
Fruit or Seed (2)

Twenty years ago. When people naturally starved to death during famines, workers slept hanging like corpses on clotheslines or lived in coffins, and even the money earned that way went to paying lifelong debts.

That time when forced labor, forced conscription, forced exploitation were everyday life and death was too close to daily life.

'...How low were this country's citizens' expectations?'

Russia that still looks insufficient and full of deficiency to my eyes.

"They are truly grateful and satisfied. Even if they have complaints, they express and fulfill them through other channels."

Someone says that alone is enough.

"We've finally brought down the Ottoman Empire we fought for 400 years. We've unified Poland, and despite the history of the Tatar Yoke, our power extends to Asia. When all the lands of the old Eastern Roman Empire have come into our hands through war, what imperial citizen would dare criticize this nation's direction?"