
Reincarnated as an overpowered mc with infinite luck

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50 Chs

35) A Spirit candidate

Autolycus shouted, " How can you have that mark". It seems Autolycus knew about my birthmark so I asked him about it. But before he could explain what it is we sensed someone coming our way. I sensed the mana of time magic so it's probably the wizard king who felt the sheer amount of mana that Autolycus had. Autolycus said "Let's talk about it in a different place," and teleported me to a different area.

We arrived at a closed area with two guards standing at each end of a giant door. One of them said " It is not allowed to bring a human to our realm Autolycus " and Autolycus replied, "What if he is a spirit candidate? ". The guards were surprised and let us in. There were different types of people. Some had long pointy ears, some were small and some had heads of wolf, eagle and many other animals.

Autolycus took me to some kind of private room and said " Ask me if you have any doubts ". I asked him " What is a spirit candidate? What is the mark in my hand? Where are we? And why are there different types of people ". He replied " To answer your question I will tell you our history. Spirits were rated as normal, greater, advanced and ascended spirits once. Normal spirits exists around us, greater spirits chose to stay in your realm and there are only 4 of them. Advanced spirits are low-ranked gods who were once worshipped and ascended spirits were high-rank gods who were also once worshipped. "

" Then one ascended spirit somehow became an ultimate spirit who was stronger than all ascended spirits together. Then he later became the spirit king. After years of ruling over the spirit realm, he got bored so he left the post of spirit king and he also said that he will go to the human realm. He made it so that one other spirit could attain his power and become the ultimate spirit. He created various tests for the ascended spirits. He also said that he will create 5 candidates from every single kingdom in the human realm and allow them to participate to make it interesting ".

"You are the last of the 5 candidates from the Clover kingdom. All the candidates have arrived aeons ago and they are training in a time chamber. A time chamber is a chamber in which time is stopped and only the person with the spirit candidate mark can move in that stopped time. The clover mark in your hand is the spirit candidate mark which denotes that you are from the clover kingdom".

"All the candidates have been training inside the time chamber since you are the last candidate you are at a severe disadvantage. Since the last candidate has arrived the competition will start next month so I would recommend you to go train in the time chamber ".

This is really shocking, so does that mean my father is the spirit king? I asked him about the weird-looking people and he replied " There exist different races of spirits there were once different races in the human realm like dwarves, elves, werewolves, etc., They perished due to some unknown reasons but the spirits in the spirit realm are the gods worshipped by them. "

I asked " Final question, you said an ascended spirit can become an ultimate spirit but I am only human with advanced magic so what can I do? ". He replied " Good question, what matters isn't your race but your magic you can become the ultimate spirit by having ultimate magic. You can only gain magic up to an advanced rank by birth. Your magic can evolve into ascended rank either if you have 1 million people who worship you or if you train harder and make a breakthrough. I heard some of the other candidates also unlocked ascended magic by training. The highest record for unlocking ascended magic is if you train for 10 years ". Before Autolycus could finish answering we heard a loud thunder.