
Reincarnated as Naruto Uzumaki

Argha_Das · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Where the hell am I?


I'm dead.

Why I'm so sure you ask? Simple I am in a void right now or what I think is the void. This endless darkness sure seems like the void.

I have been here for who knows how long or how short? I don't know. Time is not a concept here as far as I can tell. Just like those fanfiction stories. The only difference is that my memory is crystal clear, you can even say its enhanced because it's that vivid.

But you know what's funny, the things that I remember are either of general knowledge or related to a educational fact and fictional stories. I remember completing my high school without studying anything thanks to covid, and I remember binge watching the entire naruto series during the pandemic. Good times. But that's where the memories stop. I don't remember my name , my DOB , my family ,my friends or any other personal information that a person should know by their heart. I don't even remember how I died. And the most peculiar thing is that doesn't affects the calmness of my state of being. Maybe it's due to the void…or I have the [Gamers Mind] skill. I hope it's the second one, and with these thoughts I continued to float in the void. Oh, did I tell you that I'm a ball of sparkling white light which is probably my soul. Yeah, that's a thing.

After Unknown amount of time:

After spending who knows how much time self reflecting, looks like my time here is about to end. How you say? Well a large beam of kaleidoscopic lights is coming towards me with the speed of a fright train. My time has finally come. Now, the only thing that I'm not sure about is weather I'm going to reincarnate or transmigrate. The reason about being so sure is because I've got partial memories, not fully erased, as it's supposed to be as far as I think. Well whatever, at least I'm getting out of this place. The void is creeping me out to be honest and I can feel that while having my emotions being negated or suppressed. Goodbye eternal darkness, hello new life. And that's my last coherent thought before the beam engulfed me.


When I regain my consciousness the first thing I noticed that I'm in some kind of building or an underground facility of some kind. The second thing I noticed is that my emotions are not going haywire. I mean, I can feel that happy that I'm out of the void, sad that I couldn't remember my family, horrified about what is going to happen next and many others. But it's all muted or suppressed. They are not making me go in a state of panic or something. Huh, so the void did suppress my emotions, or I am the GAMER.

`status'….`menu'….`profile'….nope not the gamer as far as I can tell.

The third thing I noticed that I'm still a floating ball of white light. That can only mean two things, 1) there's a woman down here who is pregnant or 2) there is a man here who died or is about to die. Please be the second option, I really don't want to be a baby again. I've read enough fanfics to know that it's not a pleasant experience.

Before I could continue my line of thought my body or soul as it is right now, is pulled deeper inside the structure. The moment of truth is finally here, I guess. As I continued to being pulled deeper, I saw a bright orange light at the end of my vision. When I finally reached my destination I could see that the bright orange light is coming from a sparkling ball of orange light, just like mine. The only difference is that the diameter of that ball is probably 5 times of mine. Though, it seems like the ball is getting smaller and smaller by the second, perhaps because the soul is leaving this plane of existence. But why am I not stopping…oh' me and that dying soul are going to merge aren't they. Well at least I don't have to play the amnesia card, if I do get the memories from the soul merging.

Oh' I am just in front of the ball, lets get over with it.

A handsome blonde haired guy….. a redhead woman….explosion…..a giant fox….blonde guy and red head dead ….. my name naruto…orphanage…. Old man ….. ramen … shinobi academy ….. sasuke-teme … sakura-chan … iruka-sensei …. Become the greatest hokage ….. graduation exam …. Mizugi-teme ….. forbidden scroll ….. " SHADOW CLONE JUTSU"… konoha forehead protector ….. team 7 …kakashi sensei….. bell test ….. D-ranks ….. tora the hell cat …. C-rank ….. tazuna….. demon brothers …. Zabuza ….. sharingan …. Fighting…. Tazuna's house and meeting tsunami and inari ….. tree walking … meeting haku ….. saving tsunami and inari ….. the battle at the bridge …. Kyubbi's chakra…..

Haku's death ….. zabuza killing gato and dying … freeing the land of waves…. Returning to the village…. The three sand shinobi … Chunin exams … Rock lee … the first test …. Ibiki and anko… the second exam and forest of death … Orochimaru of the legendary sanin …. Kyubbi chakra sealed ….. reaching the tower …

Ok, Woah .



THOSE WERE THE MEMORIES OF NARUTO FUCKING UZUMAKI. JINCHURIKI OF THE NINE TALES. CHILD OF THE PROPHECY. FUTURE GOD OF SHINOBI. THE GUY WHO DESTROYED THE MOON WITH A SINGLE PUNCH. HELLLL YEAHHHHHH!...wait, I only got the memories upto the end of the second test of the chunin exams, that means I am right now in the tower that is right in the middle of the Forrest of Death. That's bad….really bad, the invasion has not happened yet, hell the preliminaries hadn't happened yet. This means that Now I have to fight kiba after 3days and Neji, Garra,the invasion all at once within a month.






…. I am fucked aren't I.