
Reincarnated as a noble man

After Truk-kun takes another victim a loser girl gets reincarnated as a high class nobleman into a world of fantasy full of magic. He now as a new man has to navigate the noble world while getting new powers and allies. But its not all fun and games, theres a looming threat lurking in the shadows. Will the newly reborn William be able to fight the evil, or will he fail and become one with the darkness?

hopes_1774 · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Incantions

Future me came quicker than expected. As i sit at the big family table while my uncle talks about how the family affairs are going I just sit and listen trying my best to understand what he's talking about. Aperently the family has become the talk of the town since I survived a terrible illness.

"Half of the area we own is being suspicious of us, saying how your illness was just a hoax to gather more fame and sympathy for our family. Ofcourse that's nonesence. Your illness wasn't constructed for gain. Why would anyone think I would willingly kill my own nephew, that's simply proposteroius." he lets out a laugh and I chuckle with him. This makes me think tho. If I would've died all of the family privelages and money would go to him, at least untill my sister would become aj adult. I look at the man who's now stuffing his face with food and gaze into Williams memmories. It seems like this man is genuen and not a fraud, than again, he could've been fooling everyone. I should keep my guard up around him. I shouldn't be thinking about family affairs now, I have a school to go to. Tomorrow I will return to the magic academy and I have done my researtch. Looking into Williams memmories that is.

I finish my breakfast and make my way to my room. I sit down looking at the ground. This world has a very simple magic system. You have a surtain ammount of mana that can grow with practice and hard work. Some people are born with more mana than others, but that doesn't make them better at magic. It just means they have a little bit of a boost while the ones with lower mana have to work harder. Both can work up to the same level of mana, but ofcourse there is a limit to how much the body can take. On top of that theres aptitutes. To some magic comes easier, they have a natural talent for it, but it again doesn't mean they are better. Learning just comes easier. Just like a naturally gifted artist. They may have been born with a talent, but if they dont practice they will eventually fall behind those, who trianed their hardest to get to the top.

Aperently I have a talent for magic and train a lot. So I guess that's an advantage...BUT THE WAY THESE PEOPLE DO MAGIC IS SO UNNESESSARY. There's incantations to remember and stones that can enhance ones elemental ability. These incantations are all useless. From what I know now wordless magic IS possible, but only for the most advanced mages. Maybe it's becouse I came from a more advanced world, but I can just manipulate the molecules in the air. If I combine the right ones I can make a flame in my palm easily, without any words. And it seems to use so little mana I wonder if William has a lot or if that's how mana works.

I let out a sigh and make my way to the big training area in the backyard of the mansion. I am suposed to have lessons with Albert. I wonder if I should ask him about the wordless magic or not.

Soon he comes by and smiles at me "Well Sir William. I have concluded no brain demages, but I would like to see what's left of your magic. Please show me a fire spell" he steps

I gulp and start seartching Williams memmories for a fire spell. I find one and sigh at how long the incantation is. I extend my arm and begin to speak.

"The all mighty godess of fire give me power to command the flames and trample my enemies" I try to say with the least bit of annoyance. A big fireball shoots from my hand and blows up the dummies that have been placed before me. I gasp a little. That was cool as fuck. My amazement falls as i notice how much mana IT took. THAT'S AT LEAST 3 TIMES AS MUCH AS WHEN I MADE MY FLAME. Ofcourse it could be becouse I cast a big fireball and not just a tiny flame. I should try casting this alone without any words to see if that effects it. I could feel how the spell used the surrounding elements and the mana energy.

Albert was amazed and still is as he claps "Seems like your magic hasn't depleated. It seems as so it has improoved. Perhaps your body is in a more renewed state and your mana has increased." he says while writing something down in his journal.

I chuckle "Well, peculiar things can happen when you go through a near death experience." I look at him more seriously "Albert, Can you tell me more about wordless magic?"

He looks at me surprised. It seems as if I've asked about it before "Well I will tell you what I said before aswell, only really powerfull magicians can use IT. The spells were made to make magic more accesible to it, since manipulating mana directly can be difficult. Sir, tell me, have you been trying to do it again? You have tried and been unsuccessfull before" he says with a worried look in his face.

I take a deep breath and extend my hand. I focus the energy into my hand and repeat the spell without saying a word. The casting is almost instant. AND THE MANA DEPLEATED IS A FRACTION OF WHAT IT WAS FROM THE SPELL WHEN CAST. Perhaps the casting time isn factor? I look at Albert and his face IS in shock. I let out a chuckle and touch his shoulder "I Guess I managed to master it"

"I-it appears so" he gulps and looks at me "Sir William, tell me, how did you do it?"

I shrug "You have to promise me you won't tell anyone. What I'm about to tell you could be hard to wrap your head around." I look at him seriously.

He nods frantically "I promise on my own life I will not tell a soul unless you permit it!"

I smile "There are tiny partickles everywhere. They're called molecules and are the building blocks of everything. Those are also made out of atoms who's differend combinations make differend molecules. I, a mage, can manipulate these molecules to do whatever I tell them to." I make a mall flame in my hand and Alberts eyes divert towards it "This is a reaction of the molecule oxygen and heat. Ofcourse there must be fuel for the flame to brun, and that fuel is mana. Mana is around us everywhere, they are also tiny molecules that seem to stabylise the magic and or create nessesary molecules. Perhaps a blank with an ammount of energy to them I'm not really sure" I look at the flame and wonder if I can make the mana molecules change to color the flame. I concentrate and change the gass around to hydrogen to make the flame burn stronger and it changes to a vibrant blue. "Huh...so I CAN do this" I let out a chuckle and put the flame away "Ofcourse good visualisation and knowing what you want to make will help a tone" I look at Albert and can't help but laugh at his expression. Amazement and terror with a hint of curiousity.

"You can't use this power at the academy they will acuse you of making a deal with the demons or perhaps even declare you one!" he looks at me with worry in his eyes "You have to keep this a secret untill really nessesary!"

I gulp and nod. I didn't even think this could be such a big deal. He place my hands on Albert's shoulders "I promise I won't show off" I chuckle "Even tho it means speaking these useless incantations." I let out a sigh "And even memmorising new ones" I sit down on the ground defeated. I was never good with memmorising. Here's to hope this brain is better at it than I was.