
Reincarnated as a humanoid goblin

**Warning** This story contains forceful intercourse between fictional characters, Reading the first explanation/warning chapter is advised. Richard is the first-born son of a Farmer in a medieval type world. After a drought, his family gets into debt and rents Richards's younger sister out to the lord. After the debt is settled and Richards's father has had a taste of money, he decides to send his daughter to the lord for nightly visits continuously. This deteriorates Richards to the point where he rebels against his parents and gets sold into slavery. He eventually dies and reincarnates as a creature that's as ugly as his previous world was, A goblin.

Jarno_Vdkolk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Reincarnated as a goblin.

Looking around, Richard saw nothing but darkness. He felt dizzy and light-headed. Finally, he saw some bright light and felt himself being pushed toward it. He eventually reached the morning, and everything went blank for a moment. He felt himself falling on a stone ground. He was confused and frankly a little scared. He had no idea what was happening and received weird, confusing, and mixed signals from his brain. He was soaking wet, but it wasn't water that covered him. It was some odd fluids that confused him to no end. He had trouble moving his body, and when he finally managed to move his neck, which felt unnaturally small, he was greeted by the sight of a monster.

A monster was the first thing that came to mind, but after a few seconds of confusion and scaredness. He quickly devised a better word for the ugly and somewhat terrifying creature, yet some unnatural force calmed him before he could become scared shitless. It was a strange sensation to describe. Then, suddenly, he calmed down and gave the creature a peculiar but curious look.

' A goblin? '

It was all he could think about, As if that wasn't weird enough once he calmed down and started to honestly look at the monster, no, Goblin, rather than just it's no... Her face. It was visible; She was sitting against the stone walls, giving him a strange look. Her legs were closed up, yet he could see blood trailing down her lower half; he wasn't an idiot, and as confusing and weird as the situation was, he couldn't help but wonder.

' Did I just come out of that thing? '

He tried standing up but quickly realized why he couldn't correctly move; he tried looking down and was quickly greeted by his new ugly green body. Sound eventually returned to his ears, and he could hear cries in the room; looking around, it looked like he wasn't the only one birthed here.

He saw various little green monsters being breastfed by similar ugly-looking creatures. He couldn't help but wonder.

' Don't tell me I have to suck those tits.'

Even for those ugly, misformed things, he couldn't call it a tit, It was as flat as a plate, and although Richard wasn't particularly on either chest team, flatness is justice or big titty mountains; he couldn't help but be a little picky, Considering how ugly and fucking green those things were.

If it weren't for his weird new senses, he would've been incapable of seeing whether it was male or female. Instead, his gaze turned towards what he could only assume to be his new " mother," who now had recovered from her confusion.

Yet all she did was slowly stand up, Still being weakened from childbirth, but rather than feeding him or helping him out like all other goblin mommies seemed to do, she gave him a dirty stare, and then she walked away.

Richard stared dumbfoundedly at his ugly little goblin mommy, who walked away from him. He wasn't sure what to think, but reality finally seeped into him after a while.

' Is she ditching me? '


'What now?'

Richard tried moving his body around but was utterly unable to do so. Just moving that fragile little neck of his already took too much effort.

He was feeling rather tired and hungry, and because it didn't look like he was getting any food, he gave in to his sleepiness and closed his eyes. He eventually woke up thru the poking of a stick. He opened his eyes and was greeted by another ugly-looking little thing. He could somehow smell that it was female, although she didn't look the part. At least this one had some form of decency, though; She was wearing a filthy cloth to cover up his nether regions, unlike others he noticed walking around naked.

The little green creature was curious about Richard; He was the only one she hadn't heard crying during childbirth. Even now, he didn't react to being poked with a stick and looked at the girl with unnatural grey eyes. The rest of his body also looked different; His skin seemed a little smoother and less ugly than the others. Although calling him pretty by human standards would be blasphemy by goblin standards, he looked quite good.

The little green thing looked to be a little smaller than his mother. Besides the height difference, he could smell she was a different entity. She also smelled... Younger? He wasn't sure how to describe it, but before he could dwell too much on the matter, she spoke out; well, he could hardly call it speaking, but still.

" Gijoki hunn sghi "

(Baby, come now)

After saying so, she picked Richard up and started walking away. On the other hand, Richard wasn't sure what confused him more, The fact that he could understand her or that she just took him away.

' Am I being kidnapped? '

The little green thing brought him to a giant goblin, Although the size difference wasn't much. He expected the smaller Goblin holding him to be around 90 CM while the bigger one was about 110cm. However, she had a familiar scent that wasn't quite the same, and she could somehow identify the creature as the little green thing's mother.

Her belly was swollen, and it looked like she was close to what he could only assume to be her next childbirth. Even those flat chests had small bumps in them now that he looked at them more intimately. So the little green thing moved to the bigger one and again spoke out in the rubbish.

" Gijoki Hiii Szhi gjiso "

Richard could understand their language. It was just that this little green lady If he could even call her, wasn't quite proficient in her speech. She was telling her something like, " My baby gives milk. "

Hearing this and getting the gist of it, Richard would've frowned if he could do so.

' Is this how adoption works here? This is still kidnapping. '

The bigger Goblin gave her daughter a soft smile As if he just found her actions cute. But, conversely, Richard wasn't sure what was so appealing about kidnapping a child. Not that he had anything to complain about since he couldn't do shit by himself. His goblin mommy had dumped him, and he had fully realized by now that he could not survive on his own. Yet he couldn't help but internally scream.

' NNnnoooooo! '

When the bigger green Goblin grabbed one of her tits and gave her a daughter a nod, indicating that she could let him drink from her, considering the smaller one wasn't pregnant and unable to produce such a thing. The whole experience was still somewhat crazy for him, and before he could cry like an average goblin child, that strange feeling soothed over him and calmed him down.

He drank with much reluctance, and although it wasn't tasty or enjoyable, it wasn't bad either. However, he was perplexed by how to consume the milk produced by those filthy creatures. He figured it had something to do with the fact that a goblin birthed him and was green, too. Either way, There was little point worrying about it now; that strange occurrence had already calmed his nerves, and he already had experienced quite a few worse things in what he assumed to be his previous life.

If there was one thing that pissed him off, it was the smaller goblin that was patting his head as if he was some dog while murmuring something along the lines of " good baby " or whatever. He eventually gave in and found it to be a bit soothing, as ugly as these creatures where they did take care of him as if he was their kin. Feeling some weird satisfaction together with a filled stomach, he decided to nap again simply; He was rather tired after all.


Hey guys, Author here. it's been to long since my last release and I didn't keep my promise in regards of weekly chapter release. I honestly kind of lost interest and eventually forgot seeing zero reactions and all. I have a chapter for y'all now and will start posting this novel on multiple sites. I won't go into more promises seeing how I haven't kept my last one (once again Apologies for this). I will however try to post once a week and increase/decrease based on comments, reviews etc.