
Reincarnated as a Girl?

Man reincarnated as an girl. Medieval world+ arranged marriage, time to run. I'm writing this story on my phone now as I'm on vacation. But once I get back home I'll fixe any issues and make it all sound better. But for now this story is just a idea that I thought of writing down quickly and trying to make it into an interesting story.

Hanine_5618 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 7

Passing through the gatehouse and onto the winding cobblestone road leading down the hill into town. As the wagon got closer to town the hustle and bustle of the town came ever clearer to Lilis ear's who hid in the wagon under empty sacks.

Though she had heard the sounds of the city before from atop the castle walls. But this time as she was so close the noises were much louder and clearer than ever before. She could even make out sentences from amongst all the noise.

For the first time she was hearing the conversations and voices of normal everyday people who lived outside the castle. What sort of lives might these people live here? What kind of stories and perspectives on the world might they have.

From the front of the wagon she then heard some young men yell to the driver of the wagon.

" Hey Henry, did you see her? Please tell us that you finally saw that Lili girl? Is she as beautiful and smart as the rumours say? "

Laughing in response the wagon driver spoke up saying. " Nah, no way. Just like always the young miss is off somewhere else when we come about. Clearly they do not wish for anyone to catch even a glimpse of her for whatever reason. "

In a disappointed tone of voice the other person then said. " What a shame. But be sure to come tell us once you do see her. And have an safe journey backwards. By the look of those clouds in the distance it's going to start raining soon. "

Answering the man the driver said. " Will do, will. "

Hearing the conversation ending Lili felt it was finally safe enough to hop off the wagon and start her own journey. Once her family realised that she was gone the 3 wagons that had just some time ago left the castle were for sure to be searched and the drivers questioned. Before that happened she needed to leave the wagon behind.

Pushing the empty sacks off of her she pushed herself up and carefully peaked out the back of the wagon.

Looking around she could see bustling streets filled with people, many clay buildings, cobblestone roads and the castle overlooking the city from the hill.

The city of Westfall was large with an estimated population of 120 thousand. Most of it's inhabitants lived on the south side that was overlooked by the castle in the north and surrounded by walls with three different gates leading in and out of the city. The rest of the citizens lived further outside the walls of the city next to the many fields and pastures that covered most of the surrounding lands.

Covering her head with her hood, Lili stood up in the wagon. Uncaring of the towns people walking around the streets she jumped off the wagon drawing the attention of many passerby's. Then turning to her right she quickly dashed towards the nearest alleyway.

Feeling the wagon wobble and hearing the questioning voices of the people behind himself the driver of the wagon looked behind himself only to see a small black hooded figure disappear into a alleyway.

Running straight through the alley to the street on the other side she stopped to look around. All around she noticed that there were many Caucasian people around. Nowhere was there a black or brown man in sight.

Being in a city with what seemed to be one ethnic group in it Lili felt a bit strange. In her past life cities where filled with all sorts of diverse people from all sorts of cultures. Walking down a singular street you could hear languages from at least 5 different languages being spoken in mere minutes. But here there was no such thing around. Only one ethnic group and culture dominated here. Although she had heard of other ethnicities existing in other parts of the kingdom.

Pondering on this matter her attention was then taken by a wooden store sign that held a carwing of a necklace. In this world school's were not common and education was lacking meaning that most of the population was illiterate. So most shops simply had pictures to represent the craft they did or service they provided.

Looking at the shop in front of her she figured it must have been a jewelry shop and that maybe she could sell her silver necklace there.

Looking out for any passing wagons she looked left and right before then crossing the street.

Walking inside the shop she was immediately noticed by a big burley man that stood In front of the door. Then the man spoke questioningly. " Well well well, what's a little missy like you doing here? Have you come to buy or trade? "

The man probably standing over 180 centimetres looked massive in front of Lili which caused her to get started a bit.

In a bit of a panic Lili wondered how did he immediately know that she was a girl. Hesitating, unsure if she should just run she decided to take a chance and speak up. " I- I came here to, to trade ser. "

With a smile the man then replied saying. " Hahaha, you came here to trade? What your parents run out of money? "

Stopping for a moment his tone then changed as he got closer startling Lili even more and spoke in a hushed whisper. " Or, did you steal something, hmm? "

" I, I, I just... " Lili stammered on her own words unsure of what to say.

" How does he know I stole it? Is he going to report me to the town guards? No I cannot go back there not now, not ever. " She thought to herself.

