
Reincarnated as a Girl?

Man reincarnated as an girl. Medieval world+ arranged marriage, time to run. I'm writing this story on my phone now as I'm on vacation. But once I get back home I'll fixe any issues and make it all sound better. But for now this story is just a idea that I thought of writing down quickly and trying to make it into an interesting story.

Hanine_5618 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 8

In darkness a million people, men, women, children and the elderly all stumbled around blindly without as if searching for something. Many of their voices cried out for help while others eyes looked dead and hopeless as they sat still staring into the nothingness.

Then high above a small light was lit revealing the miserable state of the people below. Many had missing limbs, some looked starved others lay already dead or dying from all manner of illnesses.

Seeing the light above all of them raised their hand towards it and cried out in unison. " Help us. Save us. Please. "

Then in the center of the small light Lili awoke to their pitiful and desperate voices. Reaching out her hand she sent forth her healing light towards the people below. But despite her best efforts the light just wouldn't reach them, it couldn't as it wasn't strong enough.

Seeing the desperate faces of the people down below and the dying and dead children her heart shattered, tiers started to fall from her eyes as she yelled out to them.

" Please everyone hold on! Just a little bit longer. I swear to you, I will get stronger and once I succeed I will for sure come and save you all! I promise. "

Then the world went dark and she awoke from a simple looking wooden king-sized bed. Looking around she realised that she still wore the same clothes as before and was in the room where she had treated Martha.

Searching her head for clues, all she could remember was exiting this very room and then nothing. Not seeing any one around she pushed herself off the bed and started to make her way through the kitchen and downstairs.

Entering the stair case she could hear sounds of people talking below. Laying down she crawled to the edge of the first step and listened.

A unfamiliar man's voice could be heard saying.

" If you see anything out of the ordinary like some hooded figures lurking around be sure to come and reported to us. And sorry for the inconvenience we didn't mean to disturb a man and his young brides alone time. "

Then came the sound of multiple heavy footsteps moving towards the outside door as Mark said.

" Haha, Yes of course and don't worry we don't mind at all. We'll be sure to keep an lookout for anything suspicious and reported immediately. Have a good day sirs. "

Then as the door closed Lili heard Martha speak up in hushed tone of voice. " Damn those guys. They have no manners. Clearly the sign said closed and yet they still knocked on the door. Well at least we are safe for now but what should we now do. We can't keep the young miss hidden inside here forever. That would just be like moving from one prison to an other. "

Then Lili could hear Mark start to talk. " Hmm, well I think I have to get Miss Lili out of town safely and possibly even all the way to the capital. There there's a lot more people around so it will probably be easier to blend in for her. To do this well just need to contact that young man who helped you carry those sacks of food all the way from the market to here the other day. Though he was quite a quiet fellow I still could feel that he had an good hear and not only that he did say his from the capital and is travelling by horse. "

In response to her man's words Martha then said. " Oh you mean that tall and muscular young handsome man. I think he said his name was Alexander and he also did mention that he had an fiancé so there should be any danger to Lili with him. Hmm, well yes let's do that then. "

Then Mark spoke up happily saying. " Hahaha, yes let's do it then. I think the man said that he would be staying at one of the nearby ins just around the corner. Ok, see you soon my young and beautiful love."

Then came the sound of Martha giggling and the door closing.

Curious at what was going on Lili then made her way down stairs and started to question Martha on the matter.

Apparently all the cities guards were on alert looking for an small suspensius looking hooded figure. None of the regular guards knew what exactly or who they were looking for as the description of the matter was extremely wage.

Lili figured that most likely her father was simply trying to keep the matter of her escaping a secret from everyone. Probably bechaus of honour or something like that. Having one of your children abandoned you for bad parenting practices probably wouldn't look good on his record, she thought.

Also Martha kept on talking about how grateful she was to Lili for what she had done. Apparently Mark hadn't been as eager as he was now to sleep with Martha for a very long time.

The couple had apparently been plowing each other for hours until the guards came knocking and they noticed her sleeping on the floor.

As they talked with one another Martha remembered something and then pulled out a big pair of round eye glasses.

She explained that the eyeglasses were made with an special mineral that would change the colour of her eyes to anyone looking directly at her through the lenses. But otherwise the glasses had no affect on eyesight it was mainly used by some as an way of disguising their selves.

Though Lili didn't like the nerdy look of the glasses she didn't see any other options if she truly wished to not be caught. And so she put the glasses on.

From the outside with the glasses on her eyes appeared to be an extremely light blue almost gray in colour to Martha.

Satisfied with the results Martha then proceeded to start packing all sorts of things into a small bag that she apparently intended to give Lili.

Surprised by Martha's actions Lili said. " Martha you really don't need to do all of this. This is way too much. "

Shaking her head in denial Martha said. " No this is the least that I can do to help you. You've already done so much for us that I'll never be able to repay your kindness back to you. So please just accept it. I would give you more but I fear giving such a young girl too much money and valuables while on the road could lead you to even greater dangers. "

Handing the bag over to Lili she said. " Just take it miss Lili. It's not much so just take it. There's some food inside that should last you a few days and hygienic products to keep you clean and a small sleeping bag. "

Taking the bag in hand Lili was surprised at how heavy it was. It's weight was probably one fifth of her own total weight. But since she was going to be travelling by horse according to Martha then it shouldn't really matter.

