
Reincarnated As Muichiro Tokito

What happens when someone reincarnates as Muichiro Tokito in Demon Slayer, but things in this world are different from the original story. Please note I'm just writing this for fun. P.S: English is my 3rd language so there will be quite a few of mistakes but it should be readable. [Cover is not mine] Discord: https://discord.gg/7Zws4xjx8T

FallenEclipse · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Its Just Kyojuro's Cooking

Muichiro woke up the next morning feeling like he went through five layers of hell. He didn't even train yesterday so he was a bit confused. Muichiro rolled over to the shoji panels and slid them open letting the morning sun in his room.

Muichiro wasn't a big morning person so every time he woke up he would have to spend like half an hour just sitting there doing absolutely nothing. He would just sit there waiting for his body to finally wake up fully.

Muichiro covered his eyes from the sun and stood up. Only to fall back down onto his futon. "What a bad start to the day. I can already tell I'm going to regret not staying in this position." Muichiro jump to his feet and sighed.

"Why does my body hurt this much? Should I go see Shinobu about it?"

[Simple, you train too much. Your body needs time to rest for a bit, let's not forget you have been getting hardly any sleep for the past month or so. When you did sleep it wasn't in very good conditions]

"Oh, yeah." Muichiro laid there on his futon for an hour before he got up, and the only reason he did was because his kittens were hungry. Well that's what he got from the constant meowing and touching his face with their paws.

Muichiro felt like he was forgetting something today... well... that happened every day, but he had a feeling he was meant to do something before lunch. He sat there for like three minutes trying to remember just a little about what happened yesterday.

That was an utter failure. All he got out of that was a slight headache. Maybe whatever it was had something to do with headaches.

Probably Not.

His head isn't that far up in the clouds.

Sometime Later

Muichiro, Kyojuro, and Tengen were walking to Mitsuri's estate when Muichiro asked "Question. Is something meant to happen today? I forgot, I'm pretty sure it happens around twelve-ish."

Tengen smiled looking down at him since the height difference had a huge gap. "How good! It seems that your unflamboyant memory isn't completely sh..." He couldn't finish when Kyojuro slapped the back of his head making him stumbled back behind them.

It wasn't even a soft slap too, Kyojuro went almost full force. And he was smiling the entire time. "Anyway. Yes, you are right. Just know that we are going to Mitsuri's estate for food, games, and bonding time!"

Muichiro stopped walking and Tengen bumped into him still holding the back of his head. "Wait. Then why am I here, I live with Mitsuri. I didn't need to come here, I couldn't just stay in bed?!" He was outraged. He got out of bed for nothing!

Kyojuro held his chin and nodded. "You are absolutely right! Let's go, we are going there early!" he marched forward with Tengen next to him.

Muichiro just stood there, with a blank face as the wind blew making him move some hear out of the way. He sighed and followed after the two.

A Few Minutes Later

Muichiro was standing in front of Mitsuri with Kyojuro and Tengen behind him. Muichiro looked back at Tengen and Kyojuro who had their usual smiles plastered on their faces. Muichiro took a step back and pushed Tengen forward.

Tengen looked back at him and sigh. "Hello, Kanroji-chan! I see you are as flamboyant as always!" Mitsuri smiled at them "Hello to you too, Uzui-san! Did you come early for the get-together?"

"Yes! Muichiro-san here forgot all about it, you know who it goes. He came early to help, isn't that right Muichiro-san, Kyojuro-san!" Tengen said pointing at Muichiro and Kyojuro.


"Huh?" Muichiro looked at Kyojuro not knowing what he should say. He was pretty sure they didn't come early to help, they just came early. He didn't even know how to cook or even prepare a table for goodness sake.

Muichiro didn't know if Tengen or Kyojuro could cook or not but probably not. Kyojuro is a man who loves his food, but that doesn't mean he can cook. Muichiro loves milk tea, can he make it? Not at all! He tried to make rice one time, that was a disaster and a half.

Tengen, maybe. He seems like the kind of guy who can make a very basic dish which is more than what Muichiro can do.

Mitsuri's eyes lit up when she heard this "Well since you are offering you can help out if you want! It's not much anyways." She led them inside and to the kitchen.

Muichiro cheeked on his kittens on the way and petted them "This is going to be a disaster isn't it." They stared up at him and snuggled onto his lap. Muichiro sighed and had to pray to God for this not to turn out a complete failure. But, he doesn't pry so the man upstairs probably would answer.

