
Chapter 129.5 – Sensitive (18+)

"So then Petra... you got something in mind or want to wing it like usual?"

Having just arrived the leaders house that was built, we've gone straight into our bedroom and are apparently skipping the boring parts like being romantic or trying to set the scene. Hey, when Petra says she wants to do something and seems pretty eager, then you hurry the hell up!

As for the room itself, it's basically just a bigger inn room with all the basic things you'd expect in a bedroom but we haven't gotten around to decorating it properly yet. We do have an actual bathroom up here with a heated bath too but focusing on something like how the servants have to bring us water because of no plumbing will only spoil the mood and get me distracted.

"Heh, there's an experiment I'd like to try with you Ikarus if that's okay"

An experiment? I mean, I'm pretty open minded to most things but not if Petra decides to bring out the chains and whips already, even I'll say no at this point... I'm so freaking strange at times, Petra's experiment could literally be anything yet I assume it's going to be something like that!? I get that she's pervy Petra and all but I'm just as bad apparently...

"What do you have in mind then?"

"Heh, just relax Ikarus while I get some stuff out. Let's see that naked glory, pretty please?"

Doing as she asks; I get my enchanted dress off as quickly as possible and get onto the bed. After doing this, I lay down on my side trying to look seductive while giving Petra my best come hither eyes. I'm a little grumpy that she just chuckles from it while searching the nightstand but me trying to look sexy probably looks awkward as hell from her perspective.

The strange thing is, Petra obtains the hidden item and it's completely unexpected. I was thinking maybe it might be a new phallus or maybe something that vibrates but it's a bottle of liquid?

"Here it is Ikarus, feel like you're really going to enjoy this tonight"

Petra speaks while holding the glass bottle of some dark coloured liquid, I'm doubting it's a potion just from the nasty colour alone but is it something like lubricant? That seems a little pointless seeing that both of us never need any of that...

"Erm-... is that this worlds version of lube or something Petra?"

"Heh, no my lovely Ikarus. It's a special type of body oil that I plan on smothering all over you"

Huh? Okay, now I'm starting to get confused, are we going to have sex while I'm all greased up then? That seems a little unnecessary but if that's what she wants to do, it could be kinda fun. We've already taken the big step doing penetration so something like oil isn't scary at all compared to that, maybe that's why Petra decided to bring that out on the second time. So I'd be a little more open to this sort of stuff? Damn it, I've just realized that has two meanings...

"I'm all for looking shiny and slippery but what about after that? What comes next?"

I mean, she hasn't gotten out the belt so I'm thinking oral but with Petra, I have no idea what she's planning. I could always run away if needed... or slide because the oil. I'm actually looking forward to this strangely enough now.

"Heh, just wait my curious and impatient Ikarus and all will be revealed. Let's get this on you now"

Petra puts on a pair of gloves and starts to generously smear handfuls of it onto her hands. Then, starts to slowly smother me in said oil starting from the bottom. This is definitely going to take a while.

Feeling the slippery oil all over me is a little... weird? Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad feeling but it just feels like I'm sticky for the most part, it definitely tickled me a little especially around my feet and hips. What definitely felt nice was her applying it around my nether regions but I can be a little slutty at times with that though...

All that's now left is to apply the oil to my neck and breasts and judging off Petra's reaction, she's got something interested planned for after. Keep in mind, I'm stick in hybrid form so no point applying oil to my back cause of feathers and all, that would make me feel really sticky. I've got to admit from the sight of myself in the mirror though, it definitely is quite stimulating but that could be the shininess causing that.

"Heh, just the last bit but I'll start with that in a second. Now that the rest is done Ikarus, lie back down for me and I'll start"

Doing as she asks once again; Petra approaches the oily me by the side of the bed and starts to work doing something I didn't expect. She applies more oil focusing around my breasts... and doesn't stop applying it. She seems like tkeeps groping and massaging them...

"Is this what you're doi-... urgh..."

Wow... her hands drenched in oil rubbing all over my slippery breasts is actually something I'd never realized I needed. Combine that with the slight touching of my nipples as well, it's causing me to quiver and moan ever so slightly... damn, this is good.

