
Reincarnated as a Haunted House

(UPDATE: Due to exams I have paused the story for sometime. As soon as the exams are over, I will resume it at the first chance I get) Finn Darkling of the Nightmare, formerly known as Vansh, the owner of a renowned haunted house, unexpectedly meets his demise as he falls asleep one final time within his beloved establishment. To his astonishment, he awakens in an entirely new existence—a sentient haunted house located on an isolated island, shrouded by a dense forest and surrounded by a tranquil lake. Soon he learns that the place where he reincarnated is called the Serpent Forest, one of the 12 unruly lands, and the territory of Orochi, the colossal 8-headed serpent. Consequently, no other humanoid race dares to step foot into the Serpent Forest. As a stationary house, Finn finds himself unable to move physically. However, he possesses the unique ability to manifest as an apparition, allowing him to roam within the confines of the island. Loneliness became his constant companion until the arrival of winter when the lake froze over and a curious girl appeared at his doorstep. Soon, more individuals unexpectedly stumble upon his doorstep, and Finn finds himself drawn further into this intricate fantasy world. A world teeming with monsters and beings beyond his wildest imagination. ----------Navigating Through the Story---------- Chapter 1-22: Serpent Forest Arc Chapter 23: Characters Recap and Power Glossary till now Chapter 24 - ongoing : Road to Ixar Arc ----------How to Support the Story?------------- 1. Review the work 2. Add it to your library 3. Donate Powerstones

DreamMerchantH · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Beer Town

A new chapter had unfolded, marked by an unlikely alliance traversing the Serpent Forest. This eclectic group, seemingly forged by fate, treaded the snow-covered path toward an unforeseen destiny. Leading the ensemble was the pixie queen, an ethereal figure flanked by her two loyal pixie bodyguards. Together, their sights were fixed on Sepalton, the biggest pixie establishment in all of the Central Island.

Alongside the pixies, Orochi, the ruler of the Serpent Forest, emerged from the confines of her domain. Breaking free from a century-long imprisonment, she now stepped resolutely into the unknown, her presence commanding the stillness of the creatures that lined the forest path.

In the midst of this extraordinary assembly was Finn, a peculiar entity existing as a Haunted House. However, for the sake of traversing longer distances, Finn inhabited the body of a 3-foot-high doll. Unlike the pixies who donned dull green cloaks and Orochi in a subdued red, Finn's presence defied concealment. The dull colors were chosen to blend with the environment, but for Finn, Orochi had yet to find a solution to camouflage his unique doll form.

Despite the attempt to maintain a low profile, Finn's wooden footsteps echoed conspicuously, creating a symphony of sound against the backdrop of the forest. His distinctive doll-like gait and the unmistakable wooden resonance drew curious glances, making it nearly impossible for him to fade into the background.

As the group advanced through the serene yet perilous landscape, the creatures of the forest, sensing the queen's presence, stood silent and motionless. The queen's aura commanded respect, turning potential adversaries into passive observers of this extraordinary journey.

After a considerable journey through the Serpent Forest, the outskirts of the wooded expanse finally came into view. While the pixies, having entered the forest only a few days prior, found the sight somewhat familiar, it held profound significance for Orochi. A century had passed since she last stepped beyond the forest's boundary, making this moment especially poignant. Though her eyes widened with excitement, Orochi managed to suppress her emotions, upholding the regal demeanor befitting a queen.

Simultaneously, Finn, shared in Orochi's exhilaration at glimpsing the outside world. Unlike Orochi, Finn yearned to express his joy openly, but the constraints of his wooden anatomy restrained him from emoting freely.

As each step brought them closer to the forest's edge, Orochi's heartbeat quickened, a palpable manifestation of her heightened anticipation. Upon stepping beyond the tree line, the group paused, savoring the significance of this rare moment. Orochi and Finn, in unison, absorbed the vast plain stretching before them, adorned with small grasses and a delicate layer of snow. The pixies, attuned to the emotions of their companions, shared in the appreciation of this newfound freedom.

"Isn't freedom simply awe-inspiring?" Moonlight remarked, a radiant smile lighting up her face as she surveyed the expansive field ahead.

In agreement, Finn leaped in a burst of enthusiasm, while Orochi, caught in the infectious spirit of the moment, echoed, "Yes." However, her composed facade swiftly reasserted itself as she observed the world beyond the Serpent Forest.

Moonlight, perceptive to the profoundness of the occasion, commented with empathy, "I can understand. Seeing the outside world after such a long time."

Butterbell, with a hint of caution, interjected, "Hope we don't encounter any hunters along the way."

"It's best for them to keep their distance; after all, we do have the Queen of the Serpent Forest among us," Creambell remarked, a confident smirk playing on her lips.

"Can we go ahead?" chimed in Orochi.

"Absolutely," Butterbell replied nervously, producing a compass from his pocket. Checking the needle's direction, he led the group toward the north. Creambell, seizing the opportunity to contribute, suggested, "I propose we acquire a map rather than blindly heading north of the Serpent Forest."

Moonlight readily agreed, saying, "Agreed."

Orochi, contemplating the practicalities, added, "We could reach Ixar more swiftly with the aid of horses."

"Let's make our way to the first establishment we come across," Butterbell suggested, aligning their collective decision with practicality and efficiency.

Having traversed the meadow, the group stumbled upon a paved road, deciding to follow it northward. Within minutes, a horse cart approached from behind, and they flagged it down. The driver, presented with two captivating women, readily agreed to offer them a lift.

As the cart rattled along, Creambell seized the opportunity to inquire, "Do you know where we can find a map?"

The driver, a helpful soul, responded, "There's an inn a few miles ahead. You should find a map there."

