

<Energy Cap has been Reinstated>

Ning watched as the final essence of Indebiss flew into his body, absorbing him completely. He felt extremely powerful at that moment, like a man who had woken up from a deep sleep and was ready for that day.

"He's completely gone?" Ning asked the system just to be certain.

<The Constellation Indebiss is no more>

"If he is born again, he better be a good Will like Farhalys," Ning said, sighing a little as he remembered that he killed Farhalys too. "Poor Farhayls, but he was dying anyway. I'll complete your wish and help all these people have a better life here, buddy."

Ning flew out of the lava, landing on the charred black land of igneous rocks. He looked around the atmosphere and could see the ripples of heat wafting all around him.

"Anyway, what's my energy count like?" Ning asked. "Status."


Name: Ning Ruogong

Energy: 284.57 Septillion