Looking away from the bag back up towards Lili she noticed an worried look on Martha's face and asked. " What's wrong Martha? "

Martha then crouched down next to her and said. " Be careful Lili. While I do believe that young man Alexander is a good man, his still a man. So whenever you're bathing or sleeping make sure to keep some distance to him, ok. Your still young but you have to understand that men have an hard time controlling themselves around pretty girls. So remember to always be modest and hide your flawless skin from men's eyes. "

Lili gulped nervously hearing this as naughty thoughts flashed through her head after which she said.

" So who is this Alexander? Does he have an family name? "

Thinking of for a moment Martha said.

" No I don't think he does. But his the best we have now. All my son's and daughters have already left for the country side to try their luck with this new agricultural boom that's going around. Instead of staying in town and running small businesses like this shop. People are now more interested in claiming their own plots of land out there and becoming rich through farming. So Alexander is the best we could think of now. But don't worry he seemed like a good young man. "

Then after a shotrt while of talking just as the sun had started to set Mark returned. Behind Mark Lili noticed a tall probably over 180 centimetres tall young man with black hair that came down to his eyes. He also had an sharp jawline and chin, sharp looking light blue eyes, a overall well-defined young looking facial structure. If she had to guess he was probably somewhere around 16 to 18 years of age.

But although his face looked young the cold unreadable look he had on his face made him look much more mature. Also he had broad large shoulders and an thick muscular looking neck. Overall Lili could see that this man was extremely well built and strong, much stronger looking than either of her brother's were.

While Lili observed the new comer Mark started to introduce everyone to each other. First he started off with his wife Martha.

" Alexander this here is my lovely wife Martha. I believe you already met each other before. "

Looking at Alexander Lili could see his eyes widening slightly as they landed on Martha. The reaction wasn't all that noticeable but it was still there. Then Alexander said in a bit of an confused tone of voice.

" Hmm? What do you mean? Isn't Martha supposed to be the same age as you? Or are my eyes deceiving me? "

Smiling at these words Mark said.

" No your eyes are not decieving you. This truly is the same Martha you met the other day. Although now she looks a lot younger than she did then and it's all thanks to this girl over here. "

Seeing Alexander's gaze now turn to her she flinched a little. Looking into his cool eyes her heart rate increased, her cheeks reddened as she then unconditionally turned her gaze towards the floor and said. " H-hello, nice to meet yo-you. "

Lili feeling embarrassed for some unknown reason to her managed to search her memory for an appropriate fake name to give the man. " My, my name is Iris. "

Stumbling over her own words Lili felt unbearable embarrassment and covered her face with her hands and thought to herself.

" What the fuck? Why am I blushing like an little girl? Sure the guy is a total Chad but come on. There no way that I'm into guys or something right. I'm a man at heart at least. But it has to be this bodies natural reaction, ooh shit I have to fight this feeling. There no way I'm into guys, no fucking way, no I only like beautiful mature women with big breasts and round asses. But wait, why then, why didn't I feel anything towards Martha when I saw her naked? She's so beautiful now with her flawless skin and assets. She for sure is much hotter than my girlfriend in my previous life ever was. Oh what the fuck is going on here! "

As Lili was fighting her own internal battles, Mark looked at her with a bit of confusion while Alexander held his cool cold unreadable expression.

On the other hand Martha simply giggled slightly at Lilis reaction as if she understood what was going on inside Lilis head. Then as if nothing strange had happened she spoke up.

" Indeed shes truly an amazing one of a kind little girl with special abilities. But she's not safe here. That's why we called for you Alexander. What ever your price we are willing to pay it to you if you could just escort her safely to the capital. But most importantly you need to escort her out of the Dukedom as fast as possible which should be easily done with that strong black steed of yours. "

Thinking on this for a moment Alexander then spoke up saying.

" Fine but first I require more proof. I want to see this ability for myself also. And secondly there will be no need to pay for I'm not short on money and carrying her around shouldn't be too much of an trouble especially if she's as special as you say. And thirdly I'm not going to the capital anytime soon. I have some business I need to see done in Middleshire first. "

Nodding in understanding Martha turned to the blushing Lili and said.

" Iris, how does that sound to you? Would you be willing to show off your powers to Alexander by healing Mark? "

Hearing this Lili now Iris turned her gaze on Alexander and with an pouting expression walked right In front of him. Looking up and down she started sizing him up.

Looking at his black cloak she could see plated boots clearly sticking out from underneath the cloak and where his hands were there were clearly plate gauntlets and on his back was a massive sword wrapped in bandages. To her there was something fishy about this man, he seemed dangerous.

With this in mind she looked him straight into his eyes that were looking down at him. She hesitated blushed again and stammered out some words. " Yo-you, you are suspicious! How, how do I know that I can trust you! "

The room went silent and then Alexander spoke out in a cool tone of voice and said simply. " Bechaus I'm not into little girls. "

Mouth's agape Martha and Mark remained silent. Iris stunned by the answer fell one step back as her face turned red with rage. She didn't know why but the man's words felt insulting to her.

She gritted her teeth in anger. On the side Martha bursted out laughing finding the situation funny, Mark remained silent not knowing what to think while Alexander just turned his head away from Iris.

Seeing the arrogant guys face turn away Iris trough gritted teeth said one word. " Why? "

One of Alexander's eyebrows rose as his gaze turned back to Iris and he said simply four words. " I like big boobs. "

At his words Iris felt her anger reside, she took two steps back from him. With hands on her own chest she said. " But I have bi.. "

But before she could finish her sentence Martha dashed behind her and with one hand blocked Iris mouth from speaking and then said.

" Yes, yes Lili you have a big heart of gold. We know, we know. Now what do you say if we just get on with this. I think this is enough for introductions for now, hehe. "

Looking at Irisis strange glasses and then back towards Martha Alexander said. " Agreed. "