
Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED]

Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. ROB spinned the wheel to decide to which world he is gonna reincarnate and it landed on Fate franchise. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to choose Fate/kaleid as his new home and Emiya's powers as his gift only to be reminded that cooking with Emiya was an option. In the new world he trains his powers to be ready for all the danger that will come his way but instead of that he is the one who charges right at them. He is also antagonized by his murder from the previous life which is of course the Truck that killed him. This is my first novel and english is not my first language so don't expect masterpiece.

kurit_kun · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

vs Scathach

(Shirou's pov)

I don't know how much time have passed since I escaped the demon. I tried to return home but everytime I was close to getting out of the forest a barrage of spears appeared out of nowhere blocking the way.

Otherwise said demon didn't attack me. The only exception is when I let my guard down. In that case she would launch an attack at me. Everytime I escape her or should I say she lets me go as she doesn't come after me. If not for my instinct I would have a lot more injuries than I have.

I tried to lure her out by faking relaxation but obviously she didn't feel for it but trying never hurts.

Because of my bad habit I once again was deep in my thoughts. It was then I noticed a spear coming to my face. I barely dodged it by moving my head a little by it still grazed my cheek. As every wound left by that spear it didn't regenerate so blood started dripping from there slowly.

We had a short stare down and I made a decision. If running away doesn't I'll try to brute force my way through... even though it's a bad idea knowing that she is a lot stronger than me but what else can I do, I have school in the morning.

I projected Fake Nine Lives and made a smokescreen by slamming it into the ground the same I did when I first ran away. I jumped on one of the trees and readied a bow and Hrunting in an arrow form.

Hrunting was originally a sword that was able to lunch the most optimal slash with a mere swing. It is also capable of sniffing out the smell of blood and by that tracking people. When it's shoot out as an arrow it will continue to pursue it's target even if it's parried or dodged. It can reach speed of Mach 10 on the most direct path to it's target. Usually the best way to use it is from the distance because when it's shot the second time I would need to charge it for 20 seconds, the third 25 seconds. My limit is to shoot it up to five times in the row. It didn't matter at the moment as I needed only one shot.

The arrow left the bow with incredible speed going to demon in a straight line. She easily deflected it but the arrow turned sharply to aim at her once more. The fiend didn't even blink at the returning arrow and doged it. It looked as if danced around the projectile without any intention of destroying it as it was one if the few methods to stop Hrunting.

To be honest it annoyed me a little but I didn't lose my cool and projected Gae Bolg to throw it at her.

While still dodging Hrunting she summoned her own Gae Bolg and stopped it with the tip of her own spear. She didn't throw her spear though as her weapon was still in her hand. It means that she was able to stop my attack without the need of activating it. Of course my attack was weaker so the force of my spear quickly died out and it faded away even before it hit the ground.

I tried to confuse her a bit by shooting multiple weak arrows at her but she effortlessly avoided them while still dancing around Hrunting that seems to never give up.

I rushed at her with Kanshou and Bakuya and threw them missing her on purpose. I instantly projected a second par of them. It made the flying blades make a sharp turn going back to me but purple haired demon was in the way. It didn't matter to the blades as they didn't plan to change their trajectory. I decided to also throw them at her and at the same time projected Balmung.

I shortened the distance between us and when I was in range to attack her I made a motion of a big swing from my right side in hopes of making her duck. Halfway through the sword vanished and I started executing an uppercut.

She of course evaded it by tilting her head back a little. It didn't end there as she drove a spear though my stomach making me spitting a lot of blood but by sheer determination and will I managed to grab her head shocking her a little and trying to headbutt her. She stopped me with only her finger as she said.

Scathach: "It's enough for today, you may rest."

As if it was a magical spell, all my strength left me as I was starting to lose consciousness. At that time I swore to myself that I'll dropkick this woman at least once before I die.

(3rd pov)

In the woods at night somewhere in Fuyuki city there was a purple haired woman in a full-body outfits were kneeling with a head of red haired boy on her thighs. She was running her fingers through his hair. Said boy was unconscious and his outfit full of holes but there were no signs of wounds on his body.

The red eyed woman had a look full of affection but it didn't last long as when a blue haired man appeared she returned to her emotionless self.

The man wasn't in his best condition as he went through worse hell than a boy laying on his master's thighs. Even then his condition didn't stop him from commenting on the current situation.

Cu: "So how was he?"

Scathach turned her head to meet Cu's eyes.

Scathach: "He has a lot of potential. He can judge situation skilfully, have a lot of weapons to choose from and isn't scared of getting hurt. He also possesses strong will and determination. From his eyes I could see that he can be quite revengeful though. We'll need to work on that as rage can blind even the most brilliant of men. Besides that he doesn't use full potential of his weapons, the only exceptions are his black and white blades, Bakuya and Kanshou. To be honest he reminds me a bit of you when you were younger."

Cu: "Do you think he'll be able to grant your wish?"

Scathach shook her head.

Scathach: "I don't know but even if he can't I already accepted the reality of my existence."

Cu wanted to say something as he opened his mouth but before any sound left him she stopped him.

Scathach: "Don't apology. It wasn't your fault to begin with. It was my selfish wish to be slain by that spear but not all wishes are meant to be granted. Besides who knows what the future holds. There is even a boy I can't see through so maybe my fate isn't set in stone as I thought it was."

When she said the last words a small smile appeared on her face as she looked at the sky above.