned to face them, a warm, welcoming smile on her face. "Come, come, you must be hungry, dear!" As Grandma collected Lola, Sholin left to send word to the dragon. 

May was in the middle of making one of the old Princess' favorite meals; Grandma May's Breakfast Specialty. It was simply pancakes shaped like flowers with golden brown toast on the side. She also made sure to inform Lola that she was using freshly collected maple, because without it, it just wouldn't be Grandma's. 

Grandma had very short, puffy white hair that had a few strands of gray mixed in, though it complimented her well. She had small, brown, rectangular wire-framed glasses that rested near the tip of her nose, far enough to not matter to the vision of her green eyes. Lola assumed the hunch of her back came from being a cook for many years, because as she was finally given the opportunity to bite into her food, her taste buds immediately tingled; Grandma May's breakfast was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted. 

"Aren't you going to eat?" Lola asked May, as she noticed Grandma joining her at the small, round table without a plate for herself. 

"I'm not hungry, dear. But why are you eating in here where we eat, and not where people of your class eat?" She asked her, it was obvious she wasn't fully aware yet that the soul switch erased all previous memories, or at least locked them away. "Where am I supposed to eat?" Lola asked sweetly. 

May asked Lola to follow as she then got up from the small kitchen table, and led her through another rounded, wooden door opposite the entrance. This door led to an oversized dining room, that had a long, red wood table in the center of the room with a blue running table cloth going down it; it was so long, it could easily fit 100 humans at once. 

Pictures of all shapes and sizes littered the tall walls, detailing the history of the castle. The previous royal members that inhabited it, the fairies that have worked it, and the numerous parties that had been hosted there. Though, the castle now seemed empty in comparison to what was depicted. 

"How many fairies live here, in the castle?" Lola asked, as she began to wander the room, admiring the contents from the floor up. Every detail in the castle seemed to have been hand crafted by the fairies; the designs were so intricate. 

"About 80. That includes your servants, as well as the fighters that help keep all potential intruders away from you," she replied matter-of-factly. 

"How many people of my class live here?" Lola took a seat in the head chair that faced where they entered. This must be a dream, she thought to herself, never did she think she would live in a castle, let alone be called a Princess. 

"Just you, my dear," Grandma replied, joining her by standing next to the heavily cushioned chair she was in. 

Lola paused and looked at her like she was lying. "So, I have this giant room to myself!?" 

"Of course. Shall I leave as well?" Grandma sounded worried, as if she was intruding. 

Lola immediately stopped her, "that's not what I meant, I'm sorry. What I meant is, is that everyone should be able to eat in here if they want; All are welcome, right? It's not right that 80 fairies have to share a table only meant for 10." The princess stood up, "let's have everyone in here together for lunch today, Grandma." 

"But our guards must stay," Grandma placed one of her frail hands upon Lola's arm, "We are sworn to Artrio to protect you at all costs." 

"Well, it sounds as if you must obey me as well? So, I order everyone to have lunch with me today," she winked at her, sassily. 

With being given a new chance at life, she wanted to be a new her, someone that wasn't always so down on herself, and someone that had a lot more confidence. Her name was Lola Lovette; Luna Roe no longer existed. 

"As you wish, Princess," May smiled, but it didn't change the worry that was slowly building up. "But what of the 3 princes?" 

"Why do the princes want to kill me?" Lola questioned as they began to go back to the kitchen to finish eating. 

"It's their job, as its your job to kill them. Their fathers, same as yours, are all enemies, and because they only exist in spirit now, they rely on their children to carry out their desires. All 4 of you children are born enemies because of their hate. The dragon fathers are: 

Artrio, the dragon of ice. 

Denari, the dragon of fire. 

Kitare, the dragon of earth. 

Manidex, the dragon of Poison." Grandma explained to her. 

She then informed Lola that the princes had been coming nearly every day, seemingly taking turns, and it was wearing out the guards quickly; which seemed to have been their plan. 

Then, as she finished, Sholin in fairy form burst into the kitchen as the ladies reentered, informing them that there was a prince trying to infiltrate, and that Lola needed to retreat to her room while they held him off. 

Only weapons held by a dragon child can hurt fairies, so they always came alone, making it a bit easier for the guards; but they were still very strong, they possessed powers representative of their heritage. 

"Who's trying to kill me today?" Lola asked her, slightly intrigued. 

"Tomik, the son of Manidex," he told her.