
Reincarnated as a humanoid goblin

**Warning** This story contains forceful intercourse between fictional characters, Reading the first explanation/warning chapter is advised. Richard is the first-born son of a Farmer in a medieval type world. After a drought, his family gets into debt and rents Richards's younger sister out to the lord. After the debt is settled and Richards's father has had a taste of money, he decides to send his daughter to the lord for nightly visits continuously. This deteriorates Richards to the point where he rebels against his parents and gets sold into slavery. He eventually dies and reincarnates as a creature that's as ugly as his previous world was, A goblin.

Jarno_Vdkolk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Sold into slavery

Richard, A nineteen-year-old man, was slaving away at a quarry, Cutting out stones just so a girl wearing similar shabby clothes could drag them off. Although Richard was, in fact, nineteen years old, he didn't look the part; This war was primarily because he hadn't been taken care of himself properly. It isn't like he is lazy, lax, or anything. It's just that he's unable to because he's enslaved. Whatever he eats, and drinks is up to his owner, Assuming he gets to eat anything. More often than not, he gets to go to bed with a full stomach because he's in his prime. In this medieval-like world, people around their fourteen to thirties are considered to be in their prime. Any younger, and they're quickly getting weaker or dumber. Any older and promptly losing out on their strength, Resistance to diseases, and other such things. So, as a young man, he got more to eat than the younger enslaved people who were less able to do labor and were pretty much getting enough to scrape by until they were old enough to make themselves useful.

Although the girl looked to have quite the troubles with the rocks that Richard had mined out, Richard himself had zero pity for the younger girl. He considered cutting them any smaller to be a waste of energy; why would he waste his power to make someone else's work easier? It's not like she would do something similar for him; if offered a fresh meal just to stab him in the gut, he would bet his left nut that she would do that. This world was rotten to the core, and so was Richard; ever since he got sold into slavery, he slowly but surely got corrupted by the cruelty of this world.

He used to live in a small village, and although work was hard, it was what he considered an everyday life. So ever since he was a year or seven, he started helping around the house with minimalistic things such as household chores and others such things. Then, when he turned 12 and was a bit stronger, he was taken to the field to assist his father with farming. It was hard work, but he was happy to do it to help and support his family. Yet that same family that he was willing to work hard for to support sold him when things got tough.

A drought led to a failed yield around the time he was fifteen. The Lord didn't care much for the trouble and predicaments of peasants and wanted his taxes. His family, Just like many others that we're unable to pay up, had to make a sacrifice. For his family, that sacrifice was his younger sister and, later on, him. Considering the circumstances, his father figured she could bring up a more " consistent " income by renting out her body. The Lord himself had quite a thing for younger girls, especially virgins. The very same Lord also had quite a disgusting fetish, and although Richard himself was saved from being sold and doing anything perverted, he was forced to watch. Yes, He was forced to watch his sister be raped by the village's Lord, A girl that was far too young to experience such a thing.

Richard himself was powerless to do anything, He was forced to watch the spectacle, and although he wanted to fight back, he couldn't bring himself to. He was a simple farmer's son, A peasant that could do nothing to a man of nobility. The difference between a peasant and a noble was similar to that of humans and livestock; The cows wouldn't think of fighting back when they got milked, would they? No, and similarly, a peasant couldn't get such ideas with nobility, At least not more than simple thoughts and frictions of ideas.

Since he couldn't do anything or show anything to the noble, that resentment slowly switched to that of his parents, His father in particular. Although his mother supported and accepted his father's decision, his father was quite a bit worse from his perspective. Since she already lost her purity, she would have trouble getting married. Besides that, As beautiful as his little sister was for her age, she was a late bloomer. Her breasts were decently formed, but she hadn't had her period yet, Meaning there was no risk of pregnancy. His father had the " bright " idea that the circumstances offered an ideal way to milk out some cash further. After all, Marriage was already going to become a problem, and besides that, there wasn't much she could do besides household chores. Unlike Richard, who was considered a strong man capable of labor, and although some girls can do delivery, it was simply improper in this day and age for a girl to do a "man's" work.

So even though Richards's mother wasn't too fond of this and Richard himself was openly against his, the father decided it was for the best. So even though the Lord's greet and disgusting desires have already paid off, their immediate debt, rather than continuing his backbreaking work, the father decided that his daughter, That wasn't able to marry anymore, could be continuously "rented" out, Or so to say.

The father actively reached out to the lord and repeated the entire process, where he was similarly forced to watch it all again. Although most of the pain was received by his little sister, the young Richard, who had loved his family and grew up with said loving family, received quite the emotional damage as well. And as the months passed, while he continued to do backbreaking work while occasionally watching his sister getting violated, he grew to resent his family more and more. The love he had for his family disappeared, and he began to reject the affection shown to him by his mother actively. He couldn't care as much about life anymore.

He finally broke when her sister received her first period, His father, Knowing that the lord never bothered pulling out, considered the chance of pregnancy too high. If she were to get pregnant, he wouldn't be able to sell her body to the city lord. As disgusting as the man was, he doubted he would have a pregnancy fetish. Having to take care of her for the entire pregnancy while also feeding her enough to let her keep her beauty didn't bring in a profit. So he decided to sell her into slavery, which was when Richard broke and started openly rebelling against his father, going as far as to assault the man.

The thing he got in return was a heavy beating. Considering that the tension and familial love were nowhere to be found, the father decided to sell him alongside his daughter since this, with the previous income and savings, would provide enough for him to start over at a better place. Although his wife fiercely resisted, a woman in this world hadn't much say compared to a man, so she quieted down after receiving a similar beating, thus sealing Richards and his younger sisters' life as slaves.


Will be posting one chapter a week for the next month

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15 Power stones = 2 BC

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