
Reincarnated as Naruto with A gamer System

gaming_saff · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Reincarnation & start

"ahh! Shit! Bedwars suck!....I mean the other team always gets pro players and mine all left...!" His name is naraku Uehara playing bedwars on his computer

"Okay all dead now break their bed!" He yelled and the power ran out....out of frustration he kicked the PC but his leg got up in wire and suddenly the light came back again and he was electrocuted to death.

In a pitch darkness like place he saw one thing a blue color information panel

"What is this?"naraku asked confusedly

[Currently Host,Naraku Uehara has died due to electrical equipment, host has been given a new chance. Please proceed with the information below]

As the interface said a new panel pop up beneath it

[You've have gotten the chance to reincarnate, please tell which world would you like to go]

"..."flabbergasted naraku viewed this panel as his last hope in life

"My mother abandoned me...my father only asks for money and abuse me...no siblings what so ever...I'm not gonna go to earth again!"

"I want to go to the world Naruto!"

[DING! Condition met...reincarnating]

After that I feel like I was being sucked inside


After this I woke up and saw my house is so messy..."I have reincarnated as Naruto"

Naraku said as he stood up

[Ding! The gamers House is so dirty!-Finish cleaning your house:rewards 200 EXP 5 silver ryo]

"Five silver ryo..it meant a one time ichiraku meal!" Naraku said

(From now on I'll call naraku Uehara Uzumaki Naruto)

"Wait...why am I thinking of ramen...I think I still have a bit of Naruto soul inside"

Then Naruto started to clean his apartment

After an hour, the apartment looked new and had not even a speck of dust

"Heheh" Naruto was grinding looking at this as a notification came

[Host has successfully completed the task rewarded: 200 EXP, 5 silver ryo]

"Hmm! Nice! Now stats!" Full of emotion Naruto said and a new interface popped up

[Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Age 6

Title- the Jinchuriki Of Kyubbi-title effect--50 percent in chakra control -90 percent reputation in civilians, -30 percent reputation in Shinobi

Level: 1-next level 200/400

Chakra: 2,000/2,000( mid chunin)(locked)


Strength -13

Agility 9

Endurance 19

Vitality- 35

Wisdom 3

Intelligence 5

Undistributed stat points-0]

"Well...we need to work on wis and intelligence..."Naruto said feeling pity for Naruto

As Naruto got to the bathroom to wash up"ohh yeah...the system of other novels have starter pack do I have it?"

"System open starter pack"

[Ding! Host has gotten bloodline purifying pill, Skill ID Create Escape,20 silver ryo!]

The system then congratulatated him as he then thought to himself

'Wanna learn how to use the gamer system like an expert...hehehe' he then took the pill while in the tub and ate it...after a while his whole body was red and was like he was getting a fever

But what he was experiencing was unimaginable...'my body...Hurts!...I can't scream if I scream the anbu outside will come' after an hour of enduring pain'

[You have gotten Skill pain resistance to level 4]

"Yep...huff...now it's...huff...time"Naruto quickly get up and changed his clothes and sat in a meditative position and then

[Ding! Skill meditating has been Learnt-making recovery 50%+ and recover any abnormal mental status, finding or guiding chakra in this state makes it easier]

Then Naruto found his chakra and guide it all over his body and let it flow slowly then strengthening his veins and body

He then stood up and saw the mirror Infront of him then he yelled"OLD MAN!!" and left his house in a hurry of course he knew that because of his 100% bloodline he will have red hair so he just wanna act so hiruzen thinks it's all good

Then Naruto arrived in the hokage office sprinting the secretary also saw him but couldn't recognize she told a Shinobi that a red haired boy ran straight to the hokage office and stop him

The white haired ninja nodded and started to sprint in the direction of the hokage office and quickly knocked on it but then, the ninja arrives and stops him

"Who is it?" Hiruzen asked

"Sorry hokage a red hair kid ran straight up and knocked on your door on accident" the white hair Jonin said

"Hey! It wasn't a mistake! I'm Naruto dattebayo!" Naruto yelled but the white hair ninja was about to throw him out but hiruzen order them to come in

After seeing Naruto in red hair hiruzen asked"why did you change your hair colour?" Hiruzen asked curious

"I didn't change it! It was just when I was cleaning then took a bath but then I saw in the mirror my hair turned red..!" Naruto said without taking a breath

"Calm down Naruto...it was probably your bloodline" hiruzen said and Naruto showed a hint of curiosity

"My bloodline?" Naruto asked

And hiruzen thought'it is time to reveal this'

"Naruto your mother was someone from the uzumaki clan which specialized in fuinjutsu

And has red hair like yours.."hiruzen said and continued

"Your mother kushina uzumaki was a Jonin of the leaf"hiruzen said but with an anger Naruto outbursts!

"wait! Old Man! My mother was a Jonin of the leaf right!" Naruto said and got a nod from hiruzen and continued"They might have a fortune left for me but where is it! I didn't even receive a single bronze ryo!"

"Well"hiruzen said as looked at kakashi the white haired ninja to help..but h shushined away hiruzen was about to speak as he heard

"Wait...old men!...my mother name is kushina right!" Naruto said and the ninja in the corner glued the saliva and Naruto continued"that means...she the only Jonin with red hair was 4th hokage Minato namikaze wife so-"

"Wait...I'm the son of the fourth hokage!"

Hiruzen didn't knew what to say and thought'with just the name he figured out who his father was... talent" the ninja in the dark corners of the room looked at this in fear that a disaster might eterupt with Danzo and hiruzen

...in a cage

"Hahahaha! That's...quite an interesting brat..."a fox replied

To Be continued