
Reincarnated as Percy Jackson

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Chapter 1Chapter 1: I have a Very Mean System

I yawn as I sit up in my bed immediately hitting the one over mine.

'Wait, there was never a bed over mine,' I think. 'Did I get kidnapped?!'

I move to get out of bed and notice that I wasn't

chained up. I look out the window and didn't see any bars on the window. I look at the bed over mine and see a boy with brown hair and a goatee sleeping on it. I rush over to find a mirror to see if I had any bruises or cuts on my face. I find one and see that I had black hair, sea green eyes, and looked like a prepubescent Greek boy.

[System Advises User to not freak out.]

'System?!' I think as I begin to freak out. 'The heck?!'

[System has detected heightened state of panic from user... Executing best course of actions.

<Gamer's Mind has been activated and set to passive> Action Executed.]

Almost immediately I calm down and my mind starts to analyze what's going on.

'System... oh! Like the ones I read about all the time in fanfiction,' I think to myself. 'So if I'm right... System show me my stats please.'

The System immediately brought a small see-through light blue panel into my vision

[ Showing user's stats...

Name: Percy Jackson HP:100/100

Level 1 Exp: 0/100 (Each level will raise Exp requirements by double. For example level 1 requires 100 experience points, level two will require 200 experience points, level 3 will require 400 experience points and so on.)

Age: 12

Race: Demigod (Half Human, Half- well you guessed it...god!)

Title: Son of Poseidon

Strength: 5 (Your weak compared to other demigods)

Vitality: 10 (1 Vit=10 HP)

Defense: 7 (Personally I would try and increase this until it's at least 20 so damage would be reduced to a good amout)

Agility: 10 (Running from bullies is great cardio)

Dexterity: 3 (System recommends that the user should avoid using a weapon until this stat is higher at least by 4)

Intelligence: 100 (Since user is a person who graduated high school and was under the gifted/ high achiever courses in high school so yeah he has a high intelligence)

Wisdom: 80 (Living till you were 18 made you pretty wise)

Luck: 25 (Wow that's actually pretty good compared to other demigods)

Unassigned Stat Points: 10

Skill(s) (All skills max lvl is lvl 10):

Water Control LVL. Max- As the son of Poseidon you have incredible control of water.

-Water Body- You are one with water which allows you to turn yourself into water

-Water Breathing- As a child of Poseidon you can breath in water

-Water Weapon Construction- You can create weapons made from water

Blood Control LVL. 0.5- As a gamer you should be ashamed of yourself for not improving this skill. Allow VERY minor control of the elements of water within blood.

Ice Control LVL. 5- At least it's average. Allows moderate control over ice.

Vapor Control LVL. 5- At least it's average. Allows moderate control over water vapor.

Poison Control LVL. 0.1- At least it exist. Allows EXTREMELY minor control of poison

-Poison Resistance- Since you can control poison it would make since for you to be able to resist it obviously.

-Poison Analysis- Allows you to recognize poison.

Temperature Control LVL. 5- Ehh still has room for improvement. Due to user possessing both Ice and Vapor Control he has the ability to change the temperature around him at will.

-Ice Create- By cooling down water to 32° Farenheit (0° Celsius) the user can freeze water.

-Water Create- By either cooling down water vapor or heating up ice the user can create water.

-Vapor Create- By increasing the temperature of water to 212° Farenheit (100° Celsius) the user can create water vapor.

Molecule Control LVL. 3- Increase this immediately so you can show how awesome this is. Due to your understanding and comprehension of science and the elements you have minor control over molecules

Gamer's Mind (Passive)- As a gamer your unable to be affected by mental attacks and illusions. You also are able to stay calm in stressful situations.

Gamer's Body (Passive)- As a Gamer your body is unable to be injured. You can fall from a cliff or get shot and nothing will happen to you except losing a small bit of health. Even getting your arm chopped off does nothing to you except makes you say ow before it regenerates.