Then foot steps were heard as an middle aged woman hurried to the man's side and pushed him away saying. " Get out of the way you brute. Can't you see your scaring the poor child. "

The man just replied and acted all innocent as he said. " Ooh come now love. I was only teasing the little missy a little. "

Shaking her head in annoyance the woman then turned to Lili and grabbed the confused girls hand saying. " Come on in little miss. We got warm water, bread with a slice of pork and some cheese for you if you wish to eat. "

Looking at the woman's larger hand grabbing her small hand Lili felt a bit uncertain as she said. " But what about the trade. "

" Ah, don't worry about. Well definitely bye your necklace off of you but before that lets eat. I insist. "

Entering the small shop Lili noticed a counter filled with jewelry stands and boxes. On the rooms sides there were paintings with men and women wearing all sorts of jewellery on them. Also next to the walls were statues that had jewellery adorning their bodies.

The woman led her to the right side of the room where there were stairs that led to the second floor where the old couple apparently lived.

The woman then let go of her hand and sat her down next to heir wooden dining table. Looking around curiously Lili then turned to the woman who was preparing the food and asked.

" What about that man? Isn't he going to eat. "

Turning to look at Lili the woman then said. " Oh don't worry about Jorge and just eat. "

Then she walked to her a wooden plate in hand that held an sandwich. Placing it down in front of Lili she them placed a wooden cup down and poured some hot water for her.

Seeing the sandwich Lili felt bit of drool start to form in her mouth. Even though the sandwich was an invention of hers she hadn't been able to eat it for a long time since it was senn as too cheap of an food to be eaten as nobility.

The sandwich was actually a invention in her original world by a man named John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich. It was only in the late year of 1762 that he did this. And in his honour she had named this new invention the same as in her past.

Exhausted from her training earlier in the day and everything that had happened after words she forgot her manners and immediately dug into her meal as the older woman did the same.

After eating the meal Lili patted her stomach happily. Despite the meal only consisting of an single sandwich it was more than enough for her small body.

Looking over to the woman who had also just finished her meal and was happily smiling at her she said. " So can we trade now? "

With a smile the woman said in response. " Off course let's head downstairs then. But I must say, you little missy have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Your the first person that I see with such an strong and deep colour of blue. It reminds me of sea. "

Unsure of what to say Lili just giggled awkwardly and thanked the woman for her compliment.

The woman just continued to smile as she slowly led Lili back downstairs.

Walking behind the woman Lili noticed that as they headed down the stairs the woman kept pausing for a second too long on each step. The woman seemed to be having trouble with controlling her movements. It didn't seem to bother the woman and it wasn't a huge thing but it was noticeable.

Then as they came downstairs and Lili handed the woman the silver chain necklace. After examining it the woman said.

" It sure is an pure silver necklace but it's just a simple chain so the best I think you can get for it is one and a half silver coins. "

In this world one copper coin was equal to 1 euro worth of money in the modern world, while a silver coin was worth a hundred Euros and a gold coin a thousand Euros. One and a half silver coins was more than a good price for her simple silver necklace Lili thought in bit of shock. With so much money she was not going to have any trouble getting the supplies she needed for her journey and even a few places to stay along the way.

But before she could say anything the woman continued to speak. " But you know, today just for you young miss I'm Willing to offer up two silver coins for this necklace. How's that sound? "

Shocked at the woman's kindness she was left speechless not knowing what to say as she blurted out. " But isn't that way too much? "

Saying this the woman just smiled in response as did the burley man who stood to the side. The woman just handed Lili the two silver coins and patted her on the head saying. " Remember your always welcome to stay here if you'd like, all you have to do is ask. Oh, and while out and about remember to never show all your coins to anyone. Keep them hidden or els you might attract the wrong type of attention. "

Feeling as if she was taking advantage of the old couple Lili then thought of the woman's trouble with walking and then thought of her own powers.

Grabbing a hold of the woman's hand with both of hers she looked her in the eye and said excitedly. " Well since you're willing to help me this much then let me also try to help you mam. I actually noticed before that you have a little bit of trouble walking. Might you be hurt somewhere? "

Taken a back by the girls word's the woman smiled bitterly and said. " Well yes but you don't need to worry about it. It's just something us old people have to deal with as our bodies become older and weaker. It's just a normal part of life."

Shaking her head Lili said. " No I insist Mam. I want to help you so please point out the areas to me that hurt the most. I know of something that might help. "

The woman seemed unsure of this but still pointed to her right lower back and right knee as the points of discomfort.

Telling the woman to sit down on a stool Lili then proceeded to lift up her dress up to her knees earning a little surprised gasp from her.

