
Shinsoo Flow Control and Will

(1 Year Later)

Eduan was now standing in front of Khun Eduan (Data), he raises one of his arms as he begins to emit electricity from his hand.

Bzztt Bzzzzztttttt

An Electric Spear is formed in his hand, Khun Eduan (Dice) seeing this is shocked as he thought.

'He made it in just 1 year, at his age that's impressive, I may have given him 5 years, however I thought he would only make it in 3 years and not 1.'

"Alright, I will be teaching you about shinsoo flow, let's start follow me."

He said as he turned around, Eduan followed him with a smile on his face thinking.

'Hump, you were shocked weren't you? Even I was shocked at my genelity, I will soon surpass you and humiliate you.'


(Some Time Later)

Eduan and Khun Eduan (Data) found themselves again on a floating shinsoo platform, Khun Eduan (Data) opens his mouth to explain the flow of shinsoo.

"There are two main types of shinsoo manipulation: Flow Control, Reverse Flow Control."

"Flow Control is reading the shinsoo flow and manipulating it according to that flow."

"Although there is no exact predictable pattern to the flow of shinsoo, shinsoo does flow momentarily in certain directions, so one can manipulate shinsoo effectively by reading and using these temporary directional flows."

"Just like I did 1 year ago, I used the flow to make the shinsoo spin on my fingertip, and making the flow spin while absorbing more shinsoo from the surroundings, so it grew in size and destructiveness."

"The biggest advantage of flow control is that it allows the manipulator to control a large amount of shinsoo without much effort."

"Each being has an individual shinsoo flow, and by accelerating, increasing, and fortifying it it is possible to increase its speed, strength, and even heal itself from serious injuries."

Creating a small beam he pierces his finger, as the bruise begins to close up and fade away as if it never existed.

"The reverse flow control is controlling shinsoo by altering its flow with force. It is slower than flow control and allows the user to control a smaller amount of shinsoo. Reverse flow control is mainly used to destroy or stop the enemy."

"Just as I stopped you 1 year ago, with it it is possible to repel attacks from the enemy coming out unharmed, well there are more things about shinsoo flow however this you will only understand through training, your first goal is to control the shinsoo flow to form a small tornado, once you achieve this I will be teaching you melee combat techniques, and a few other things."

He turns around as he disappears, Eduan seeing this snorts, and starts trying to feel the flow of shinsoo around.


(6 Months Later)

Eduan is staring at his finger, when a mini-tornado forms in the center of his finger.


"Humm, I got it in 6 months, it took longer than expected, so those are the shinsoo flows, it's pretty chaotic, they all go in extremely random directions. I'll go talk to that guy, if I remember correctly in hand-to-hand combat he was tied with the Former Head of the Arie Family, and the Ha Family, it will be quite useful."

He starts walking towards the throne of the ice palace, getting there he sees Khun Eduan (Data) sitting on the throne with one hand supporting his face, and the other taking grapes to his mouth. Upon seeing Eduan he comments.

"Why are you here boy? Have you finished what I asked you to do?"

"Yes sir, I managed to form a small tornado today using flow control, see."


He speaks as a small tornado appears on his spinning finger, Khun Eduan (Data) seeing this is slightly shocked, but quickly recovers as he stands up and speaks with a smile.

"Alright kid, let's start your training in melee combat."

Eduan follows him, once they reach the platform, Khun Eduan (Data) speaks while pointing a finger at Eduan.

"I will show you will, I don't know if you know, however will is very relative, for the Arie Family they call it 'Sword Intent' because they use their will in the form of a sword, we of the Khun Family, and the Ha Family call it 'Battle Intent'."

He mentions his finger forward, as a huge pressure took hold of Eduan, for him that small finger suddenly became gigantic as well as a mountain. As soon as that illusion of a giant finger disappeared, he was sweating sitting on his ass on the floor.

'Haaa, Haa, what was that? The pressure was enormous.'

"That was all my 'Battle Intent' printed on my finger, it's called battle intent, why the user uses the will to fight focused on something, mine and Ha Yurin's are extremely powerful, because we are what you would call fight addicts."

"I know how to use also the so called 'Killing Intent', this one is easier to use, it gathers your Will to Kill something or someone, you can redirect it to wherever you want. Once we start training your goal this time is to be able to gather your 'Battle Intent' into one punch."

Eduan nods as he stands up, wiping the sweat from his face he thinks.

This is getting to be just like those xinxia novels, the shinsoo flow is looking like the rules and laws they use, and these intentions. Well, that's good, that just means I still have several ways to get stronger.'

He gets excited at the thought of this, when Khun Eduan (Data) notices this and puts a smile on his face and speaks to him.

"Let's get started, I will adjust my strength to one equal to yours, and point out the mistakes you are making while I teach you some techniques, once you are good enough we will start with the spear."

He gets into a fighting stance after he finishes saying that, Eduan nods as he gets into stance as well.


They both turn blurry at the same time as small shocks of air happen with each blow they deliver.

Eduan leaps to reach the head of Khun Eduan (Dice) as he raises his left arm to punch, Khun Eduan (Dice) moves his head to the side and deflects the attack as he turns a kick with his right leg towards Eduan, Eduan turns his body in the air holding his leg in the air as support and turns his waist to kick.


Khun Eduan (Dice) puts his hand holding his kick, and throws it to the ground hard.


"Cof, Cof, tsk this one was no good you are much taller than me, how could I beat you even though you use the same strength and speed as me."

Eduan speaks lying on the ground coughing, Khun Eduan Data gives a laugh as he thinks inwardly.

'As expected from one of my Descendants, your hand-to-hand combat has far surpassed your age, however you are still a bit naive, I will have to change that a bit.'

He thinks the last part while showing a dark look, causing Eduan to shiver for some reason.


(3 Months Later)

Maschenny who just managed to form his spear made of shinsoo, was happily heading with Eduan towards the floating platform. Eduan had already explained the Shinsoo Flow to her as soon as he learned it, however she still can't form a small shinsoo tornado, so she will just watch Eduan training.

Arriving there, there was Khun Eduan (Data) with his arms crossed looking at them, when Eduan gets into fighting position, Khun Eduan (Data) opens his mouth.

"Even if Maschenny has not finished making the tornado with the shinsoo flow she will be able to participate in this training, you two will attack me with everything you have together, with your spears and shinsoo, I will use only Eduan's physical strength, and without using shinsoo or Will."

This shocked Eduan and Maschenny, as Eduan gets angry thinking inwardly.

'Is he despising me? Using physical strength similar to mine without shinsoo, does he think we won't be able to defeat him anyway? Well, very well if you want it that way, I'll use this chance to make you lose to me.'

Getting into position Eduan begins to emit sparks from his eyes excitedly, Maschenny picks up his spear while getting ready as well. Khun Eduan (Dice) thought inwardly.

'This will make me see how much he has improved, and if he can do a good teamwork. In 1 year from now I will turn his naivety into cautiousness, and his innocence into indifference, he should have suspected me when he came aki, and not easily accepted something like this, and I can feel in his attacks that he has no intention of killing any, he would probably hesitate to kill an innocent, although it is bad to become a rampant killer, becoming someone afraid of killing is even worse.'