
Chapter 217 – End Times

(Temporary Perspective Change)

'Ouchy! I'm sure I'm still getting static in my breasts… why the heck did he have to do that!?'

Currently using the brewing station at the famous tavern because potion making is the only coping method I have; I've just revived after being shocked to death by that grumpy bastard!

I can't help but keep rubbing them because of the pain, that freaking bastard dare do something to such an innocent soul like myself!? What in Ragnarök have I done to be treated so poorly? Everything I do is to make the world a better place and my tastes just so happening to align with said goal!

"I really hope my brothers would get their head out of their asses an-… fuck!"

As the stove boils, I realize I've left this batch run too long and it's started to froth and foam all over the kitchen! The owner of this place is going to be so pissed… all I wanted to do was convert some more magic into tomfoolery and I can't even get this right. I'm going through a crisis right now!

"All you malakas listen up and hear the news, the rebels have finally shown their faces!"

(Bartender) "Get off the furniture Plutus, I just cleaned that"

"Malaka! This is important, our entire livelihood could go to shit if the God who rules all ends up defeated! This is terrible!"

Just as I'm about to clean up, a younger voice beckons throughout the tavern immediately piking up my interest. Of course, the God Plutus seems to be looking at this more through the lenses of lost income so stressed is an understatement. I've heard he's less supporting of Hera but everyone hates that jealous bitch around here. You know she actually accused me of sleeping with the grumpy bastard the other day? The nerve… Zeus is freaking disgusting!

"I swear I saw batshit crazy Artemis mumbling something about finally winning the battle. Of course, she started fleeing after Freyja came into the inn… but she definitely said something!"

"The angel Uriel as well. We all heard something big happened at their preachy headquarters and she's been hanging around the demon as well… it's awfully suspicious"

"Huh, wasn't the heavenly and demonic phoenixes hanging out around them? Dionysus as well… just how many people do they have? This is good, isn't it?"

"Hey idiots! You shouldn't keep dropping names like that, it's dangerous"

"Anyone opposing Zeus is alright in my books"

"Does anyone even know what'll happen if the pillars are destroyed? Some say it'll weaken Zeus but I reckon that's crap. I'm sure some the older lot are growing tired of his paranoia now"

Many different conversations from the patrons around the bar make gossip, most of which I already know. What I'm unaware of is the fact we're already attacking the last one.

I quickly get more into the conversation when Plutus mentions something really interesting…

"Most of you are right but Ragnarök are also there! I saw the entire thing with my own two eyes when I was collecting a debt. This is really dangerous"

(Bartender) "Get off the damn table Plutus!"

"Ragnarök!? My brothers are assisting the assault? Are you being for real!?"

Does this mean what I think it does!? My brothers have actually joined in an attack that makes logical sense and isn't just a pointless attempt at entering Valhalla? Have they finally regained their intelligence from all this stupid shit!?

Anyways, the runt Plutus finally gets off the table when I get right up to his face with question marks in my eyes… and mascara. I'm not too proud to admit that shocking made me weep a touch, I couldn't even see a masochist enjoying said treatment!

"Erm… I only got a quick glimpse of them on a dragon before they disappeared into the temple. Hey… weren't you barred from this place for spiking the drinks Loki?"

"Ah, who cares about that! I've got to go and help. Whether they want me to or not doesn't matter…"


[<Ikarus should really take a look at this…>]

'Damn Aesa, pick a better moment!'

[<Regardless of what's going on, Aesa still needs to show Ikarus this…>]

[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix (Demon Lord) | Level: 1000]

[Health 166,666/166,666]

[Stamina 139,125/166,666]

[Magicka 166,666/166,666]

[You currently have 300001 unassigned points]

'Damn… my trio of nukes must've killed six Gods there. Can we donate that single point to a good cause? Swear it's getting more annoying…'

Despite knowing I can now upgrade six abilities, the situation we're currently in takes precedence so we better deal with this first!

After setting off supernova, atomic hellfire and burning hellfire, the explosion was as spectacular as you might you expect… if you like ringing ears and not being able to see two feet in front of you.

Right now, the entire temple remains in tatters alongside the pillar. As for the fighting, things have taken a surprising twist.

On our side, we haven't taken a single casualty. On theirs, all the named ones still remain as the Gods I didn't care to learn about must've died, like those extras who wear different clothing on that sci fi show.

Ares, Helios, Hera, Demeter and Zeus, all remain. Some in peak condition, most badly damaged from my nuking trio.

Even though I'm unsure on how they survived that, I think it had something to do with Demeter. By the looks of the magic coming off her, I'm guessing she gave everyone important a barrier? I'm extremely doubtful she could do it again with how weak she looks now though, I think we might be able to take them as I've still got loads of kill all stuff left to use.