Then when she touched her knee and started to concentrate she saw something strange. There deep inside her knee almost as if looking through an x-ray machine she saw a her tiny fist sized black spot.

Confused by this she nonetheless focused her light energy towards the spot and slowly in front of her eyes she could see the dark spot fading away. After a minute or so the dark spot was gone and an white colour was left in its stead.

This confused her even more as the area around the white spot was gray in colour. But before pondering too much on this may she removed her hands and asked the woman.

" How do you feel? Please tell me if there any more pain. "

Hearing her words the woman said nothing as she remained silent with an look of 🫢 on her face. Then as she started to move her leg forward and backward her eyes widened in shock as she said excitedly.

" Oh, my god! There is no pain! "

Hearing this the man crouched down next to her and grabbed a hold of her knee carefully as if not believing what he was seeing. Squeezing it lightly he turned to her and asked.

" Really, the pain is truly gone? "

With tears starting to form in her eyes the woman hugged the man and said.

" Yes Mark the pain is all gone. Actually I think it's even better than it was before. It's almost as if I'm an active young woman in my twenties again. "

Lili watched this all in amazement finding it hard to even believe the situation herself. Sure she felt a bit tired after doing what she did but could she actually heal people just like that.

Still a bit startled by everything that was going on she watched the woman grab a hold of her amhand as she started to cry and thank her as the man watched from the side and did the same.

Curious to find the true extent of her powers she stopped both of their actions by saying.

" Don't thank me just yet for I have never done this before and I don't know if the healing effect will even last. And besides I'm not done yet. "

Silenced by her words the two of them listened to her attentively and did as she said. Moving back upstairs Lili decided to not only examine the woman's bad back but her entire body.

For this the couple decided to close the shop early as the man named Mark wanted to observe Lilis miracles himself as well.

Back upstairs Lili spoke to the woman saying. " Ok, mmm. " She started to think remembering that she never asked her for her name.

Before she could ask the woman spoke herself saying. " Ooh, I'm sorry I never introduced myself miss. I'm Martha Jewel's and the man over there is my husband Mark Jewels. I was way too captivated by your beautiful deep blue eyes to realise my mistake. It's just bechaus of my profession that I that I seem to put too much notice these things. "

Raising her eyebrow Lili then asked her. " Don't you want to know my name? "

Shaking her head Martha said. " No, it's not that I'm not curious enough to ask but to me it seems like your not too keen on giving it away as your clearly trying to run away from something. Coming in here dressed like that and selling your family jewellery without your parents around. But don't worry you don't need to tell us anything well not tell anyone that you were here. "

Already having received food, a fair deal on her trade and overall a warm welcome Lili felt that it would not be right to lie to these people. Taking a deep breath she calmed her mind and then spoke up saying.

" I trust you and feel that you deserve to know my name. I'm Lili Westfield, the daughter of Duke Frank Westfield. And I just some time ago sneaked out of the castle. If anyone comes asking for me feel free to tell them everything. I don't wish for you to get into any trouble for helping me out. "

Looking at the couple Lili felt a bit confused. What she expected to see was shocked expressions on their faces but all she saw were faces of understanding. That seemed to be looking at her with pity.

Putting his big hand on her small head Mark patted her and said. " We know kid. You really didn't need to say anything to us. That's why we keep calling you miss. You might not know this but in all of the Westfield there is only one family which has the same deep blue eyes as you and that's of course your family miss Lili. "

Shocked by these revelations Lili looked the woman who then kneeled in front of her and grasped her small hand saying.

" Miss Lili for all you've done for this city and kingdom we owe you our deepest gratitude and loyalty. What ever it is you wish of us we will do to the best of our abilities. But if you truly wish to run away from your family then you need to go to the capital. Here in Westfield you will be recognised immediately for your appearance. "

Nodding in understanding Lili said. " Thank you. But if your willing to help me out so much then I must return the favour. I insist. "

Then after a bit of back and forth over talk about if the couple really deserved Lilis blessings as they called it. Lili finally managed to get them to calm down and accept her healing help.

Laying on a king-size bed in the bedroom on her stomach naked Martha felt a bit embarrassed as Lilis sat on top of her and examined her body. But since Lili was still a small girl and the only other person around was her husband she had accepted this situation.

Looking at her body Lili quickly realised that this woman was old and in a bad condition. Her boobs were saggy her posture bad, skin wrinkly, muscles weak and she had a bit of loose skin most likely from giving birth many times In her youth. Now the woman was approaching the age of 50 and had become sterile.

First Lili started her operation from the head. There at the roots of her hair she could see many small black and red spots all around.