"Muichiro-san! Come on!" Muichiro heard Kyojuro call him causing him to sigh, again. "Let's hope I don't die. I at least want to go out in a blaze of glory or something."

Sometime Later.

Mitsuri was in the living room of her estate pacing around making sure everything was set. She put all sorts of board games on the table in the middle of the room before standing put. "I think I'm done. I wonder Muichiro, Tengen, and Kyojuro are done with the food."

She offered to help them out but Tengen said they didn't need it. Kyojuro just stood there smiling and nodded while Muichiro looked like he was about to burst several blood vessels. He silently begged Mitsuri to stay but Tengen rushed her out.

When Muichiro realized Tengen wouldn't allow her to stay he tried to run only for Tengen to brag him back into the kitchen. It was definitely a very funny sight. Mitsuri folded her haori and placed it on a table in the corner of the room along with her sword.

"I'll go check upon them. Uzui-san seemed very confident in his ability to cook. I have never seen Kyojuro-san and Muichiro-san cook though." Mitsuri was about to go to the kitchen when she heard people outside.

She walked over and slid the panels over revealing all the other Hashira bickering loudly. They stopped talking upon seeing Mitsuri. Iguro was about to speak when Shinobu pushed him out of the way and hugged Mitsuri. "Mitsuri-chan. It's been so long. How is your new roommate?"

She whispered the last part into Mitsuri's ear causing her to blush slightly. She still hugged Shinobu back though. "Shinobu-chan, it's only been a few days since we last talked." Shinobu shrugged and led Mitsuri inside making sure to take off her geta at the entrance.

The other Hashiras followed in after them except for Iguro who just stood there gritting his teeth. He kicked a pebble away in frustration and followed suit.

Inside, Mitsuri led them all to the living room even though they knew where it was. Shinobu was right behind her when she stopped by Muichiro's room. She saw his haori on a stand in the corner along with his sword. She chuckled looked and saw Iguro trying to get past everyone.

"Mitsuri-chan, whose room is this? Is that Tokito-san's haori and sword?! Oh my!" Mitsuri froze and looked back at Shinobu who avoided her gaze and took a step back allowing everyone to see.

'S-Shinobu! How could you do this to me! After all the sakura mochi I sacrificed for you!'

"Who cares! Now, where is the food!" Sanemi yelled walking away. Giyuu followed behind him not really interested in the subject, but when is he ever.

Shinobu sighed and grabbed Mitsuri away leaving Iguro and Gyomei there. Iguro hunched over looking at the ground, while Gyomei patted his back. "I'll pry for you Iguro-san. Don't worry, God will show you the way."

Sometime Later

Most of the Hashira were in the living room chatting amounts themselves. Sanemi sat there gritting his teeth loudly "Where is the food!? I thought there was going to be food!"

"Oh, Muichiro-san, Kyojuro-san, and Tengen-san should be in the kitchen right now. They came early and offered to make the food. Tengen-san and Kyojuro-san said they could handle it, but Muichiro-san was begging for me to stay and help." Mitsuri put her hands on her lap and looked at the ceiling.

Shinobu smiled and looked at her before speaking "Are you sure about that Mitsuri-chan? Wasn't Tokito-san already here?"

"Yes, but he left early today..." Mitsuri shut up realizing her mistake and looked at Shinobu betrayed, again! Mitsuri's eyes darted around looking for something to make an excuse out of.

Luckily for her, Sanemi stood up suddenly "Im going to go see what's taking those idiots so long!" Mitsuri jumped to her feet with a big smile "Yes! Let's go see what is going on and forget about the last twenty seconds!"

Shinobu snickered and followed them, and so did the other Hashira since they wanted to see as well.

When they got to the kitchen, Sanemi slid open the panels showing everyone what was going on. And it was a sight to behold.

The kitchen table was an absolutely mess with a pot on the stone with black stuff coming out from under the lid. Muichiro had his sword in his hand while Tengen was holding him back.

"Let me slay the demon." Muichiro pointed his sword towards the pot. Tengen said "It's not a demon Muichiro-san!"

"Then why does it have the aura of a demon?"

"I promise it's not, it's just Kyojuro's cooking!"

Kyojuro stood to the side looking at them with his usual smile, but an irk formed on his forehead as he tried not to smack the shit out of Tengen.