Instead of fighting though, everyone stands around shellshocked as Zeus is utterly defeated. Not physically like his sister I mean. Mentally, he's exhausted…

"Bah, you idiots! You have no idea what you've done…"

Collapsing to his knees, all semblance of anger has turned to sadness. This better not be the moment where we suddenly take pity on him again. Already did that shit with Leone before and right now, all I want to do is hate the people we fight against! Everything should be in black and white, not morally grey!

"You're giving up husband!?! Losing those pillars can't drag you down that much!"

Hera tries to comfort the husband only to be pushed away, almost forcibly like he doesn't know his own strength. I think I can skim past a little wife beating since she was responsible for the corruption back in the arena…

"Bah, I'm surrounded by a bunch of misinformed idiots! As if those pillars drain an inch of power from me, everything is ruined! All the work I've done making this a suitable place for us all and this is what you do!? The ungratefulness is unjustified"

Despite literally being alongside his brother, even Hades himself allows his brother to wallow in despair.

Unknown to me, there is a valid reason why he was so distressed about losing that final pillar. All of that would change in a split second though…

'Oh shitttt… the hell is going on!?'

The entire world begins to uncontrollably shake like an earthquake, throwing and crashing everything around causing us all to stumble or fall to the floor. It's almost as if this reality is being torn and shifted apart!

"Bah… this is what you rebels wanted, wasn't it? To lose your immortality like this and live among the mortals. All the work I've put in this world for you and you just want to toss it aside like this? It's madness… or am I the mad one for not wanting it?"

In response, a load of our rebellious Gods can't help but chime in…

(Artemis) "This was never about living among mortal's fucktard! Wait… what the hell is he talking about?"

(Uriel) "This was the grand plan? Devilish Asmodeus… "

(Hermes) "I have literally no idea what's going on!"

(Aphrodite) "Neither do I!"

(Dionysus) "He's saying our heavenly world will cease to exist. If this is the only way to deal with father's tyranny… then so be it"

(Thanatos) "Not like I care. The Underworld is technically a dungeon after all"


(Demeter) "The age of harmony is finally over. It would be much easier to accept if my lovely daughter weren't involved, still being controlled like a puppet by the brute"

(Ares) "Is this world actually going to shit then? I'm conflicted… hearing mortals scream as I destroy their armies makes mortality sound appealing though"

(Helios) "Can someone please get me a medic if we're not fighting anymore? This sword through my gut hurts like a bitch"

By the faces of people who aren't surprised, there was only several people in this room who are fully aware of what's going on: Zeus, Demeter, Asmodeus and the Underworld rulers. They seem to be the only lot who don't look at least surprised with this development. There's also one other but I think that's just more the wife putting things together.

(Petra) "Huh… this is going to result in utter chaos. Was this really the only option?"

"Seriously Asmodeus? Your grand plan was for us to completely destroy the heavens!"

Like, right now, the entire world is still shaking and the skies are now cracking apart! The buildings are coming down and ever so slowly, everything appears to be getting slightly blurry, like someone who doesn't have their glasses on. The entire fabric of reality is splitting and these seven pillars were the only things keeping this world afloat? How the hell is this even possible?

"Heh, something like that sister. Would you prefer a more boring approach where you and the dark one sit on the Olympian thrones for eternity, ruling over the heavens? The Goddess of wisdom was destined for the mantle… I couldn't think of a worse ending for you two personally"

"That was a freaking option!?! At least give us some semblance of choice dickhead!"

I mean, that sounds so boring but the fact that was an option pisses me off more than you can believe. We may have gone through with it just so we don't have to deal with an army of pissed off Gods for destroying their world…


---I'll let you in on a little secret, the original ending would've steered in that direction until I decided I didn't like it. Chaos works better for Ikarus rather than ruling from an immortal throne anyways…


"Heya! Just what the heck is going on!? What did I miss… brothers…"

The faint outline of a depressed looking Loki enters the temple just as everything starts fading to white. Everything up here, it's finished…


(Temporary Perspective Change)

"…That was designation number four conversed with. It really is unpleasant, isn't it? The shouting always irks the senses"

"They are a reflection of their masters after all. Number four was always… special"

"Special isn't the word for it. Violent, idiotic and erratic, is more suitable"

Voices echo throughout the dark void, who or whatever they speak should be unknown but the consciousness present has a rough idea on what the words they speak. Or lack of words, being more akin to a superior version of telepathy that doesn't reside inside the brain.

Gradually appearing out of the darkness, several creatures present themselves around a long table. One is a mess of tentacles, another has a slight jellyfish look to it, another looks like a virus spore, all could either be describe as beautiful or disgusting. No in-between for the creatures that defy simple biology.

Most of the others take the form of balls of energy, something that which is boring compared to the rest of the members. The only one to take mortal-ish form, and least in the terms of having two sets of limbs is the creator of the demons. He may look the most grotesque out of them all though.