Looking at the red spots she saw that they were all spots that held dead gray hair in them while the black spots were just normal gray hairs.

Curious as of what this all exactly meant she focused on them and started to pour her power there.

First she noticed the red spots turn black and in the black spots short new gray hair appeared.

Pouring in more of her energy she held a steady flow of it onto her head for a while. Then the black spots one after the other started to turn white and something amazing happened.

The gray old hair became more livelier, it looked stronger and then it slowly started to turn blonde.

In shock Mark bent down closer to see it clearly and exclaimed in other disbelief. " Martha your hair. Your hair is blonde again. ! "

Grabbing a hold of some of it Martha looked at it closer and started to laugh happily like a little girl and send praises Lilis way.

While Lili felt happy about this and grateful for recieving such powers she still tried to calm the two down and concentrate.

After seeing all the black spots disappear she noticed that some of the white spots had started to turn brighter.

To her it looked like the more energy she poured into one spot the healthier in appearance it would get as well as the colour of it turning brighter and brighter in her eyes.

But not wanting to use up all her energy on this she moved her hands down wards onto her ears. Doing so she noticed some not black but darkness inside the ear and even further beyond where it was hard for even her magic healing vision to see.

Not knowing what it was exactly she nonetheless did the same here and after pouring her energy inside the ears and brain turned into a nice white colour.

Taking her hands off of her ears she asked. " Do you feel any different. "

In an amazed voice yet again Martha said. " Ooh, I can hear much clearer now. Before I was actually having a bit of trouble hearing you miss Lili but now your beautiful voice is sounds so clean and clear, and the popping in my ear is also gone. "

Not hearing any comments on the state of her head, she wondered what did she just fix inside her head.

But not wanting to ponder on this two long she moved onwards.

Next were Martha's eyes that had gotten weaker by age. But after a few minutes of Lilis healing her eyes became brighter and her weak vision turned perfect.

But not only this Lili started to notice that Martha's skin was slowly turning brighter and younger.

Slowly for the next half an hour or so she moved through her body. Nose, mouth, spine, shoulders and so one she slowly moved downwards healing everything only stopping a few times to take a quick few minute break as the exhaustion of healing was growing.

Lili felt like she had just done an half hour of body weight training.

Wiping the sweat of her own face Lili then moved to Martha's wrinkly butt and downwards.

Once done Martha's back side looked like that of an 20 year-old, smooth and sexy. Impressed by her work she then noticed the not so healthy front side sticking out.

To her the picture of Martha was strange. From the back you could mistake her for an blonde 29 year-old while on the front side she pretty much looked like and 50 year old. The healing had somewhat affected the front side but it still looked pretty bad.

Ordering Martha to then turn around, she then did so although her face was red like an apple.

Uncaring of this started to do the same thing on Martha's front side. First she worked on the face some more and then the neck.

After a little bit of healing the face then started to look quite stunning with her light blue eyes, pale white skin and blonde hair.

Lili nodded at this scene in satisfaction, feeling good about her own work. On the side of the bed she could see Mark blushing a little as he seemed to be extremely fixated on Martha's face now.

Moving down wards yet again examined her internal organs and muscles with her vision and slowly fixed then all. But to Mark his snapping point came when she reached Martha's saggy breasts and turned them into big young and firm breasts.

Seeing this Mark tried to cup a feel but was pushed away by Lili and sent out of the room.

Moving downwards below Martha's belly button to where the uterus was Lili then stopped.

Looking at it closely she saw a lot of small red spots there but a few black ones also. Pouring her magic Into it she could see the red spots fade away completely and not turn white. But the black spots she could see had started to turn white as had the uterus.

Though she didn't know it for sure she suspected that after this Martha might be able to get pregnant again and have more kids.

The stretch mark's from giving birth multiple times had also disappeared so she could pretty much now have an fresh start.

The once everything was done and even Martha's pussy slit seemed nice and tight again Lili stepped off the bed and called Mark in.

Coming into the room Marks face immediately turned red and his dick started to bulge as he saw his wife Martha who now looked like she was back in her 20s laying there on her side looking at him with smile.

Standing to the side Lili then broke to then the good news. " Mark and Martha while I am not a hundred percent sure of it. I suspect that Martha is fertile again and ready to have children if you so desire. "

Then without a word the couple looked at each other in excitement. Unnable to control himself any longer not having the taste of an 20 year old for so long Mark immediately pounced on Martha and went to work.

Realising what was about to happen Lili existed the room and closed the door. Feeling exhausted she tried to sit down but immediately collapsed on the floor and fell unconscious.