
Reincarnated As Muichiro Tokito

What happens when someone reincarnates as Muichiro Tokito in Demon Slayer, but things in this world are different from the original story. Please note I'm just writing this for fun. P.S: English is my 3rd language so there will be quite a few of mistakes but it should be readable. [Cover is not mine] Discord: https://discord.gg/7Zws4xjx8T

FallenEclipse · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Kaito's Past

"Are you really about to tell me this long-winded story about your tragic past?" Muichiro said as he blinked and ate more food. He had his usual blank face looking at Kaito.

Kaito's eyebrow twitched hearing this, he wanted to smack the shit out of Muichiro, but he can't do that. This was meant to be a celebration of courts, yet, Muichiro just completely killed it.

"Yes, I am. Now listen," said Kaito while crossing his arms and legs. Muichiro sighed and ate his food, he knew he couldn't convince the old man otherwise. Even if Muichiro doesn't listen the old man will just keep telling the same story, over and over again until he listens.

It's happened before, quite a few times now that Muichiro thought of it. But, Muichiro decided to listen since he had nothing else to pay attention to while eating.

"Anyway, I'll start now. When I was a child my parents and I discovered that I was diagnosed with a sickness that will slowly destroy my organs and everything else. My sight has already been completely lost in my right eye. My senses will slowly haze until I can't even taste it hear anything, my limbs will also be rendered immobile. I have only a few more months before my sight is completely gone, hence the reason I would have only trained you are 6 months.

But, from a very young age, I had an interest in swords. To me, swordsmanship is an art. My father was a slayer and when he was home he would practice the forms while I watched with great interest..."

"Let me guess, a demon came to your home and killer your parents?" asked Muichiro.

"No actually, my father retired at the age of 30 and came back home to spend the rest of his time with my mother. They still live in the same village as me. But, after my father retired I decided to join the corps while my body was still somewhat healthy. It took me 3 years to complete my training and take the final selection, which I obviously passed.

After I did so I did my usual slayer work, I wasn't particularly special. One day on a mission I faced lower moon 6, but that lower moon was a primary user of poison. On that mission many people died until a Hashira arrived, my sickness had gotten worse and my time left was shortened by quite a few years. It was on that same mission I met a woman named, Mia..." Kaito was interrupted once more.

"So you two were the only survivors and decided to release some stress the next day, you bastard. I hope you took responsibility." Muichiro looked at him oddly as he drank some saki. Kaito took it from him and exchanged it with tea causing Muichiro to grumble.

"No. After that incident, I decided to retire as a slayer and become a trainer. I trained a good amount of people in my time in all sorts of breathing styles. I studied every technique that I could get my hands on, of course, slayers only usually use one technique for many reasons but I wasn't a slayer anymore. Almost everyone I trained passed the final selection, but most of them, unfortunately, passed when they were on a mission. During my time as a trainer Mia and I stay in touch, she was still a slayer but soon too decided to retire.

She and I ended up having 3 children together, two of which are grown and married while there is a teenager currently at home. As I said before, I only have 5 more years to live, 6 if I'm really lucky. So, when you pass the final selection I'll be off immediately." said Kaito.

Kaito looked and saw there was no more food on the table, he looked to the side, and Muichiro sleeping soundly in a corner of the room. His eye twitched as a vane formed on his forehead, "This damn brat. I should..." he stopped when he heard Muichiro mumble, "You're a good guy, old man. I wish my father was like you."

He turned his body and faced the wall. Kaito was taken aback by this, very much so. Those were without a doubt the most genuine words he has heard Muichiro speak. He sighed and cleaned up the table.

Muichiro, who was about to go to sleep thought, 'If my father was like you, maybe I might have turned out better.' he sighed remembering some days on Earth before he pushed them to the back of his head.

Muichiro had to say, Kaito's past was a lot less tragic than he expected it to be. Kaito was probably better off than a lot of other slayers who had their families murdered in front of them.

Yes, he doesn't have much longer to live but his life seemed pretty good, he didn't seem to of had any major losses. He has a good family waiting for him, that's more than a lot of people could say. Muichiro sighed softly and went to sleep.

The Next Day

Muichiro woke up earlier than he usually does, he only had 3 hours to get to the site for final selection. It would be easy to get there since he was VERY fast.

When it was time to leave, Kaito said, "I wish you luck, short one. Don't you dare die, I'll be leaving now as well."

Muichiro bowed slightly and said, "Thanks for the training, old man." Kaito laughed and said, "No worries, I'll leave a map in case you want to visit sometime. I live in a fishing town quite a ways away."

Muichiro said, "Well, see ya. Good luck in life." he then vanished from where he stood leaving Kaito there. He shook his head and packed his things, leaving for this village soon after.