
Reincarnated as a noble man

After Truk-kun takes another victim a loser girl gets reincarnated as a high class nobleman into a world of fantasy full of magic. He now as a new man has to navigate the noble world while getting new powers and allies. But its not all fun and games, theres a looming threat lurking in the shadows. Will the newly reborn William be able to fight the evil, or will he fail and become one with the darkness?

hopes_1774 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Surprise

"Will he be okay?"

"I'm not sure, he is breathing so he is alive, but I don't know when he will wake up, if at all"

These voices, i don't recognise them...where am i?...Who are they talking about?

"Oh thats terrible" I can hear crying. A young woman, no a girl.

I feel wierd...what's the last thing I remember? Right I was walking on the sidewalk when...A TRUCK! I got hit by a truck...does it mean I'm in the hospital?

I try to open my eyes, it's harder than I thought.

"We will keep him alive! I can't lose him!"

Jeez...my hispital roommate has to have a really loving sister...or a friend.

I open my eyes...finally! I look around, my head too heavy to move. This...doesn't look like a hospital.

The bed I'm laying in seems to have fancy shades...and...those windows don't look like they belong in this century, let alone a hospital.

I manage to get a better look around as my vision gets sharper. Too sharp...I never had this good of a vision.

"Brother!" There's that voice again. I look to the direction it's coming form. A pretty girl with long blonde hair and bright green eyes IS staring at me with tearfull eyes.

"IT'S A MIRACLE!" an old sounding voice shouts. As I look towards it, it seems to belong to an old looking man.

I point my attention back to the girl who is now hugging me.

"I never doubted you would wake up brother! I knew you would survive!!" She was crying into my shoulder now.

I regain some of my strenght and manage to put a hand around her trying to comfort her...tho...why was she calling me her brother? I am an only childe.

i stop at my thoughts when I see my hand. It's pale and not a single armhair in sight. That is definately NOT my slightly tan chubby arm with hairs.

Suddently it dawns on me. I quickly sit up starteling the girl. I look Down seeing my arms and legs covered in fancy looking blankets.

I must have been isekaid. That must be it! Or this is some kind of dream before death. Well...only one way to find out.

I pinch my arm and let out a hiss. That hurt.

The girl gasped "Brother! What are you doing?" she grabs my hand. I look at her. She must be around 13. So, this is my little sister concidering my body doesn't look young.

I open my mouth and first words uttered by my new body come out "Can i have a Mirror?"

WOW WHAT WAS THAT?! My voice?! That was a DUDE voice. I reincarnated as a MAN.

One of the maids in the room hands me a mirror and I take a deep breath. What does the face that this voice belongs to look like?

I slowly lift up the mirror almost gasp. I am HOT. Long blonde silky hair, beautifull icey blue eyes, handsome features! THIS IS AWESOME. I put the mirror down and look around the room. This dudes room perhaps...Well now it's mine. It looks like medival nobility room with all the fancy decorations.

I take a deep breath and look at my sister. Bella. Her name is Bella. Hmm...looks like I can access some of this persons memmories. How is that, if what happened here is that my soul left my body and came into this one right as his soul left, than how do I have any memmories? Maybe they stayed within the physical brain.

I didn't notice the way Bella was rambeling about how she was happy to see me and how releaved everyone was to see I survived.

Survived? Did this dude also get into an accident? I do not remember anything like that.

"Please Sir William do not scare us like this" a maid says cutting off my thoughts. A new voice. I glance at her. Thats Merida. The head maid in this house ...Well...more like a mansion.

Bella finally stops rambeling and just stares "Please brother don't ever do something like this again" She hugged me again. I hugged her back chuckling slightly.

"Don't worry, I'm okay now." it's coming back to me. I had fallen ill and it seems like William died but my soul entered the body and I guess reincarnation bonus, the illness is no longer in this body.

The old dude who's name is Albert and is the resident medic and a magic teacher looks at me while one of his eyes glow. WHOA. WAIT A SECOND.

A MAGIC WORLD?! That's AWESOME. It seems like this magic analyses the body becouse he lets out a shocked gasp.

Everyone looks at him.

"How...how is this possible? The illness that was all over your body is gone completaly. There's no trace left!"

I chuckle "I guess I won the internal battle over my body" I smile hoping he will drop it. It seems to have worked becouse he just nods and looks away. Perhaps this was a curse type illness and winning the battle aggainst it makes sence.

"Well I don't care how its possible I'm just Happy my brother is healthy" Bella smiles.

I let out a small giggle and than get up. Ofcourse Albert and Merida protest but I ofcourse ignore them.

I quickly get up and immediately feel lightheaded....this is tall.

William you are a tall son of a bitch.

It takes me a bit to adjust to the new height. In my past life I was short and chubby. This toned and tall body will take some getting used to. Not to mention the boobs that aren't on my chest. I can't really say I miss them tho, they were a pain in the ass. But it is confirmed, I am a man now. Feels great.

A sudden rush of warmth spreads through my face...if I am a man...I also have a...OH BOY. I will have to learn to aim that. Is Will big? I hope I'm not compensating with this big house fór something.

I take a few steps and look at my now little sister. I ruffle her hair and walk towards the window. I uncover the blinds and a gasp escapes my mouth. That view is wonderfull. The yard this mansion Has is MASSIVE with hedges that are perfectly shaped like domes planted along a path. And as I look around I see a garden with a few people working there. To the other side looks to be a big field and a forest. This really is a big fantasy. I take a deep breath. I wonder what kind of nobility my parents are to be able to live here. I peek into the memmories and gasp. They're dead. A freak accident with failed magic showcase? And my uncle is the one running things while I finish up magic academy. WHOA MAGIC ACADEMY?! There are schools here fór that? Oh and I guess I'm expected to také over the family affairs...Well it can't be that hard. I'll leave those thoughts to the future me.