
Chapter 8: The Danger (I).

Chapter 8: The Danger (I).

Francisca's POV

Clack… Clack.. Clack…

It was the sound of wheel's bumping around the ground. I could feel my hands and legs were tied up together so tightly that I couldn't move. I tried getting a hold of the rope, I could see the red markings on my wrist.

I'm losing my strength.


That's… my little brother's voice calling for me.

"Please wake up!"

Another… voice… Audrey?

"Hey you two in the back! Shut it! I won't hesitate to stop the cart and beat you to silence if you don't stop!" Another one… yelled.

An unfamiliar voice… who- took… us?

"Urgh…" I groaned, my nose smelling the dust of where we were.

We're still in the moving cart, that's one thing I've noticed…

I tried standing up but I struggled feeling the ropes still tied onto my hands and legs.

I can't see.

They must've placed a blindfold on me before throwing me into wherever we are. "Nngh…" I tried squirming my body and planting my face into the ground, wiping the blindfold hoping it would loosen.

"You're awake."I could hear someone muttering and then scoffing, feeling his gaze fixated on me. "You slept like a log."

I couldn't reply and glared at wherever the voice was. It seems that we've been captured by- I don't know traders? Bandits-?

Whoever they might be, they've got us with the prospect of making use of us.

I have to get out of here and save Audrey and Glenn if they're here.

I continued to squirm, rubbing my head against the dirty wooden floor of the cart to take off the blindfold and thankfully it wasn't tied too tightly that it practically fell off and into the ground.


I can see a cage resting in front of the cart. My eyes widened in worry and relief. They were safe! On the other hand however.

They've got bruises all over their body.

It's still fresh…

"Well lookie here."

And it seems like I'm next.

"Hey look at this one it's got purple hair we can sell her for a high price." The stranger bends down to hold the end of my hair while lifting it. It hurts-

I yelped in pain and in the end I could only glare at him for where I was.

"Oh, it seems you're awake sleeping beauty. " He continued to hold me up and then threw me back onto the pavement. His face looked so out of it, proceeding to lick his lips he asked me.

"Want to see something cool?" He was holding onto his belt, but before he showed me his 'something cool' part by the belt, unbuckling I could even hear the metal clanking.

"The more untouched they are, the higher the price. Don't do it… brother." I looked up the front to see a blond boy who had blue light diamond eyes turning around to see.

Hearing this the man wasn't too happy.

"And who are you to tell me that! Listen to me- I feed you! I clothe you! You dare tell me what I can't have?"


The adult man, his own brother, slapped him across the face using the back of his hand. Yet even after all that, he composed himself and focused on leading the horses into the right way of the path.

"Tch, Brat. You have a point though." He mutters to himself putting his belt back together in place and then sliding it into his pocket.

Why did you even slap him in the first place?

His gaze wandered into someone else.

The kidnapper looked at Audrey with a small grin on his face. Licking his lips as if he was hungry for lust. I was beyond disgusted, I wanted to puke with the way he's looking at Audrey like that.

"Don't. You. Dare. Touch. Them!" I managed to speak up even if these ropes were holding me down. I struggled, I could feel the marks getting hot and I grit my teeth in anger.

"I'll kill you if you do. I'll kill you!" I angrily screamed at him and he walked back to me looking down.


He kicked me in the stomach and I couldn't help myself but form my body into a cocoon position, trying to control the pain from the kick that he did.

"And you even had the nerve to talk to me after what I did to your little friends."

I want to punch his face hard right now.

Clack! Clack! Clack!

Hold on-

Wait, why is that little boy heading toward...

I looked at the horizon and the ugly man looked as well, he was shocked as we headed toward an edge of a cliff.

We fell.

The cart went rolling down. It wasn't that deep of a cliff, it only destroyed a part of the wheels of the cart. My legs and arms were severely bruised right afterwards.

The two inside the cage were startled but safe from the impact.

The horses were hurt so they had to rest them in a nearby tree.

After that we stayed in a little abandoned house not too far from the cliff.

They left us all alone in one of the rooms, leaving me tied on the ground but having the same cage where Glenn and Audrey were held unconscious. "Don't worry… I'll get the both of you out of here."

I looked down on my tied legs and decided to get there by crawling. My skin was slowly getting cut by the sharp small rocks but fortunately I got there without bleeding.

"Hngh!" I tried shaking the metal bars of the cage.

When that didn't work I banged my head into the metal bars. It did nothing. Not even a huge sound to attract someone. I tried it once more and once I got tired I stopped, trying to catch my breath.

Wait, I can hear someone speaking in another room, the walls were thin so their voices were clear.

"You Insolent little brat!" I could hear the kidnapper punching his brother yelling so many hurtful things.

"I'm sorry brother, please forgive me. I… won't do it again!"

It was clear that little brother was only forced into whatever operation he was doing. "If you weren't my brother I could've killed you a long time ago. Anyway watch the little brats for me would ya I'm going to sleep a little."

"Of course brother! No one will escape!"

After that talk with one another I could hear someone's footsteps coming towards the room.

My gaza landed into the side of the cage and saw a sharp stone not too far from here. I desperately tried to move my feet and legs to crawl.

However my feet just...

Won't budge!!!

It's paralyzed, my heart is beating and my mind feels so heavy!

What am I going to do? I might die again.

No. I don't want that.

I don't want to die this way.

I was breathing fast, I couldn't feel anything. I can hear his footsteps.

Damn it all!

If I'm going to die. I might as well die fighting!

I gritted my teeth not minding the rope tightening the more that I moved. My five year old body is really weak. I've never felt so humiliated and helpless!

I experienced worse things than this! Damn it! I'm losing my touch!

I crawled and crawled… with enough time to grab that sharp stone and was able to hide it successfully in my back. "!!!"

"It's okay. I'm going to be okay," I muttered to myself, feeling my heartbeat going faster. "We're going to be okay."

I'm prepared to die in this world if it means saving my new family. I held the sharp stone in my hand, prompting me not to let it get taken.


The door opens and the same blonde boy walks over to me.

"Hello there." He said it like he's dead, his eyes showing no emotions whatsoever. "You see when my brother sleeps it's hard to wake him up so when at night I do something he doesn't know."