
Reincarnated as a Phoenix in a dungeon?!

After dying after saving a random stranger, who turned out to be a goddess in disguise, Genesis is then given the chance to reincarnate to a world of swords and magic. but when she gets there...

Joe_Clucks101 · Fantasia
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3 Chs

I Died Saving a Goddess?!

My name is Alana Smith, female, 16, no boyfriend, and an anime nerd. It was just a normal day for me, walking home from school, wondering what anime I should watch when I got home, when I noticed a little girl crossing the street. At first, I thought nothing of it, just a normal kid crossing the street, probably going home from school like I was, that was until I saw the infamous truck-Kun, barreling down the road, the driver probably not paying attention, towards the little girl! you know how some people say their bodies just act on their own? Well, in that moment, mine did. I raced toward the girl pushing her out of the way. The next thing I felt was a sharp pain in my left side as the truck hit me, launching me across the four-way road, my last thoughts being, 'mom... dad... I'm sorry'.

The next thing I knew, I was in a completely white room, the only things that you could see that weren't white were a table and two chairs to go with it. I looked down at myself, and I was horrified, my clothes were torn up, I had blood all over me, and I think some of my bones were broken, yet I was somehow still standing up without any pain. after looking around a bit and finding nothing but white, I went to the chair and sat down, and waited. And I waited, but after about 10 minutes a door appeared next to the other chair, and from it came the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, with fiery red hair, emerald eyes, and pale skin. She is wearing a white Floral dress that has some letters of unknown origin on them, "Oh, it's you!" the woman says with joy, as she exits the door, "Well, I suppose you have many questions, so I won't keep you waiting to ask them" the woman says as she sits down, "um, where am I? Who are you? What happened to me?" I ask in quick succession. The woman looks at me and says, "Oh right, you probably don't remember much, let me give you a refresher, you were hit by a truck trying to save a young girl" the woman says, "W-wait I died?!" I say with panic, "I hate to say this, but yes you did, now as to your first two questions, you are in my domain, along with many others as they await their reincarnation. Second, well, it is better if I show you something else first" the woman says, raising some questions in my mind. The woman then glows before shrinking. After a bit, she then stops glowing, and looks exactly like the little girl that I saved! "Surprised?" the girl asks, "very!" I truly was, "My name is..." the girl starts before transforming back into her other form, "... Zira, the goddess of fire, reincarnation, and transmigration" I had no idea how to react, "Well, anyways, enough about me, since you went through the trouble of saving me from 'death' I will give you two choices: go to Heaven, or Reincar-" I didn't even give her the chance to complete her sentence because I already knew where this was going, "Reincarnation please!" I say with stars in my eyes, "*sigh* alright, now, since I'm nice, I'm going to give you four wishes instead of the standard three, what would you like? nothing overpowered! (at least from the get-go)" Zira says. "Hmmm... OH, I got it, first, I want to be a dungeon master" Zira nods her head, "you'll have to work for it, but sure", "Next, if I get the dungeon and I die outside of it, can I respawn inside the dungeon?" Zira agrees, "Third, I want pyrokinesis" Zira nods, "and lastly, because why not, I want to be a demi-human" Zira looks at me with a bit of surprise, before smiling, "alright, but before I send you off, a word of warning, humans will not be so tolerant of you, just because you are a demi-human, oh, and I am giving you a unique system" Zira then pulls out a dusty old grimoire, before blowing all the dust off of it (away from me of course), and then hands it to me, "also would you like a new name? you know, not many people have a name in that would like yours" I thought about it for a second, "Ok, I want to be named Genesis" Zira then smiles, she seems to like the name I've chosen for myself, "A fitting name" Zira then says, "I do believe that is everything, so I will be sending you on your way now, goodbye!" Zira then waves at me as my body starts to glow, "thank you, and goodbye!" I say before my body fades away.

Zira's POV

As I watch the young woman, who gave her life in an attempt to save mine, fades away to the next world, I think to myself, 'Hmm those wishes... I could easily improve them, yeah, let's do that' I then change the second wish to be if she died outside of the dungeon, she would have to wait five days before reviving on the spot, not really an improvement but whatever, I also make her race a strong one (this one was of my own creation), but she will have to work a little bit to get its human form. I just hope she survives long enough to get to her human form.

Genesis' POV

As I wake up, I see that I am in a forest of sorts. As I get up, I am greeted by the grimoire Zira gave to me, I instinctively reach out to it, only to find that I don't have arms, but wings! "The hell?!" I yell. The grimoire then opens to reveal a message from Zira, "So, I may have changed up some of your wishes, just a little bit, but don't worry they are for the better. P.S. You get your human form at level ten, so get hunting! :D" the grimoire then flips to another page which shows my stats.

Name: Genesis

Race: Phoenix

Age: Baby

Titles: Reborn, Blessed by fire

Level: 1/10

EXP: 0/50


HP: 150/150

MP: 170/170

STR: 5

VIT: 5

AGI: 7

INT: 7

Active skills: Fireball

Passive skills: None

Race skills: From the ashes

After I took a look at my stats, I then check out what my titles do.

Reborn: Title: As a reincarnated person, you have experienced death, and know when it is approaching. Gain permanent danger sense.

Blessed by Fire: Title: You have Been Blessed by fire. Fire will not harm a hair on your head, and you can manipulate any flame as if it were your own.

I stare at the grimoire's page in shock, "well it would seem I'm pretty strong with just my titles alone, let's see about my normal skills"

Fireball: Active: Shoot a ball made of fire at your target.

From the ashes: Race: Upon death you will turn into ashes, after five days your ashes will reform into your regular body, on the spot. Can also be used to fully heal the body (cannot be used in combat).

I again stare at the grimoire in shock, "what is with this Skill?! Auto revive on the spot?! though it does take five days, so I guess it balances out. I also get to fully heal myself, though it's only outside of combat." I will the grimoire to close, and it does, "neat" that was when the grimoire disappeared. "What the?" I then feel something in me tugging towards my left, when I turn left, I see a green slime! "So that's what that tugging was, it was my danger sense".