At least I understand what she meant by experiment now, I think she's going to try and see if I can climax just by using my breasts alone... urgh...

Not just focusing on the massaging and groping, Petra starts to put her face closer to my chest and then brings her lips to the two very perky looking parts of the body. Then, she gives a slight nibble that sends shivers down my spine causing me to shake ever so subtly. This is so unbelievably sensitive yet so mind blowing, I'm thinking her experiment might be a success if she keeps this up any longer...

"Petra.... urghhh..."

The rotation of the massaging, squeezing, pinching, nibbling and even slight sucking is pure bliss... getting past the sensitivity is surprisingly easy when this feels just as good as something happening down below... urgh...

The sensations seem to all mix into pleasure even the pain which is starting to already make me shake, it's getting closer and starting to build aggressively. How the hell am I going to cum just from this alone? Any second now...

"Urg- ouch! Petraaa!"

Again with that teasing of hers! It wouldn't have been that bad if it was just a slight twist since a tiny amount of pain can actually be kinda nice but that felt like my entire nipple had just been ripped off! I'm exaggerating a bit but damn it, progress lost like usual with this teasing pain in the arse.

"Heh, you were enjoying it too much Ikarus. Where's the fun if it's easy to finish?"

"Fine, but that hurt way too much! That's just nasty and cruel!"

"Heh, you seemed to enjoy the pain though... I'll continue onwards"

Petra starts the groping process again full of smiles from her sadistic ways and continues on leaving me frustrated and annoyed like usual. The thing is, I did always enjoy groping myself but to actually have her doing it combining it with the exciting mouth action Petra always provides... breasts might be the best thing in the entire universe that have the power to solve world peace... urgh...

The strange thing is this time, my hands obviously can't wonder to my breasts so I'm finding myself rubbing my forbidden fruit very gently. The odd part is, the breast action is so great I've barely even noticed I'm doing it,

The orgasm is building once again but I already know better than to get excited especially when she's in this sort of mood today. Any second now and she's going to stop it dead...

"Please Petra... not again"

Right on the edge again and she just leaves me hanging with her continuously smiling devilishly at me... it's almost as if she's found her life's purpose when she does this. My intention is to destroy the world while hers is my orgasm apparently.

"Heh, you always get like this right before. What would you do Ikarus if I just kept doing this over and over again?"

She's not going to allow me to finish this time around? Wait... is this a game she's playing? She'll let me climax, right?

"I... I don't know... moan at you?"

"Heh, you really are terrible at this. I'll see what I can do again but I feel like you're not sincere enough today"

Sincere enough? Urgh... forget that, Petra's just applied some more oil and it's still amazing... I can't belief this sensitivity feels this great. Whoever decided breasts could feel this good, that God needs a raise.

"Urgh... Petra..."

The more and more this breast play continues, the further I feel like my eyes are rolling into the back of my head. No more thinking, just enjoy the squishiness...

Petra this time around seems to be focusing more on pinching and sucking compared to the normal groping and it seems to make this build up even faster, having both nipples experiencing both sorts of sensitive pain is absurdly good! Let's hope it's third time lucky...

"Urgh... I'm actually going to scream in a minute!"

Fuck's sake... normally she lets up on the third time yet she's still stopping right on edge again, this is becoming torture! Just let me cum already!

"Heh, how does it feel Ikarus knowing how close you are, yet how far it is away?"

"Frustrating! Just let me finish already-..."

Wait... I know Petra likes to tease but this feels like she's purposely taking it up a level, is this actually some kind of roleplay then?

"...Petra... are you trying to get me to beg for it or something?"

"Heh, finally clocked on, have we Ikarus?"

I can't believe it's taken this long for me to figure out what she's doing, I really can be dense at times even if I'll argue it wasn't completely obvious. Hey, I'm down for it seeing how horny and messy I am right now but I'm yet to do something like that.

"Erm-... can you please help me finish, Miss Petra?"

Miss Petra!? Damn it, I suck at this.