"Fantastic!" Butterbell exclaimed.

Curiosity emanated from the driver as he asked, "Mind if I ask where you're headed?"

"Ixar," replied Creambell.

The driver, shaking his head, remarked, "That's a considerable distance. You'll need some form of transport or at least horses. Even then, it will take a few days."

Orochi, seeking the most efficient route, questioned, "What's the fastest way to reach there?"

The driver explained, "Normally, a zeppelin would be the fastest, but they only connect three places: the City of Craftsmanship, the capital city, and the trade city. Currently, the closest of these to us is the City of Craftsmanship, Ixar. The swiftest mode of transport there would be Golem Carts. You can find them easily where we're heading. But..." He paused, a moment of hesitation lingering.

Impatient, Butterbell pressed, "But what?"

The driver continued, "The shortest route to Ixar passes through Shap, the cursed town."

"But wasn't the town destroyed 20 years ago?" Creambell inquired.

"Indeed, it's in ruins. However, it became a haven for bandits a few years after its destruction. They target any vehicle lacking the royal family seal of the Central Island," the driver explained.

"That's a problem," Butterbell mused.

"Indeed. What makes the bandits more menacing is that their leader is rumored to be a Threat Level C. There are only a handful in the Central Island who can go toe-to-toe with him," the driver warned.

"Threat Level C, you say?" Butterbell replied, his tone growing serious.

The tension lifted unexpectedly as Butterbell burst into laughter. Perplexed, the driver asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing. Thanks for the critical information," Butterbell managed to say amidst his laughter, and the rest of the group in the cart relaxed, realizing the gravity of the situation.

After some time, the group arrived at the entrance marked by a prominent signboard reading, "Welcome to Beer Town." Finn, despite his inability to speak or emote, couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise and amusement at the unconventional name. The others, however, seemed unfazed, as if encountering such names was a common occurrence for them.

The cart driver kindly dropped them off in front of an inn, and with expressions of gratitude, the group bid him farewell. As he drove away to attend to his own business in the small town, the party entered the spacious inn. The establishment was bustling with activity, and only a few waitresses were tending to the customers. Even the bartender behind the counter was a woman.

Choosing a table near one of the walls, the group settled in, finding relative isolation from other patrons. A waitress approached with a warm smile, notepad and pen in hand. "What would you like to order?" she inquired.

Orochi took the lead, stating, "Bring some meat and the best beer you have."

The waitress noted down the order, then turned her attention to Creambell, sitting nearby. "And?" she prompted.

"The same for all of us," Creambell replied. "Four meats and beers."

"Four meats and beer," the waitress repeated as she jotted down the order. After finishing, she asked, "Anything else?"

Creambell initially replied in the negative, but Butterbell intervened, saying, "Actually, yes." The waitress looked at him curiously as he continued, "We need a map to Ixar and Sepalton, and a Golem ride to get there."

The waitress's smile vanished instantly, and in a subdued tone, she responded, "I will send someone who can take that order."

Retreating to the kitchen, the waitress left the group in suspense. After she disappeared from view, Butterbell turned to the others, remarking, "Wow! I didn't expect that to go so well."

Moonlight, ever optimistic, commented, "Seems like a very helpful place."

Finn, however, observed Moonlight's unwavering smile and thought to himself, "How gullible can you be, Moonlight? The way she stopped smiling, I'm sensing something bad is about to happen. Fortunately, we have a supreme beast at our side." Finn cast a watchful gaze over the surroundings, anticipating potential challenges.

Unintentionally, Butterbell's loud request for a map and Golem ride had reached the ears of others in the inn, spreading rapidly through the establishment like wildfire. As the group waited for their order, Creambell observed the peculiar atmosphere, remarking, "Strange, don't you think?" He gestured subtly, catching Butterbell's attention.

"What's strange?" asked Butterbell.

"No one is eating. All of them are just having beer from their mugs," Creambell pointed out.

Upon closer inspection, Butterbell agreed, saying, "Now that you mention it. It is strange."

"Maybe it's just a coincidence," Moonlight suggested optimistically.

Amidst their conversation, a tall, muscular man with basic clothing and an eyepatch on his left eye rose from his seat beside the other wall. Carrying a sheathed sword at his waist, he dragged his chair across the floor with a grating sound, drawing the attention of everyone in the inn. Placing his chair confidently at the head of the group's table, he sat down with a big grin, declaring, "It's hard to find a Pixie in these parts, but what a day I have today. I didn't find just one pixie, but two."

Creambell, sensing potential trouble, spoke up with a serious tone, "We're just travelers. We don't want any trouble."

The man, maintaining his calm demeanor, responded, "And I don't want any trouble either. I heard you need a map to Sepalton."

Creambell hesitated but eventually admitted, "Yes."

The man offered, "Well, I don't have a map. But, I came back from there just today. So, if you want, I can take you there."

Suspicion lingered in the air as Creambell asked cautiously, "And how much money do you want?"

"None," the man replied, maintaining his grin.

The unexpected answer heightened the tension. Creambell, wary, tightened his grip on his staff and seriously questioned, "Why?"

"Because killing a few more pests is a service to humanity, and I charge nothing for that," the man stated.

Without hesitation, Creambell unleashed a fireball at the man in close range. Swiftly, the man leaped backward, avoiding the attack. Butterbell joined the fray, brandishing his sword as both pixie bodyguards positioned themselves protectively in front of the table. The entire inn watched the unfolding confrontation, except for Orochi, who remained calmly seated, uninterested in the brewing conflict.

The man slowly unsheathed his large sword, its blade bearing stains of dried blood, heightening the anticipation of imminent action.