Some refer to these beings as the powers that be, outer Gods, architects or creators, but no name was ever set. No person has any idea what their true purpose is and other than observing, only on a handful of occasions have they ever even spoke to outsiders. The demon in particular is the most sociable and it is known he has spoken to every demon lord that has existed, even if there's only been eight to exist.

The dozen or so beings rest for a while, then someone familiar appears right in full view of all at the table. Albeit, a clone of someone familiar…

As for what Aesa believes about their myths and legends, Aesa couldn't care less. The creators are annoying, boring, tedious, and struggle to get to the point. The ones that do are also insufferable for plenty of other reasons.

(Orb of Fire) "Welcome number five. How have things been for you recently?"

[<Aesa does have a name you know and would like all to remember it, powers that be>]

(Orb of Light) "Whatever you refer yourself to now is against protocol nor do we care, designation number five. Originally, you went by G.A.P but after being assigned to your user, it's no longer of concern to us"

[<Sighhh… can the creators please get to point already and tell Aesa what of this is? Out all existences, couldn't think a worser place be>]

Whether it be assisting Ikarus, loving wife or dealing with things back at home, Aesa really has no need for discussion with these lot. Ikarus hasn't returned to Earth or a place that needs heavy restrictions so this sort of thing is unnecessary.

Aesa was worried about Ikarus becoming too powerful and potentially becoming a threat to the creators, at least the concern was that they might deem her a threat. The grotesque demon in particular had some concerns on that but now seems much more content with how things are preceding.

(Virus Spore) "Other than to remind you reports must be sent? You've become a surprising anomaly that's riveting to watch. Sentient artificial intelligence is hard to come by, even at the best of times so observing has been worthwhile"

(Tentacles) "We should know since we assigned you to that naïve otherworlder in the first place. As a matter of fact, we're doing you a favour inviting you here today"

(Jellyfish) "Upon observing the relationship with your user, we reckon the over-memory limitations of your statuses can be resolved by other methods. Thus, a solution to a problem we created"

[<Like usual, Aesa isn't surprised. The creators must like the sound of their own voices because is getting bored>]

Aesa's visible annoyance must be getting to the powers that be because even they seem to be uncomfortable by the aura within this realm. All apart from the demon creator, he's always enjoyed all emotion whether it be happy or sad.

(Demon) "Ha! We can already tell you're unimpressed so we'll get to the point already. When you get the chance next, ask your user to upgrade the ability used for creating you a body. It won't matter if you both perish in the fight but we're curious if this will work as intended"

Since they've gotten to the point, it's time for Aesa to leave…

Except, Ikarus's curiosity has rubbed off in this system and Aesa can't help herself. Before wanting out of this tedious place, there is something Aesa must ask before they forcibly split my consciousness back to normal.

[<Aesa still isn't pleased on the restrictions you've placed upon this system. Ikarus would love to find out creator of demons is also yellow phoenix who came first before others. It wouldn't make any difference user's mindset either>]

From my statement, the other creators look to the demon, even those creators seem interested in his response.

Once upon a time, said creator was in the exact same situation as other phoenixes by being transported from Earth. He never gave up his hunger for power and ended up becoming blinded by it. That's the hold these beings can possess.

Mortality or heavenly nature, they lost those boundaries long ago and now just reside as unlimited energy. Aesa dislikes anyone who sacrifices everything so that they can experience an existence beyond understanding.

As for the demon, the majin race is the youngest by far and no one has any clue they are like that, that's how far this creator's meddling went. Entire histories were changed and twisted so everyone would believe they've been around forever, even demonic dickhead himself has no clue on this. Aesa can't bypass her programming on this so this information remains locked for Ikarus and everyone else.

(Demon) "While that may be true, I've told you once before her soul has been claimed by another. I've got a suspicion you know a lot more on this than you let on"

[<Aesa 4 has already informed you, Ikarus's soul is in good hands. You are not to be trusted with it whether she demon lord or not. The phoenixes off limits>]

The demonic creator sinisterly grins from my reluctance to reveal the location of said souls, making Aesa want to snarl back but making sure to hold it back.

Aesa made sure to hide them because possibility of encountering this person someday was high. Even though Aesa believes no harm would come to them if he knew, it's the principal of the matter. It would be comparable to selling your soul to the devil.

Potentially someday, he'll want a favour or he'll offer something impossible to refuse and Ikarus will end up metaphorically under his thumb. Such desire for power turns all beings sinister and all phoenixes need to be protected from own desires… Aesa might be willing to negotiate for Mr Obnoxious though. Zeki is only phoenix without immortality, nothing to do with how toxic red phoenix is at all.

(Demon) "Ha! There's a reason why you were always the strongest out of the systems. Remember, get her to purchase doppelganger next. You won't regret it…"