"Heh, you can't fool me that easily Ikarus, still feel like you don't want it just enough yet"

I don't want it enough? Well, I obviously do! Do I need to go over the top then or show that I really want it?

"I mean, I can kneel down and beg if you really want"

"Heh... that doesn't actually sound terrible"

Begging for Petra? Eh, screw it, I'm horny enough right now not to care in the slightest and it might give her a slight kick so why not?

If it isn't extremely obvious yet, I'm freaking terrible at this sort of thing. Sex is one thing but actually doing something like roleplay really isn't my forte. I can still give it a try though; don't think I've ever begged to someone before as well.

Kneeling down on the floor getting really low trying to look as genuine as possible, I really can't help but hide a laugh about this whole thing, can't take this seriously at all. I probably should though, that sweet release is so close.

"Oh, my holy, most divine and beautiful Goddess Petra. Please allow this pour soul just a glimpse of that orgasmic power you possess"

Even if I try to sound genuine, it just comes across as cringey or sarcastic. Blame my bird brain for making something that's supposed to be sexy into something kinda laughable...

"Heh, you really are impossible Ikarus... guess these divine hands can try a little harder then"

Still kneeling on the floor, Petra unexpectedly joins me grabbing hold of my breasts once again but her hands seem to be covered in more of that oily stuff. She must've gotten more while I was doing my little begging routine and by God, more is always better when it comes to a good grope...

In another life, she would've been a masseuse especially when it comes to this sort of thing. Maybe I'm just easy and a sucker for Petra since I've never really heard of someone achieving orgasm just by using breasts before. I think I'm going to start crying if she stops it one more time, I'm getting desperate now...

Both down here on our knees, Petra starts to sense my buildup incoming and goes in for some additions to this current fondling scenario adding a kiss and moving one of her hands to another pleasurable area. To put it in a simpler terms, she's playing with one of my nipples with her tongue deep in my throat and her other hand is aggressively rubbing against my clit. Argh, this has become so fucking intense all of a sudden!

This obviously speeds up the inevitable rapidly and that's when I know she's got me caught in her web. The violent waves of the orgasm shreds the inner depths of my soul almost making me want to scream only for it to be muffled through this intense kissing. I must be a whimpering, shaky mess right now and I couldn't careless! Urgh...

Petra actually has to keep me from slumping over due to the shaking and exhaustion from being edged three times, at least she's finally stopped now so I can catch my breath now. That definitely went a little different to how I imagine it finishing but hey, I'm not complaining. The option to stop was always there although having Petra going in for a kiss like that was definitely a happy surprise.

"*Huff huff* Damn it... "

"Heh, don't worry about it. We can always just clean it up Ikarus"

It's always the most intense things that cause me to go over the edge and produce the love juice that flows just as the grand finish arrives, I'm going to need a mop now... or later, it's Petra's turn first.

"*Huff*, sure... that was... just give me a second and you can have a turn... I'll try that for you if you want"

"Heh, don't bother Ikarus. Not really a fan of my breasts being touched if I'm being honest"

She wasn't lying there unfortunately, it's kinda strange I've only just realized that even though I've never done anything with them. Seriously though, I've only ever given her breast a slight touch but never anything like actual groping, I guess I'm pretty selfish when it's my turn so my thoughts always go straight to groping myself. Eh, I guess it's alright to be selfish in some situations then, it's mad that she doesn't like that though...

"For real? Then what about doing something else then? I've always got my tongue and we can get that belt out"

"Heh, you don't have to bother Ikarus. I've got my enjoyment out of that experiment we did just as much as you so I'm good for today, I'm not actually feeling that up for too much and besides, we've got some cleanup to do. That oil is really messy"

Well, isn't that just great? Petra gives me an orgasm using my breasts, then doesn't want one herself? She does have a point about the cleanup though. The floor is covered in my you know what and the oil makes everything slippery or sticky to touch. There's no way we're sleeping on the bed like that.

Feel a little guilty not doing something for her but she does look pretty happy right now though, should I be worried? I mean, if she gets this happiness out of teasing, then whatever floats her boat, I guess.

"Okay dokey then... love you Petra"

"Heh, love you too Ikarus..."