
Reincarnated as Ancestor of a Great Clan

--Note: 4 to 8 chapters/per week will all be released on Sunday at once -- In the vast and mystical realm of the Cultivation World, on the Southern Divine Continent, the Great Li Clan stands as a powerful force, known for its history and lineage of formidable cultivators. At the helm of the clan is one of its ancestors, Li Tian, a stoic and dedicated cultivator who has recently achieved the coveted realm of the Half Immortal stage. Li Tian's ascension, however, brings about unexpected changes; he can now remember his past life as a person born on earth. married to two remarkable women, Lin Hua and Chen Lian. Because of this, his own life dynamically changes as he, a cold person, now comes to understand the value of relationships. He becomes an indomitable force, surpassing all limits and emerging as an overpowering presence within the cultivation world. This enthralling tale unfolds amidst the backdrop of the Cultivation World -overpowered. checked -R18. checked -Cultivation world. checked -Action. checked

Drake_20043257 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 13: Li Tian

Li Tian, observing his two wives, Lin Hua and Chen Lian, couldn't divert his gaze, captivated by their beauty and grace even from a distance. The allure they exuded was irresistible, and a faint temptation tugged at him. Yet, amidst his admiration, he sensed an air of sorrow and distress enveloping them.

As realization dawned upon him, they thought he was at death's door. The pained expressions on their faces mirrored the agony of anticipating a loved one's imminent departure. 

Li Tian couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in response to their concern.

However, he recognized the need to dispel their apprehensions. With a sigh, he pondered how the emotional whirlwind within him mirrored the conflict of wanting to surprise them with his rejuvenation while also appreciating their genuine worry.

Deciding not to prolong the misunderstanding.

He gathered his celestial Qi, a higher level of energy that cultivators can control from the half-immortal realm and beyond. This unique energy is elusive, making it imperceptible to ancestors who attempt to sense the energies in his body. The celestial Qi surpasses the cosmic energy that is harnessed in the Emperor Realm, growing stronger step by step as the cultivator's progress toward the Ascension Realm. Cultivators at Ascension Realm can manipulate cosmic energies and heavenly laws to unleash increasingly terrifying forces.

But upon entering the Half-Immortal Realm, Li Tian's cosmic energy underwent a profound transformation. It saturated and evolved into a more formidable force known as celestial energy, a power that could be aptly described as superior to cosmic energy.

With a focused intent, Li Tian guided the celestial Qi to flow throughout his entire being. As he did, his body became enveloped in a radiant glow of rainbow lights. In the wake of this transformation, his appearance reverted to its eternally youthful visage.

In his youthful form, Li Tian is a striking figure, endowed with features that blend strength and charisma. His tall and robust statue commands attention.

Li Tian stands as a paragon of formidable power. his visage so youthful as if untouched by the passage of time itself. His countenance is an exquisite blend of otherworldly beauty and an aura that radiates wisdom earned through the ages.

His obsidian-black hair flew in the air like a silken waterfall, framing his face with an almost ethereal grace. Each strand seems to dance with an unseen energy, embodying the essence of the profoundness within. His hair, though ink-dark, shimmers with an inner luster, hinting at the boundless spiritual energy coursing through him.

The defining feature of Li Tian lies in the depth of his gaze. His eyes, reminiscent of the abyss itself, draw observers into a cosmic expanse that seems to hold the secrets of the universe. Dark as the deepest night, these orbs are windows to a soul that has traversed the realms, witnessed the birth and demise of countless stars within, and communed with the very forces that shape existence.

Draped in robes that seem to meld seamlessly with the celestial energies that surround him, Li Tian moves with a fluidity that defies the laws of mortal physics.


The air crackled as the ethereal glow surrounding Li Tian settled, revealing his rejuvenated form. The onlookers, ranging from the venerable Clan Patriarch to wide-eyed disciples, stood frozen in disbelief.

Among the assembled core members of the Great Li clan, Clan Patriarch Li Heng, a venerable figure in the Li clan, strained his eyes to comprehend the sight before him.

Great Clan Elder Li Ming, whose knowledge spanned epochs, stood with furrowed brows, attempting to reconcile. 

Lin Hua and Chen Lian, who were on the verge of tears now, were just looking at the figure of Li Tian, who was once again youthful and handsome like they had once seen many years ago. 

Esteemed Elder Li Sheng and Elder Li Mirong, who had witnessed the rise and fall of many ages, exchanged glances of bewilderment.

Li Xiaojun, the Senior Guardian, a stalwart defender of the clan, found himself at a loss for words.

The core members of the Li Clan, including disciples Li Cheng and Li Mei, stared wide-eyed, their minds grappling with the inconceivable transformation unfolding before them with their other fellow cultivators and disciples.

In the midst of the stupefied congregation of cultivators, Ancestor Li Fang and Ancestor Li Xian, the venerable ancestors who had proclaimed that Li Tian's did not have any Qi left in his body, were struck dumb by the sheer impossibility of the scene.

Their brows furrowed in shared confusion as they exchanged glances with Ancestor Li Yu and Ancestor Li Yanling.

Only a few moments ago, these venerable ancestors had used their divine sense with unwavering certainty and sensed that Li Tian had been rendered powerless, his cosmic Qi depleted to the point of no return. 

They had scrutinized his body with divine senses that pierced through the very fabric of existence, finding no trace of the cosmic energies that once were the foundation of his very being.

Yet, here stood Li Tian, a living contradiction to the solemn pronouncements they have made and sensed themselves.

And now his aura pulsed with vitality, his eyes gleaming like ancient stars reborn.

Ancestor Li Fang, the eldest of the group, whose voice usually carried the weight of the whole clan, found himself at a rare loss for words. 

Ancestor Li Xian, known for his discerning insights, who had once recreated the Li Clan from the brink of extinction, now stared at the figure of Li Tian in disbelief, questioning the very foundation of their earlier judgment.

Ancestor Li Yu and Ancestor Li Yanling exchanged a silent conversation with their divine sense. The very essence of their beliefs, cultivated over thousands of years, trembled in the face of this unforeseen situation. The foundations of their understanding of cosmic energies and the limits they can cross in their existence were all shaken to their core.

Li Tian, meanwhile, stood amidst the collective gasps and silent pondering. His gaze, once inscrutable like the abyss, held a glint—a silent challenge to the boundaries imposed by conventional knowledge held on the divine continents.

The celestial Qi that enveloped him seemed to resonate with the celestial forces beyond the comprehension of even Ascension realm cultivators. In fact, he now wields power surpassing that of venerable Half Immortal realm cultivators.

In the ensuing silence, a voice, soft but resonant, cut through the stillness.

"Li Tian, why is it that you appear fine, yet I have not sensed any Qi in your body? It's like you are crippled," said Ancestor Li Xian, his voice carrying a note of concern.

Li Tian, standing before the assembly, spoke with a gravity that resonated through the air. "Ancestor Li Fang, Ancestor Li Xian, Ancestor Li Yu, and Ancestor Li Yanling, cosmic energies may be elusive, but the celestial Qi transcends the boundaries you have known. That's why you cannot sense the energy within me."

The words hung in the air, and the elders exchanged perplexed glances. The concept of celestial Qi was familiar to them as a cultivator of the Half Immortal Stage and above can use celestial Qi, and Li Tian's cryptic explanation only deepened their belief.