
Reincarnated as Harry Potter's Twin

Dying by getting shot, young Barry Potter gets shot and Death gaves him a visit. He gets a chance to get reincarnated as a brother of Harry Potter. He replaces their version of Barry Potter and takes control of the story. Changing the course of History as a new threat to the world is unleashed. But at the year of one, his memory is thrown deep inside his mind, making him forget his past. Meet Blaze, an alter ego of Barry, who has the memories and helps Barry remember his past. Will he survive the threat, or die trying? Read Now to find out! This story takes place in an Alternate Universe of Harry Potter world where Harry has a twin brother. New chapters every week thrice from 11:30am to 11:30pm ist. This is a fanfic, I do not own the all the characters in the stories. I also do not own the cover page, I will take it off if its rightful owner says to take it off.

Reyansh_Ranjan · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Ch-10 : Life in Hogwarts

That evening, we tried many spells using my hands and it all was a success. Hermione was a little jealous because she couldn't perform wandless magic.


2 weeks later. 16 September 1991.


I could perform any first-year spells with my bare hands and with ease. Even Potion was somewhat easy for me. But there was one problem that bothered me, Blaze. He would constantly take over my body and exercise. I would ask him why would he take over just to exercise to which he replies, 'Preparing for the war.'

But the most astonishing thing was that the first time Blaze took over my body, something clicked into me. Like, now I could remember anything and not forget it ever. Even the smallest details would be easy for me to tell.

But today was different, we four were returning to our common room when the stairs changed again. Seriously, who puts moving stairs in the school to only make it difficult for us to return to our room? That's just useless and a waste of resources in my opinion. The stairs we were in now led to a new door, which we entered.

"Umm, guys," Hermione hesitated, "We shouldn't be here. This is the third-floor corridor."

Then Mr. Filch's cat, Ms. Norris came and stared at us.

"Oh great, she's who we needed," Ron said sarcastically.

"Everyone, grab each other's hand," Harry told us as fire spread on his legs.

"Why?" Ron asked as I grabbed Hermione's hand and Blaze took over me. Seriously, man, I need to deal with him. He has a headache sometimes.

"Because, Ron, Harry would give us his fiery lift. Grab Harry's hand."

We both ran opposite Ms Norris and stumbled upon a dead end. We were in front of a door which was locked.

"Dang it!" Ron said, frustrated.

"Ron, move aside," I said as I pushed Ron beside me. "Alohomora!" I casted the unlocking spell wandlessly.

We opened the door to see a three-headed dog, looking at us furiously. """Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh""" Ron and Harry screamed, while I looked around the room and Hermione staring at the dog. "Stop!" Hermione ordered the dog when it was preparing to lung towards us. "We wouldn't hurt you, we are going, please be calm."

Ron stared at Hermione, confused about what she was doing. "Let's get out of here," Hermione told us as we exited the room.

On the way back, Harry asked me, "B, why do you think there would be a three-headed dog in our school?"

"It was protecting something." Hermione jumped in.

"Protecting something?" Ron asked with a raised brow.

"Didn't you see it was standing on a trapdoor?" Hermione asked Ron.

"No, I was focusing on the three heads of the dog!" Ron said sarcastically.

"Oh, don't be so scared Ron," I said as Harry rolled his eyes.

"Don't be scared?" Ron repeated my words, "I was not afraid of the dog, just instincts."

"Instincts?" Hermione asked with a confused look. "How do you suggest that your instinct was to scream when you should be running?"

"Don't talk about me now, you were talking to a Three Headed Dog!" Ron exclaimed.

"Let's talk later guys, we need to go back to the dorms," I said as I made my way to the common room.

Once we reached it, we chatted for a bit and then went to sleep.

Well, that was an adventurous night.

The next day, me and Hermione went to the library to issue some spellbooks. This was Blaze's idea. He said we needed to study and prepare for something, which he never revealed. I issued 'Advance Spells for Students' and Hermione issued 'Brewing Knowledge: An Introduction to Advance Potion Brewing'. We went to the common room and studied together. We both made some notes and discussed about various spells and potions until it was time for our Transfiguration class. We both got into the class and sat next to each other, as always. This class was with Ravenclaw.

"Good Morning Class, today we will test how well you have learned in this class. You all will transfigure the match on your table into a needle." Professor McGonagall told us strictly.

I used my hands to transform the match into a needle in seconds. Hermione was next as she was the best, after me, of course. I decided to transform the needle into a pen. It was effortless as my hands moved in fluid motions, transforming the pen into a dice, then a rat, and many other things. Professor McGonagall looked at me, surprised that a first year could do transfiguration with his bare hands, effortlessly. "Mr. Potter! What a surprise. When did you learn to transfigure wandlessly? It's hard even for me to do such a thing like you did. Twenty points to Gryffindor." And so, the class ended with an impressed McGonagall and jealous Hermione.

The next class was Potions, which I love because I get to see a furious Snape who can't do anything. Let me explain by telling you today's class.

This class was with the Hufflepuffs, and my potion's partner was Hermione, and Harry's Ron. "Today we will learn how to make Forgetfulness Potion. Open page number 39 and follow the procedure in the book. I followed the instructions mentioned in the book but with a few tweaks here and there. Making it a perfect potion.

Snape checked everyone's potion and scolded every single student, asking for better results. But when it was our turn, he simply checked the potion and went to another group and scolded them.

"Students, you all have to write about how forgetfulness potion works and submit it by tomorrow," Snape instructed us and dismissed us.

Now, Snape gets furious whenever he sees my result because my and Hermione's knowledge is far more than any student and we give him quite a load of homework to check for him.

Next was Defence Against Dark Arts, where nothing important happened. We were learning about Ghosts and I was making notes on the topic.

This was life. I would study with Hermione, attend classes, study with Hermione and sleep. Pretty boring actually, or was it?

Please gimme feedbacks and stones.

Reyansh_Ranjancreators' thoughts