
Reincarnated As A Not So Useless Sakura

A girl gets reincarnated in Naruto as Sakura after getting rejected by her crush on snap Cover Art Is Not Mine If The Artist Comments I Will Remove The Photo

2_Spoons · Anime e quadrinhos
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12 Chs

Why Was i Reincarnated As HER

It's weird after you die you can realise all your mistakes, like falling in love with a hello kitty girl just to get rejected. I'm not sure how I died, I probably just died in my sleep.

Anyways after mulling over all my mistakes. I can tell you about where I am now it seems to be a endless staircase leading to huge gates, probably the staircase to heaven. On my way up I see many different people of all religion and race. During my way up the stairs i see people getting pushed off from the top it's honestly terrifying to think that it could be me getting pushed off, I never did anything terrible besides stealing cookies from my little brother.

Anyways I'm next to go to the gate at the top of the stairs, and it seems like there are angels judging all of the people going up to the top. The person in front of me was let inside the gates so i guess it's my turn now. While going up I had to stop my intrusive thoughts and just hope I'm allowed in.

While standing in front of the angel I instantly started to bombard questions like "How did I die" and "Am I going to hell" In the middle of my next question I suddenly wasn't able to speak, terrified i was going to try to scream but got interrupted by the angel who said "Do any of you ever stop talking, you humans are all the same. Anyways you are lucky because you died too early for us to judge your soul, because of this we have no choice but to reincarnate you".

I was instantly filled with joy realizing I have a second chance in life and get to be overpowered like those fan fictions i have always read, before I got too excited the angel interrupted me saying "What makes you think you did anything noteworthy in your life to deserve wishes, instead you will be reincarnated in a random world and as a random character who holds some significance to the world's story from your memory". I was instantly filled with irritation realising my dream of being reincarnated as a overpowered character in a anime of my choosing was destroyed. Before I started to get too mad the angel said "Well I think that's all I'm supposed to say to you humans before sending you off, so have a good life".

I instantly blacked out only to wake up in a purely pink room, surprised I jump out of my bed only to see a reflection of myself. I scream in fear realising i became the source of most of my frustrations with the anime Naruto, Sakura.

Looking to my left i see multiple photos of Sasuke all over the wall, before I was able to rip them all apart i hear my new mother scream for me to be quiet and come down for breakfast. Before i begrudgingly go downstairs to eat with my new family i get a painful influx of memories related to Sakuras life.