System's Ranking- You probably won't even make a good meat shield

Money: USD- 0 D- 0 (Well let's not mention your poor af)]

'So my stats are more or less that of a standard human,' I think while thinking about my stats. 'And I have a pretty versatile set of skills but still the System didn't have to roast me while giving it to me. But still I wonder how I got into this body, I mean the original Percy who have had to die for me to even be in this body in the first place.'

[Abrupt Quest given-

Why did Percy die?

Figure out the reason the original Percy Jackson died.

Reward(s): +2 points in DEX, +5 stat points, 20 exp, and Ocean Luna- A weapon that increases the user's affinity for water. Can change form based on what phase of the moon on the weapon but reverts to a ring for storage. The forms are as follows:

New Moon- Twin Pistols

Waxing Crescent- Trident

1st Quarter- Gauntlets

Waxing Gibbous- Short Sword

Full Moon- Twin Knives

Waning Gibbous- Long Sword

3rd Quarter- Spear

Waning Crescent- Scythe]

I start drooling once I see the weapon because in my old world I was a bit of a weapon freak. So I love a good weapon design and weapon abilities. I start to investigate the bed I woke up on.

'Judging from the bed and the shirt I'm currently wearing, Percy wasn't stabbed but he has blood on his pillow,' I deduct. 'My neck doesn't hurt and there aren't any marks so that rules out being strangled, maybe if I use one of my skills on the blood.'

With my entire 0.1 level in poison control I try and feel if there are any poisonous elements in the blood. I make a grab motion to a portion that just felt wrong, as if it wasn't supposed to be there. As I do this a dark red liquid is pulled out of the bloodstain.

[User has raised Poison Control by 0.2 points]

I ignore this and start to think about who wanted to kill Percy till, I realized that during his time in Yancy Academy he only had one enemy, the Math Teacher/ Fury Ms. Dodds.

[User has Completed the Abrupt Quest- Who killed Percy?

User's rewards have been given. Stat points have been distributed and item is in the inventory.]

'If it's in the inventory then all I need to do is open it and take it out right?' I question myself. 'Okay if I'm right then I need to say, System Open Inventory Please.'

Immediately another see-through light blue panel was brought up but this time with a 10 by 10 grid on it. The first two slots had items in them while the other 98 were empty.

'System what's the first item in my inventory?' I ask curiously.

[The first item in the user's inventory is a starter pack with the description: Can't let you go into this without some way to defend yourself.]

'Okay? Well then System open starter pack, please?' I ask it.

[Starter Pack opened

It contained:

Flowing Dragon Movement Style

Raging Ocean Combat Style

$100 USD

20 D

Observe Skill LVL 1

Earthquake Control LVL 2

+4 to all stats

+5 to unassigned stat points

All skills LVL increased by 1

60 experience points]

My eyes widen in happiness because I just gained what I feel is a broken amount of lucky stuff.

'System bring out the Lunar Weapon,' I tell it.

Immediately a ring drops onto my bed so I walk over to pick it up. It was a stunning white color with a beautiful design of a black western dragon that made it pop out. Just holding it made me feel as if my control with water is stronger. I put it on my right index finger and make a fist. The ring had a comfortable fit and it was like I didn't even have it on.

'This is so cool,' I think with a big smile. 'System can you use all items in my inventory and bring up my stats?'

[ Showing user's stats...

Name: Percy Jackson HP:140/140

Level 1 Exp: 80/100 (Level up is close, once you level up your stats all increase by 10)

Age: 12

Race: Demigod (Half Human, Half- well you guessed it...god!)

Title: Son of Poseidon

Strength: 9 (Your mediocre compared to other demigods)

Vitality: 14 (1 Vit=10 HP)

Defense: 11 (Again Personally I would try and increase this until it's at least 20 so damage would be reduced to a good amount)

Agility: 14 (Your getting faster)

Dexterity: 9 (You won't embarrass yourself when you use a weapon at least)

Intelligence: 104 (School is child's play for you although your not as smart as the children of Athena their base INT stats is 200)

Wisdom: 84 (Making good battle strategies comes as second nature to you)

Luck: 29 (Wow that's actually extremely good compared to other demigods)

Unassigned Stat Points: 20

Skill(s) (All skills max lvl is lvl 10):

Water Control LVL. Max- As the son of Poseidon you have incredible control of water.

