
Reincarnated as a System for Reincarnated Souls.

For a bit of fun with an idea I had.

CookieMonster9001 · Livros e literatura
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3 Chs

Job selection

Looking around the office l noticed the desk name plate.

Kevin L. Jenkins. Sr. Soul Resources.

'Huh, makes sense. Now where did he disappear off to?'

'Hem Hem'

"Excuse me? Is anyone there?"

I got up and walked around the office and took a look at what else was there. On the main desk there was a calendar and schedule for the day. Stationary and an empty cup of tea. Orange pekoe with green cardamom…no, green cardamom, black cardamom and cloves. 'At least this person can make tea.' I thought to myself.

I continued to look around and find out a bit more about what was going on. I familiarized myself with the room/office I was in. Standing behind the desk the layout is as follows. To my left the door to a hallway or atrium of sorts. To my right a bookshelf and several filing cabinets with said things being stored in them. In front of me the office desk of Kevin L. Jenkins, behind which is the coffee table and couch/chaise which I was recently sitting on. There is another door to the right in the back of the room, I don't know what it's for but judging by the office, I'm guessing a washroom of sorts.

Anyway, moving on, the bookshelf has many interesting things that one would not necessarily place right next to each other. History is usually placed next to geography or books containing the advancement of technology. Here books on History were next to works of fiction and from one of the covers smut. Psychology books were kept with technological and scientific books. A shelf which has the unique topics of art and finance. Shelfs well more akin to shrines to sex, drugs and violence. 'Why was the smut mixed in with the history shelf? But if we look closely all the combinations of topics are closely related. Seriously, who keeps their porn stash on a open shelf and more importantly a smut novel in the history section?!'

A few hours of 'research' later, I am now aware of the reasons for the unusual combination of smut and history on the same shelf. The increase in population, technology and resources led to more leisurely pursuits.

Sex drugs and violence. Always a best seller.

*Some time later*

Jenkins walked into the office as I was reading about the courting and wooing practices of different species across the multiverse. Some were pretty tame. Like Victorian Era England tame. Some were so convoluted that it boggled the mind. Others were basically agravatted assault and hatefucking.

If nothing else, it just proves people are scum.

I honestly want to be a SHOP manager at this point.

"Hello Mr. Jenkins." I said as I gathered the books strewn about the place and started to put them back.

"Hello Mr. Singh, leave it to me." With a snap, the books were placed back on the shelves in the desired order. Magic?!

"Now that you've had a chance to go over the brochures and pamphlets, let's see what job you would like and what job you're eligible for."

And with that, I was given a standardized test and a bubble sheet.


"Well Mr. Singh, based on your results, it seems you are qualified and competent enough for most roles currently vacant. The only roles that you cannot currently take are for senior management. They require fifty years of work experience minimum, in at least two different departments. I hope you understand." Mr. Jenkins spoke after looking at the printout from the scanner.

He turned the results over to me so I could take a look as well. I'd gotten a score of 96%. All questions are marked between 0 and 4. With 0 being I did not attempt it, 4 being the most correct and logical choice in that scenario.

The questions I'd gotten wrong had to do with some metaphysical bullshit I was not familiar with. One such question was "If given the ability to procure or produce substantial amounts of rare metals, gems and/or minerals, what would you do?"

My answer was "Use it to get rich." I got a 1 on that question. Personally, fuck inflation and fuck you. I gotta take care of me and mine. Basically anything that let me take control of financial assets, my greed would take over. If I can help it, I will never be poor. Needless to say, questions related to personal gain were the ones I scored low on. Thankfully there were few of those. The questions related to magic and such were actually quite logical once I read through more of them.

"Moving on, these are the positions available for immediate hiring. You will be able to start prerequisite training in a few days. That can last anywhere from a week to a few years. I would caution against admin roles. It's easy to onboard, but the sheer stress of managing a billion souls gets to people. Not only that, the inquisitors always meddle in whatever you are doing. There is a rotation in place for a reason." Jenkins explained as he rotated the screen towards me.

On the screen there were positions listed by probation/training time and annual pay.

1. Inquisitor 7 years $150,000($500,000)

2. Accountant 5 years $75,000($350,000)

3. Lawyer 5 years $50,000($50,000-$50,000,000) Note: Everybody hates you.

4. System 5 years $500,000($5,000,000)


The first number is the pay while training. The number in brackets is the pay once you complete training/probation. I honestly started looking lower down the list the training time was lower, so was the pay.

This is the afterlife management. Your basic needs are met, but to keep things interesting, an economy was introduced. There are all kinds of people here. Some stay in their assigned apartment for centuries, while others do everything possible in their meagre power to get their own place.

I was interested in the entertainment sector. I wanted to do something other than sitting in a grey cubicle all day.

"I would like to be a System for Reincarnated Souls." I stated clearly my intent to do something completely different.