-Water Body- You are one with water which allows you to turn yourself into water

-Water Breathing- As a child of Poseidon you can breath in water

-Water Weapon Construction- You can create weapons made from water

Blood Control LVL. 1.5- You can do better. Allows slight control of the elements of water within blood.

Ice Control LVL. 6- It's almost there just four more points. Allows moderate control over ice.

-Ice Double(s)- You can create a temporary clone made of ice to take one attack.

Vapor Control LVL. 6- It's almost there just four more points. Allows moderate control over water vapor.

-Vapor Transformation- You can turn one of you body parts into water vapor for a few seconds

-Mist Manipulation- Due to your skill with Vapor Control you can manipulate the magical curtain that hides the mythological world from the normal world. At it's current level you can fool a stupid person.

Poison Control LVL. 1.1- It's minor. Allows Very minor control of poison

-Poison Resistance- Since you can control poison it would make since for you to be able to resist it obviously.

-Poison Analysis- Allows you to recognize poison.

Temperature Control LVL. 6- Ehh still has room for improvement. Due to user possessing both Ice and Vapor Control he has the ability to change the temperature around him at will.

-Ice Create- By cooling down water to 32° Farenheit (0° Celsius) the user can freeze water.

-Water Create- By either cooling down water vapor or heating up ice the user can create water.

-Vapor Create- By increasing the temperature of water to 212° Farenheit (100° Celsius) the user can create water vapor.

Molecule Control LVL. 4- Increase this immediately so you can show how awesome this is. Due to your understanding and comprehension of science and the elements you have minor control over molecules

Observe LVL 1- Allows you to see the names of others.

Earthquake Control LVL 2- As the child of Poseidon, the Earthshaker you are able to create small tremors.

Quake Enhancement- You can reinforce your attacks with that of a scale 1 Earthquake

Gamer's Mind (Passive)- As a gamer your unable to be affected by mental attacks and illusions. You also are able to stay calm in stressful situations.

Gamer's Body (Passive)- As a Gamer your body is unable to be injured. You can fall from a cliff or get shot and nothing will happen to you except losing a small bit of health. Even getting your arm chopped off does nothing to you except makes you say ow before it regenerates.

System's Ranking- You probably would make a very fragile meat shield with some combat capabilities

Money: USD- $100 D- 20 (Well let's not mention your still poor af)

Technique(s): (Max is LVL 20)

Flowing Dragon Movement Style LVL 1- A movement style that allows one to move like flowing water.

-Form 1: Gentle Dragon Steps

Raging Ocean Combat Style LVL 1- A combat style that works for all weapons including one's own hands. Emulates the sea during a storm with its ferociousness and ruthlessness

-Form 1: Crushing Waves]

Looking at my stats I felt unsatisfied, I was a heavy gamer in my past life so seeing my skills and stats like that pissed me off.

[Abrupt Quest Assigned-

Your a Gamer to the Core

Train in the systems training room until your stats are at least all in the double digits and most of your skills are close to Max LVL.

Reward(s): 140 exp points, $50, 15 Drachma, Your choice of Lightning Control or Darkness Control

Hint- Wisdom can be increased by solving puzzles, Intelligence can be increased by studying, Strength can be increased by physical exercise, Agility can be increased by running, Dexterity can be increased by penmanship, and Defense can be increased by taking damage.

As for your techniques they can be increased with practice.

And for stats it's simple... figure it out yourself]

I smile as I think, 'So my quest is to train, wait what about school?!'

[The world in the system's training room moves in a 4:1 ratio so by the time 4 hours pass in that room 1 hour passes in this one. And all equipment in the room has been modified to give the user the maximum benefit from training.

Would user like to transfer now?


'Yes obviously,' I think happily. 'I need to start as soon as possible.'

I was suddenly in a spacious world with multiple containers of liquids, training dummies, weights, a tennis ball lancher, books, and puzzles. I decide to do some simple stretches before training.

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